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t3h d3vastator vs Dark Deceptions and ~ Lord Vengence ~

Posted: Mon Sep 14, 2009 12:24 pm
by Clarkey
News just in...... someone else is doing a better job than Darkalbino_ is. :shock:

I have been informed by a respectable source that an "operative" was sent in to Perg and joined Dark Deception.
This "operative" once inside Dark Deception, sparked outrage with MALESTROM by breaking their NAP.
MALESTROM have declared all our war on Dark Deceptions.

MAELSTROM - Daka - 1 - 245,990,162,775,600 - 25

Dark Deception - ~ The_Wraith ~ - 4 - 190,520,397,079,885 - 70

EDIT: MALESTROM already dropped by one.

MAELSTROM - Daka - 1 - 245,451,443,867,851 - 24

Re: Darkalbino_ declares war on perg

Posted: Mon Sep 14, 2009 12:26 pm
by ~Vix~
only one thing to say...


they always make things more interesting :)

Re: Darkalbino_ declares war on perg

Posted: Mon Sep 14, 2009 12:30 pm
by ~Coyle~
Lol good times :D

Re: Darkalbino_ declares war on perg

Posted: Mon Sep 14, 2009 12:32 pm
by Clarkey
Dark Deception - ~ The_Wraith ~ - 5 - 183,579,173,216,305 - 69

DD dropped by one too.... but it wasn't the "operative". :-$

Re: Darkalbino_ declares war on perg

Posted: Mon Sep 14, 2009 1:36 pm
by StormWolf
And, it seems we FUBAR'd MSN in the process...

Go us!!

Re: Darkalbino_ declares war on perg

Posted: Mon Sep 14, 2009 4:41 pm
by Famine
GO MAELSTROM !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Re: Darkalbino_ declares war on perg

Posted: Tue Sep 15, 2009 7:06 am
by Teus
DD is down to 61...... aaannnndd half their members don't seem to realise their under attack yet. I have faith they'll catch on soon.... then leave.

Re: Darkalbino_ declares war on perg

Posted: Wed Sep 16, 2009 1:43 am
by Teus
Famine wrote:It would clear a lot up about who the spy was if someone from maelstrom posted who made the first move on the other side..;)

I'd guess it would be Jimbo25 id=34129, but I can't be sure. DD themselves voted to boot him for starting [fiddle faddle].

Dark Deception down to 52 members, 20 of whom have left perg for main.
Maelstrom up by 2 members, defectors from DD.

Re: Darkalbino_ declares war on perg

Posted: Wed Sep 16, 2009 7:28 am
by t3h d3vastator
lol i single handedly ignited a war in perg and partially brought down the once no.1 alliance Dark Deceptions.

Lets get a few things straight... i was not a spy. I did not go in to perg for this purpose as I was already in perg. I did not join Dark Deceptions to spy on them aor anything because if I were then igniting a war would have been the wrong way of spying on them. I did not do this under anyone's request, i did it off my own back because perg is absolutely boring at the moment and the fact that maelstrom and Dark Deceptions, i.e. the 2 biggest alliances in Perg had a NAP was rediculous.

So this is the story of my epic feat. :D

I requested acceptance in to Dark Deceptions, or was I invited... hmmm can't quite remember, it was a few weeks ago now. I sat in that alliance for a while not doing too much, just farming a little and raiding more.

At the time I joined Dark Deceptions they had 70 members. My personal opinions on this was that it was a joke, no alliance can be run properly with 70+ members, there is no way they can be controlled. As it turned out, I was right in my opinions.

I found that maelstrom and Dark Deceptions had a NAP which disallowed massing, planet taking, and any one off hits for under 30b naq. There was a limit on how often you could farm each other.

I felt it was time to test how strong the relations between maesltrom and Dark Deceptions was.

This was tested by 1 simple action, and the end result as you can see now is because of that 1 single action.

I took a planet from a maelstrom member.

This ignited a war. maelstrom showed a united front against Dark Deceptions, and for that I applaud maelstrom. =D>

During and after this massing, which was I must say a one sided massing except for my involvement in hitting maelstrom, Dark Deceptions did nothing, a few posted on their forums making multiple threads asking what the hell is going on. They couldn't even take the time to read their forums to see if anyone had posted, so there were multiple threads, and it was a mess.

Dark Deception leadership appeared nowhere, and then when they turned up, they said that maelstrom had put the blame on 4 people for starting the conflict. Dark Deception bent over and took it.... and kicked those 4 members which showed complete lack of respect for their own alliance as they took maelstrom's word immediately and kicked those people without seeking their side of the story.

I must say here, that the other 3 members that were kicked, I don't know who they were, and I worked alone. This shows how much of a joke Dark Deceptions really was.

Some people in Dark Deceptions moved to Normal realm but stayed in DD to avoid maelstrom. Some moved to normal and quit DD, some stayed in perg and quit DD, some quit DD and joined maelstrom.

The number of Dark Deception members has dropped from 70 to 51.... all because of my 1 action. This shows exactly that an alliance of 70 members is a joke and cannot be managed properly when put under such pressure.

Today the oh so great leader of Dark Deceptions ~The_Wraith~ handed over leadership to their 2iC, he then quit Dark Deceptions, and moved to Normal realm. What sort of an alliance leader does such a runner immediately after a war breaks out. It is extremely laughable.

After I was kicked from Dark Deceptions, I turned against DD and declared war on them. I massed and massed their members, admittedly I didn't 0 anyone's defence because it is hard doing that on your own with a 60 AT limit. However, maelstrom showed that a team effort can allow you to mass someone in perg to 0 defence. I applaud maelstrom again for their team work, as that is how it is supposed to be done. After I started massing DD myself, I watched them drop in numbers one by one, and those that contacted me that had left and asked for peace, I returned peace. basically 20 members gone because of my single action.

It was also discovered during my time in Dark Deceptions, that MightyMidget had a NAP with both maelstrom and Dark Deceptions, and was considered an Unofficial Member of Dark Deceptions. Clearly he must be thankful now that he was not Officially a part of a joke of an alliance.

I must say that I am proud of the fact that I single handedly brought Dark Deceptions to it's knees. The sad thing is that it took 1 simple action to destroy them. This my friends, was once a NUMBER 1 ranked alliance in Perg. And it just goes to show that really it meant NOTHING.

Dark Deceptions even after this has failed to make an attempt to punish me. You can try if you want, but it won't take away the fact that I destroyed DD all by myself.

Thank you everyone, and good night.

Re: Darkalbino_ declares war on perg

Posted: Wed Sep 16, 2009 7:48 am
by RBR
this sounds like the good old one from preg beat one will...
hunt down those chickens

Re: Darkalbino_ declares war on perg

Posted: Wed Sep 16, 2009 8:39 am
by Famine
It is quite a feat to accomplish this all by ur self...the single handed destruction of an alliance that has combined power but no loyality or brotherhood amonst its ranks...Indeed u are a mighty warrior,,,,

As For Maelstrom,,,,,,,,,,,I had no doubts at the end result....;)

As for Dark Albino and his crew.....still picking them apart 1 peice at a time


Re: Darkalbino_ declares war on perg

Posted: Wed Sep 16, 2009 7:25 pm
by Teus
th3 d3vastator, cheers, your right, perg had gotten a little dull, but I'm pretty sure you were the third person to take a planet (I'm bad with names so I forget). I can't remember the first guy, but he was Surewar's officer. The next was Surewar, then I'm guessing you were the last. Also the there was never a limit on hitting someone once per day, I read that all over the DD forum, but it was never a condition we agreed on and certainly didn't adhere to. By the time you took a planet we'd had a enough of the bad communication. Interestingly after we massed Surewar for taking a planet, we annoyed lord mezzanine from Forgotten Serenity. This is a message one of our members got when he went into norm :

"Surewar is my mate, and I already told the last guy I massed, he was pushed out of perg on the orders of Famine, and weather or not you know it, your leaders are DDE lapdogs ; ) "

My personal thoughts... meh.

Re: Darkalbino_ declares war on perg

Posted: Wed Sep 16, 2009 10:02 pm
by numbers
GO maelstrom.

lol yer dd forum was funny stuff to read,,,when they didnt no we could see it ;)

Re: Darkalbino_ declares war on perg

Posted: Thu Sep 17, 2009 3:29 am
by t3h d3vastator
lol @ the FAILED ex-Leader of Dark Deceptions.

He is now on his forums threatening members that used to be in his alliance. He claims that he will one day return to perg and hit them so hard they won't know what hit them. He's now changed his name from ~ The_Wraith ~ to ~ Lord Vengence ~ what a joke, not at all scary.

So he tells us that maelstrom requested that the DD Leader leave DD and all attacks would cease.

Would be nice if someone from maelstrom would confirm this so we can see if the ex-DD Leader is being truth full to his FAILED alliance.

So he left and moved to normal, but what stopped him from telling his alliance what he was doing? nothing, he just went and that was it. Then when his old alliance aren't happy he threatens to go back to perg and destroy them lol.

And instead of the ex-DD Leader confronting me on forums, what does he do..... deletes my forum account, lol what a FAIL of a coward.

Dark Deceptions, once number 1, now a pile of poo.

maelstrom for the win!

Re: Darkalbino_ declares war on perg

Posted: Thu Sep 17, 2009 5:08 am
by MikeDarkins
I will ask around for you t3h d3vastator, will edit this post with my response. :)

EDIT: Asked around, to those online, we never ever told Wraith to leave, he left because he is a coward, we suggested to those in DD who were innocent to leave DD unless they wanted to fight, and most of them did leave. And those who did stand and fight have left DD or ran to norm themselves..

Will wait until more are online, give more of a deffinate answer. :)

EDIT x2 : Asked Daka about it, first he has heard about us forcing him out.. And our communication is not that bad, so I am sure that Wraith is making up a lot of sh** to make him seem less like a sissy. :D