Kill Thee vs Io: The Imperator (Penumbra Alliance)

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Kill Thee vs Io: The Imperator (Penumbra Alliance)

I had a personal war with Io: The Imperator from the Penumbra Alliance.
He said I should surrender or he will make me bow asking for mercy.

This was meant to be a personal war but the Imperator has decided he can't fight his own war. At first he got members of his alliance to attack me even though I never touched them so I massed them. Then he got other people not in his alliance to attack me, probably begged for help and made some story up to get it. He always talked about how he is a leader and all powerful but has instead proved he is a coward and his alliance are weak.

Anyway, I will make the alliances gate war life hell albeit I really dont have any resources ha ha (hasn't stopped me so far :twisted:).

I thought I would let everyone know what kind of weaklings they are, they are scared they can't fight one person on their own. Anyone else know if this is normal? for him to claim a personal war and attack you saying you will surrender and beg before him only for him to stop attacking and other people to attack on his behalf.

Here is a very short attack log of people who have attacked me who are not even in his alliance.

Frozen Flame 0 Naquadah stolen 1 0 4 3 826,217,025,180 details
King Éomer 0 Naquadah stolen 15 0 73 3 384,240,208,529 details
Warviking 0 AC units killed 10 0 0 3 189,978,777,058 details

People from his alliance who attacked me after other none allianced members massed me (I only ever fought people who attacked me, I didn't attack his alliance first)
XenoChrist 0 Naquadah stolen 15 0 0 3 563,194,822,488 details
Epernay 0 Naquadah stolen 1 0 3 3 427,724,811,272 details
Khyra Attack defended 15 0 74 20,643,000,000 1,112,000,000 details

and here is logs of me massing the Imperator.

Nov 22, 2009 Io: The Imperator 5,652,910,359 Naquadah stolen 15 10,000 52,590 306,549,649,104 56,304,000,000 details
Nov 22, 2009 Io: The Imperator 121,943,347 Naquadah stolen 1 640 2,528 343,755,584,254 45,578,809,087 details
Nov 22, 2009 Io: The Imperator 0 Naquadah stolen 1 641 1,628 541,819,494,759 46,275,515,933 details
Nov 22, 2009 Io: The Imperator 0 Naquadah stolen 1 642 1,678 518,593,420,079 45,628,141,536 details
Nov 22, 2009 Io: The Imperator 0 Naquadah stolen 1 643 1,935 503,881,955,821 51,088,309,440 details

Morale of the post, don't ever think you are in a one on one war with the Imperator, he can't fight a war and go through a battle, he can only seek help and cowar behind others. I am going to pimp that imp, this is not the end :twisted:
Last edited by KILL THEE on Wed Dec 02, 2009 6:51 am, edited 2 times in total.
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Re: me vs penumbra empire

I eat your spies

RSE says (11:22 PM)
no no.. you need to see it bigger
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Re: me vs penumbra empire

think he is fighting with himself? ](*,)
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Re: me vs penumbra empire

Yeah KILL THEE.. show them!

I see the name of my favourite farm there in your list of enemies! :o How can it be active?
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Re: me vs penumbra empire

Go Io: Imperator!

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Re: Kill Thee vs Io: The Imperator (Penumbra Alliance)

if its the same IO The Imperator i know then you will have your hands full.

good luck 8)
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Re: Kill Thee vs Io: The Imperator (Penumbra Alliance)

Well its good to see some new folks around here :)
Keep us updated ;)
Have fun!
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Re: Kill Thee vs Io: The Imperator (Penumbra Alliance)

Kill Thee continues to lie and manipulate the truth. I give you my honest account of the events.
First, the event that kicked this off- Kill Thee sent me a message, ignorantly demanding to be made the leader of my alliance or we would pay. He had 10 million less Units than me so I told him that he wasted my time and had best apologize for such insulting words against Penumbran Sovereignty. He responded with some rude messages I never bothered to save or memorize.
As if this was not enough, he began attacking me and so we made a war of it, one I hardly fought in the beginning, and one where he would wait until he knew I was offline, attack me as much as he could, steal a planet, and jump back on PPT like the coward that he claims that I am.
This went on for some time, and I informed a few of my in game friends as this went on, I will not reveal them for confidentiality purposes.
THEN when I was in the hospital, the treacherous, cowardly and foolish Kill Thee changed his name to Lo: The Imperator, an L not an I, but he left it lowercase so one would not be able to tell. Then he contacted my alliance, calling me weak and telling them to leave, renaming his alliance Penumbra Empyre. These are crimes the Empire does not tolerate.
1.) Impersonation of a Penumbran Official.
2.) Attempted Usurpation of Penumbran Office
3.) Attempted Usurpation of Penumbran members.
The Penumbran People do not take being trifled with lightly.
He has an alliance, and tried to take my members, it is my experience that in Gatewars, this is cause for an alliance war. He has had time to recruit members for his alliance, and has not. I have not sent the entire Empire after him. Merely the one alliance he has contacted, and we have not gone all out, we have been kind, merciful, and yet he insults us still.
I informed Kill Thee of the reasons why our two alliances have gone to war. Yet, he has shown no signs of comprehending them. Instead he calls me a coward time and time again. Had he left my alliance out of it, as I intended to, my alliance would not be involved. I told them not to attack him, instead, as he said, he massed them and attempted to create dissension in the ranks, a failed attempt due to Penumbran Loyalty. So, I ask you now, I have offered him peace on many occasions, and I still call for a peaceable surrender from him, and he refuses. Tell me, people of gatewars, where am I in the wrong. I have done no differently than any of you would have in my position. I did what I must to show that my people, the free people of the Penumbran Empire are not to be trifled with and do not stand for such outrages. He continues to insult me with petty child's words, while I attempt to remain above such things. Yes, I have called him treacherous, for he is. I have called him Cowardly, as he demonstrates by always sitting on PPT, and he is indeed foolish, to attempt to usurp the office of Imperator from an alliance with so much more power. It took gall, I'll give him that, but he does not fight honorably. Around the time we started to really get into it, I was descended by some unknown person, Jesus, according to logs, kind of funny, but still ticks me off a bit. I assume it to be a friend of Kill Thee, as Kill Thee told me early on, and I quote, "You shall fall, I shall call out to the darkness and you will beg for mercy" What he meant, I'm not sure, but it sounds like the guy is either insane, on drugs, or called in friends of his own, as I was also massed by some other force at that time, though it was only once. So again, did I act wrongly, people of Gatewars? I still offer him the chance to fight one on one, if he meets MY terms. I am not, by any form of war or gatewars etiquette required to do such a thing. I offer it because a smaller force feels like this war is "unfair" and because I have compassion and honor on the field of battle. Something he clearly lacks. As for the attacks on Kill Thee from outside sources, one was my commander, whom I asked to urge him to discuss peace, not to attack, the other was an old friend who I just told the situation, I never told him to attack Kill Thee. Thank you all for your time, and sorry for the lengthy post, but I take pride in my addressing of the People.

Io: The Imperator
-Imperator of the Penumbran Empire
"Power Through Progress"

P.S. (As for R8, I am not sure I recall any issue with you, so your post confuses me slightly. The only memory I have of you, I believe I sold you some turns, which I will be glad to sell you more as you need them. Thank you.)
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Re: Kill Thee vs Io: The Imperator (Penumbra Alliance)

i say keep a fair 1 on 1 and keep your commander out of it. ive seen both accounts and you should be able to handle him alone.

if its gotta be a group beat down ill join the penumbra empyre. Because honestly if your an alliance/empire leader shouldnt you be able to uphold your groups honor without outsiders and mass groupings?
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Re: Kill Thee vs Io: The Imperator (Penumbra Alliance)

who are you guys

good luck anyway ;)
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Re: Kill Thee vs Io: The Imperator (Penumbra Alliance)

Its nice to see smaller guys go at it here on the GC :P. Always nice to see new faces destroying each other :D.

Btw Io. Next time, please space out your message lol. I gave up after reading 1/5 of it. Hard on the eyes.

Good luck who ever is telling the truth :D. Cause ya never know really.
Io: The Imperator
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Re: Kill Thee vs Io: The Imperator (Penumbra Alliance)

Yeah, sorry about the spacing, as for Muffafuffin.

You already have a problem with me and the Empire, so you are biased. And I would love it to be one on one, but he went to my alliance and attempted to steal my members. Such things constitute an Alliance war.

If he apologizes and sends a formal letter to my members apologizing for his actions and attempted dissension, I would gladly go back to one on one.

As for the outsiders. That was miscommunication. If you truly believe Kill Thee than you should well... think again at the least. Regardless. Just remember, I have offered to go back to one on one and Kill Thee has refused. It is on him to own up and accept it.

I don't even care what happens to him anymore. If he posts a surrender, we will leave him alone for good, even set him to peace if he returns the deal. I am not without mercy and compassion. However, you can lead a horse to water but you cannot make him drink.

My offer is water, and Kill Thee is the horse. It's up to him to accept the gift. Then we'll be done with it.

Well, anyways. This should prove fun. Don't change the channel. We'll be right back with more of whining fool who causes his own problems and impersonates others after these commercial messages.

lol jk. but seriously. That's it for now.
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Re: Kill Thee vs Io: The Imperator (Penumbra Alliance)

Oi, you're funny. :)

Go have fun, knock each other out!
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Re: Kill Thee vs Io: The Imperator (Penumbra Alliance)

I see the Imp has decided to post up lies again. Hmmm, when was the last time I was on PPT? over a week ago. I did not attack you and go on PPT, I told him I had important things to attend to.

Anyway, the point is you said this would be a one on one war, this wasn't. You clearly admitted you had people attack me and I know for a fact you asked them. I did say to your members that their leader attacks me and is weak, why do they defend you? and yes one of your alliance members said he was going to join the strong and leave the week and joined my alliance. EVEN THEN I didnt say to him attack so n so. I never asked anyone to attack you, your the coward who hides behind others.

I will let other people decide, as your warped mind can't seem to understand such basic truths. Question for you all, if someone goes into a one on one war with you and you start massing him after being attacked and threatened. That person does nothing and then soon as random people get involved on his behalf and attack you, mass you, then he gets involved with attacking you and gets his alliance members to do the same. Does that show that this person is a coward? His alliance couldn't do the job so he got other people. So much for a one on one war.

I also want to make it very clear that I never attacked any of his alliance members until they attacked me, I always kept it as a 1 on 1 war.

You asked me to bow beofore you? I made you bow and cowar behind others. This will not finish, I have no respect for people who claim to be strong and say they going to crush you but cant fight their own battles. Distort the truth all you want, this is not over.

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