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I'm going to go blow things up in a virtual environment...

Posted: Fri Oct 23, 2009 7:09 pm
by Eternal Usul
I have yet to decide which one...

But currently, Halo 3, Spore, and WoW are all vying for first position...

The pros and cons of each...

Halo 3:
Cons: I've beaten the game about 13 times, three of which were on legendary...
my family is on the xbox right now and I'd make a few of them angry by turning of their show...
I've blown up everything in the game, every concievable way, three times already...
Pros: It's Halo 3, I like Halo 3, Ooh...teh shiney...

Cons: I might come across that race of half banana-half gorilla people again...I can't handle the nightmares another time...
I've hit space stage six or so times now...
The planet killer is really...really...REALLY...expensive...I'm not sure my race can afford me using it again...
The other races seem to disapprove of me putting Gozira on tribal worlds... :(
Pros: I can put Gozira on a tribal world...
I really...really...enjoy tormenting the Grox(I've destroyed about a fifth of their empire now)
Did I mention I get to blow up planets?

ya know what...screw WoW...and Halo...I'm playin' Spore! 8)