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Signature height

Posted: Wed Dec 30, 2009 4:25 am
by J-ronimo
I am proud to let you know that many of you are breaking rule 3.f:

Rule 3.f. Signatures.

Signatures may not exceed 450 pixels in total height.
This means that you have 450 pixels to fill with pretty much anything (that follows normal forum rules)

It does not matter if you have 10 images or more or if you have 1 image and text etc. as long as the sum of the total height is no larger than 450px.

You can use [Spoiler] tags in your sigs if you want and they won't hold any restrictions as to height because users have to manually click the Spoiler.

The reason behind this setup for the rule, is that all other setups are hard to enforce and can be bypassed easily.

And nothing hasn't been done about that...congrats!

Re: Sigs...Past and Current

Posted: Wed Dec 30, 2009 4:29 am
by Juliette
J-ronimo wrote:I am proud to let you know that many of you are breaking rule 3.f:

Rule 3.f. Signatures.

Signatures may not exceed 450 pixels in total height.
This means that you have 450 pixels to fill with pretty much anything (that follows normal forum rules)

It does not matter if you have 10 images or more or if you have 1 image and text etc. as long as the sum of the total height is no larger than 450px.

You can use [Spoiler] tags in your sigs if you want and they won't hold any restrictions as to height because users have to manually click the Spoiler.

The reason behind this setup for the rule, is that all other setups are hard to enforce and can be bypassed easily.

And nothing hasn't been done about that...congrats!
](*,) They're posting (or Odin asked them to post) ALL sigs they have HAD in the past. If you're going to act all sour-grapish, at least do it in a way that makes you look smarter.
Now, point out to me who of them are breaking the signature rule, because from where I'm standing, they're all fine.. just posting the signatures they once had. I may be missing something though.

Re: Split from Sigs ... Past and Current

Posted: Wed Dec 30, 2009 4:34 am
by deni

Re: Signature height

Posted: Wed Dec 30, 2009 2:25 pm
by J-ronimo
So i had a little run about sigs today, yay.

Changed the title, so we can properly discus this, as it is not related to topic that this has split from, neither i won't be making more unwanted topics...

Here it goes...

I have checked my sig and Deni's (just cause we have near height in sig area) with prnt scrn and cut it to sig area edges, and it came to approx 370 px height.

SuperSaiyan pmed that his is around 460px.

The odd thing is, that mine is quite taller than his, but my PS says i have only 370...

Should there be some scale made on forums to compare sigs about height thingy, to show people and myself what is 460px on this forum.

My list, has been pmed to Radiance and Sarajevo, of people that are obviously violating this rule,

Thanks for your time.

Re: Signature height

Posted: Wed Dec 30, 2009 2:30 pm
by Q Man
i'm also quite unsure on how this is judged? because its hard to judge stuff when they aren't pictures?

i'm utterly perplexed. but then again, i am the biggest noob known to man!

Re: Signature height

Posted: Wed Dec 30, 2009 2:35 pm
by Clarkey
J-ronimo wrote:The odd thing is, that mine is quite taller than his, but my PS says i have only 370...

Are you including quotes as well as pictures?

Re: Signature height

Posted: Wed Dec 30, 2009 3:02 pm
by Q Man
which brings me to another question, where does a sig start, is it from the bar at the top saying signature to the bottom of the post? or is it top of first image/line to the bottom image/line. because i downloaded this pixel ruler and just thought i'd check? :P

Re: Signature height

Posted: Wed Dec 30, 2009 3:46 pm
by Empy
From the little white line to the bar where it says "Profile" and "PM" and such below your post.

Re: Signature height

Posted: Wed Dec 30, 2009 4:11 pm
by Jack
Sarajevo wrote:From the little white line to the bar where it says "Profile" and "PM" and such below your post.

But that whole area isn't sig, there's about a hundred pixels of blank space used by forum buttons between where your sig ends and the profile button begins.

Re: Signature height

Posted: Wed Dec 30, 2009 6:06 pm
by Empy
Dr. House wrote:
Sarajevo wrote:From the little white line to the bar where it says "Profile" and "PM" and such below your post.

But that whole area isn't sig, there's about a hundred pixels of blank space used by forum buttons between where your sig ends and the profile button begins.
I think 100 pixels is a bit overboard.. MAYBE 50px. You're right though there seems to be a little space there...

Re: Signature height

Posted: Wed Dec 30, 2009 11:28 pm
by Zeratul
when we measure a sig size, we ignore that part...

so a little below the white line and a little above the profile button...

Re: Signature height

Posted: Wed Dec 30, 2009 11:39 pm
by Jack
The best way to measure.


Re: Signature height

Posted: Wed Dec 30, 2009 11:41 pm
by Empy
The best way to measure is the space your Signature actually takes up..... from the white line to the the bottom of the last piece of your signature. That's being generous with the little space at the bottom.

Re: Signature height

Posted: Thu Dec 31, 2009 12:25 am
by Jack
The best way to measure is from the first pixel of a sig to the last.

Re: Signature height

Posted: Thu Dec 31, 2009 12:29 am
by Clarkey
Sarajevo wrote:The best way to measure is the space your Signature actually takes up..... from the white line to the the bottom of the last piece of your signature. That's being generous with the little space at the bottom.

I agree.