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Rejoice Anime Lovers!

Posted: Sun Jan 03, 2010 3:59 am
by Noobert
Code Geass Season 3 has been announced. 8)

Like yourselves, I too wondered what news we would hear about the new Code Geass Project.
Well, here it is:
“It’s called Code Geass: Shikkoku no Renya, and it is set in the Edo period. It’s a a Manga,
Here are some details:

•C.C. is back
•”unknown man” looks like Lelouch
•it will run in Shonen Ace
•character named Renya has a mechanical arm that shoots 100 shuriken

This news has just dropped in the latest issue of Newtype, which you can see parts of above. ”
Taken from: ... featurebox by Dale North and slightly edited.

Re: Rejoice Anime Lovers!

Posted: Sun Jan 03, 2010 4:16 am
by Londo Mollari
yeh i already knew lol

but, tbh, not that interested, i'll give it a chance tho

Re: Rejoice Anime Lovers!

Posted: Sun Jan 03, 2010 4:43 am
by Noobert
sgt.johnkeel wrote:yeh i already knew lol

but, tbh, not that interested, i'll give it a chance tho

I knew too, but not confirmed knew. I'm interested because of how the second one ended.

The only problem is that the guy looks like Lelouche so it kinda threw a few people off.