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Posted: Fri Oct 23, 2009 10:31 am
by RoKeT
okay so i'm trying my ass off to not text this girl... everyone keeps saying if she wanted me like she says then she would be in my arms and not just saying that she would be.... that i have to be strong because if i keep texting her it will just draw out the pain in the end.... i want nothing more then to move on but i don't know how... i've been with her for a while lol long enough for my 2 yearold daughter to think that she was the mother.... that brings up another point everyone says lean on your daughter... how when all you hear is Daddy where's mommy? wat do you say to that i keep saying mommy will be home soon.... but i don't know wat else to say she isn't even her real mother...

here is the story....

A year ago my babies mama and I kinda had this thing... we did nothing physichal but i deffinatly cheated emotionally i did not lie to my girlfriend i told her the truth.... so 2 wendsdays ago my girlfriend now ex girlfriend was staying at her moms house to help her mom out for a bit.... and my ex gave me my daughter back from the 2 days she had her and kissed me.... i did not lie to my girlfriend about it... She said she can't do it anymore can't do this competing **Filtered**... i don't want my ex... this is where it gets complicated.... So she was under my Cell phone plan so about friday or saturday i told her i needed the phone back before we went to bed (we kept talking everynight) she said she loved me and could't wait to be back in my arms.... so i get the phone the next day and i see right after she gets off the phone with me she makes a phone call.... now i am usually not the nosey type but needless to say i was.... i called the number and it ended up being some guy actually not just some guy it ended up being this guy who really really likes her.... so needless to say i freaked right out i called her house phone and said HOW THE HELL YOU GONNA TELL ME YOUR TIRED then get off the phone with me and call some other guy.... She said he was jut a friend i believed her.... so

Saturday i get completely wasted like bad drunk hammered... and i guess i call my Ex... to get outside of myself well i kinda had sex with her... Now my girlfriend well new ex is freaking the f out.... yet we work it out... then she kisses some dude the same dude mind you that was supposidly just a friend.... but watever i desereved that.... so now everynight and day she says she just needs time she wants to start our family again but she is scared... part of me believes that but the other part says actions speak louder then words it's benn over a week and still nothing so...

i am trying to just let her go my friends say it will just continue to hurt if i don't just let her go... that true love comes back and if she doesn't f her she isn't worth it.... someone please help me

P.s. i'm sure this is in the wrong place move it if you must....

Re: blah!

Posted: Fri Oct 23, 2009 10:38 am
by ~Snipez~
if she doesn't come back its her loss

Re: blah!

Posted: Fri Oct 23, 2009 10:55 am
by Corran Horne
ToToRo wrote:P.s. i'm sure this is in the wrong place move it if you must....

it's the wrong place if ya're serious... if ya're nosh than this is the perfecsh place...

Re: blah!

Posted: Fri Oct 23, 2009 11:00 am
by RoKeT
no i'm serious lol life pisses me off

Re: blah!

Posted: Fri Oct 23, 2009 11:07 am
by Corran Horne
this that those?? or it will be spammed.

Re: blah!

Posted: Fri Oct 23, 2009 11:16 am
by RoKeT
no i want advce on the whole thing not spam move it then plz

Re: blah!

Posted: Fri Oct 23, 2009 11:20 am
by RoKeT
your a great friend [-X :roll: ](*,)