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Unfair, unjust, and totally uncool

Posted: Fri Sep 25, 2009 7:27 am
by Ĕɱƿŷ
Well apparently roleplaying has to be about terminators and humans now and I find this completely unfair, unjust, and uncool. Since when does roleplaying have constraints? Well in my opinion if this is stargatewars, or thegatewars then shouldn't roleplaying be about stargate not terminator? Which means that because terminator isn't stargate there should be any sort of roleplaying allowed as long as it goes along with the who idea of war and winning/losing? Websters dictionary describes role playing as "to act out the role of" which is exactly what I did and therefore as guidlined by the galactic colosseum was allowed to do. My complaint is that the whole idea of roleplaying according to the current standards of mods is that it has to be only terminator roleplaying which by the way wasn't thought up by the mods, but by the public which makes me believe that if the public can decide what is allowed to be roleplayed then everyone in the public should be allowed to roleplay as they wish assuming it is not completely off topic. Now do you think that roleplaying non terminator/human style is not allowed?

So there I was, posting in the role-playing thread when without reasoning my post was deleted/dumped, of course this wasn't the second time this happened as I also noticed another post in the suggestions section was dumped. Here is the topic my post was dumped from viewtopic.php?f=68&t=151549

It was placed in the dump here. viewtopic.php?f=135&t=151335&start=435

Now I ask you this. Is the cast of Hannah Montana not humans? And are zombies like robots in the sense that they aren't alive? If yes then you are practically stating that these mods had no right to dump these posts. Roleplaying isn't just about pretending you are some humans and some robot and using weapons to kill each other. It's about best acting out the part of war through which ever imaginative sources needed. Now I see my post as saying the humans were attacked, they fought back with their weapons (music) and the zombies (i.e TTF) lost. Now this is completely and 100% ontopic and not spam as stated through the dumping. I was assuming the role of the FUALL side and role playing against the side of the TTF side. Could you please look into this case as I do not wish for any other avid forum readers to get stuck with this sort of dilema again. Kind regards, turkey_man.

Re: Unfair, unjust, and totally uncool

Posted: Fri Sep 25, 2009 7:33 am
I support this, as not everyone knows what the terminator story is like (I do though :smt047 ).
Although, it would be kinda messed up if we had like 20 different 'stories' out there :?

Re: Unfair, unjust, and totally uncool

Posted: Fri Sep 25, 2009 7:36 am
by Ĕɱƿŷ
Then perhaps a new role playing thread should be added which isn't just terminator, as Cabal said, terminator isn't know by everyone and as such why should they suffer for not knowing the story line?

Re: Unfair, unjust, and totally uncool

Posted: Fri Sep 25, 2009 7:40 am
by Edweirdo

Re: Unfair, unjust, and totally uncool

Posted: Fri Sep 25, 2009 7:50 am
by deni
As I see it, threads in the Galactic Colloseum are about wars/vendettas and are not restricted to roleplaying. Surely, some roleplay is a nice thing to see in a war thread, but it is not the "goal" of the threads in the GC.

If someone wants a purely roleplaying thread, they have the new roleplay section as well as the race forums to do so. Those are the 2 sections dedicated to roleplay. The Galactic Colloseum is not.

As for the specific thread: The HR declared war on Empires. I do not see why forum users who do belong to those empires ingame are restricted to roleplay as Terminators/Robots. I am a Goauld for example. My entire Empire is build on the "Dominate and Enslave" principle. Aren't we allowed to post in that thread only because we are not Repli's /machines? Even if we are one of the Empires that this so called war is declared upon?

Re: Unfair, unjust, and totally uncool

Posted: Fri Sep 25, 2009 7:55 am
by deni
SuperSaiyan wrote:
deni wrote:As I see it, threads in the Galactic Colloseum are about wars/vendettas and are not restricted to roleplaying. Surely, some roleplay is a nice thing to see in a war thread, but it is not the "goal" of the threads in the GC.

The Galactic Colosseum
Warning: Role Playing Zone - Content guidelines are applied less stringently

You are not implying that all thread that do NOT contain 100% roleplay are dumped, aren't you?

Instead of quoting (incomplete) rules, please consider the context they were designed for. The "roleplaying zone" of the Galactic Colloseum refers to the higher tolerance towards insults and is NOT about restricting the whole area to roleplay only.

Re: Unfair, unjust, and totally uncool

Posted: Fri Sep 25, 2009 8:03 am
by Edweirdo
As much as my first post was spam, I totally agree with Turkey...

THe HR "role playing" thread is a war thread against us in FUALL. The GC is not a RP forum. If I post in thread in this section, I should not be harrassed by mods assuming I have something to add...whether I am role playing or not.

I am a part of this war, and have no desire playing their games. It's ridiculous to expect everyone involved to do such a thing if they don't want to. It's cool that some ppl want to, but don't force it.

Re: Unfair, unjust, and totally uncool

Posted: Fri Sep 25, 2009 8:09 am
by zeekomkommer
personaly i think the post should have remained where they were. the topic is a war topic so everything relevant to the war should remain in the topic.

the topic has evolved to a rollplaing topic. now rollplaying is very free. i rollplay a systemlord with a huge god complex, others go rollplaying that they are killingmachines, others that they are a rebellion,... as long as they don't breack forum rules then there isn't a problem acording to me

if turkey feels that he should write about hanna montanah concerts and zombies when reporting about battles in the war then that is his right isn't it ?

Re: Unfair, unjust, and totally uncool

Posted: Fri Sep 25, 2009 8:12 am
by zeekomkommer
o just to ad, ppl shoudn't be forced to rollplay in the GC , serious posts should be made as well. then you are rollplaying as a serious player :-D

Re: Unfair, unjust, and totally uncool

Posted: Fri Sep 25, 2009 8:12 am
by Clarkey
zeekomkommer wrote:if turkey feels that he should write about hanna montanah concerts and zombies when reporting about battles in the war then that is his right isn't it ?

If someone wants to roleplay as Hannah Montana :smt044 then they should be allowed to.


Re: Unfair, unjust, and totally uncool

Posted: Fri Sep 25, 2009 8:24 am
by zeekomkommer
Clarkey wrote:
zeekomkommer wrote:if turkey feels that he should write about hanna montanah concerts and zombies when reporting about battles in the war then that is his right isn't it ?

If someone wants to roleplay as Hannah Montana :smt044 then they should be allowed to.


not to spam or anything, but i like her more as miley

Re: Unfair, unjust, and totally uncool

Posted: Fri Sep 25, 2009 5:21 pm
by Empy
Jack wrote:The post was clear and blatant spam. I do not see how it applies to the thread and was clearly off topic. It appears to be nothing more than random jibberish. :roll:
How so? lol... by that logic all roleplay is "clear and blatant spam" and "random jibberish".

Re: Unfair, unjust, and totally uncool

Posted: Sat Sep 26, 2009 5:01 am
by zeekomkommer
Earendil wrote:Locked until an Ombudsman can deal with this to stop the spamming

no modding in the ombudsman section, only ombudsmen can mod here, thank you

only thing going on here is discussion, now ppl don't go around starting to create a huge fuzz and ask for forum anarchy and rebellion. lets all sit down and talk this trough with sound arguments.

the current debate is: should the post have been moved ?


- it wasn't the same rollplay as the rest off the topic
- it was spam
- the GC is for war posts


- ppl shoudn't be forced to rollplay something they don't wanne rollplay
- the auther didn't even complain about the rollplay
- rollplay is not spam if you read between the lines
- the rollplay was a battle log written very creativly

and purpous i want for this topic is to get the comunity interacting with the mods :)

Re: Unfair, unjust, and totally uncool

Posted: Sat Sep 26, 2009 5:26 am
by zeekomkommer
SuperSaiyan wrote:
zeekomkommer wrote:- the auther didn't even complain about the rollplay

it was moved as a reported post by the author


before we start discussing wheter or not the author has the right to descide what is posted in their topics here

Re: Unfair, unjust, and totally uncool

Posted: Sat Sep 26, 2009 5:39 am
by zeekomkommer
with new information, so all okey, just making a pre-emptive strike so we do'nt get that discussion in this topic :-D