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Request - Na'vi

Posted: Fri Jan 08, 2010 7:27 am
by ~Vix~
Myself and Moses are two of numerous forums users who have been entrapped by the magic and enticing world that is Avatar. We are currently boarding on a war with the Assassins and we haver changed race names in game and are all extremely active. With that in mind, myself and Moses of Romania would like to request a Na'vi race section. We could both mod the area fairly and make sure that it is within all forums rules 24/7. I am aware that this is a big ask so, what do myself and Moses need to do to get this section to be made?

We will both keep committed to the race and this will not be a 'fad'.

Re: Request - Na'vi

Posted: Fri Jan 08, 2010 7:31 am
by moses
I fully support this idea and im always active, will do my best to make sure things run smoothly as vix posted this is not a fad and this would be amazing if the SGW community could grant us this privalage

Moses of romania

P.s theres like 10 ish lol but growing fast

s.s tiss for the roleplay and to keep things interesting and new

Re: Request - Na'vi

Posted: Fri Jan 08, 2010 7:32 am
by Juliette
From what I recall, something was said about 100 forum using players who are also Na'vi ingame (so at least 100 ingame).. but I am sure that if you can promise lively roleplaying action, with your 99-something brethren, that will be akin to putting oil on the fire of Zeratul's love for roleplay.

;) Good luck, Na'vi people thingies. Enjoy yourselves!

Re: Request - Na'vi

Posted: Fri Jan 08, 2010 7:32 am
by RoKeT
i back this COMPLETELY and i will behave :D

Re: Request - Na'vi

Posted: Fri Jan 08, 2010 7:32 am
by ~Vix~
We all know the race section are inclined too.... 'minimal' activity. This could be a helping boost...

Re: Request - Na'vi

Posted: Fri Jan 08, 2010 7:36 am
by ~Vix~
No, but i do understand you point SS. I feel like we deserve a race section because we are all active players and we are NOT just banding under a simple race name, we are banding under a role playing idea. We intend on maintaining constant role play, this should boost the RP section a lot, and as i said, this will help with the inactive race section.

People say there is always an exception to a rule. i believe we are the exception...

Re: Request - Na'vi

Posted: Fri Jan 08, 2010 7:38 am
by moses
What would we as the Na'vi race need to do to prove that we are worthy of the section and not just a fad and also that there is support for this ,

we are not just some fad race with a cool name or something someon made up on a whim the Na'vi is takeing off world wide ;)

Re: Request - Na'vi

Posted: Fri Jan 08, 2010 7:41 am
by RoKeT
yes we even have our own language ;) lol but seriously what would it hurt to give it a go, the worst that would happen is it would die and you would have been right and all you have to do is hit the delete button of the topic lol the best is we might actually be able to reinstate and repopulate the Role-Play of this game... and i hate to be so negative, but the game is dying... who's to say this won't save it!

Re: Request - Na'vi

Posted: Fri Jan 08, 2010 7:44 am
by RoKeT
now i don't know how it works to make a new section but it can't be that hard... why can't they have there own section if they wanted it? we have asked, i don't understand why it would be a no... no offense is it hard to make? or something

Re: Request - Na'vi

Posted: Fri Jan 08, 2010 7:49 am
by RoKeT
so couldn't you have say a representive of each race volunteer to mod it, and ever so often have a real mod check it like say once a day, or a week or so, and if it gets out of hand then have the section removed? if each time you create a new race section you are responsible for it... would that work or no?

Re: Request - Na'vi

Posted: Fri Jan 08, 2010 7:51 am
by ~Vix~
We're doing circles here, lets hear some others opinions...

Re: Request - Na'vi

Posted: Fri Jan 08, 2010 7:53 am
by Zeratul
when your race reaches a considerable active population, a request can be sent in for a race section... for now, with the still minor number of players using that race, it is denied... but if it gets large enough, it can be granted...

Re: Request - Na'vi

Posted: Fri Jan 08, 2010 7:54 am
by RoKeT
they wouldn't be a real mod would they? like could you make it so the only section they could mod would be there own?, and i'm sorry i missed your other points... i don't see them... and please don't get mad i'm just trying to work something out, and if it wouldn't work where each section got there own mod, why couldn't we have it so that the mods that are already in the Role-Playing area watch over it, wouldn't it be the same as say the temple, that gets tons of spam, and has mods watching it quite well... so what would be the difference in if a new section was added to the roleplay?

edit* thank you zer!

Re: Request - Na'vi

Posted: Fri Jan 08, 2010 7:54 am
by ~Vix~
Zeratul wrote:when your race reaches a considerable active population, a request can be sent in for a race section... for now, with the still minor number of players using that race, it is denied... but if it gets large enough, it can be granted...

Thats what i presumed, if myself and Moses made a petition, ACTIVE, COMMITTED na'vi players, how many to get us accepted?

Re: Request - Na'vi

Posted: Fri Jan 08, 2010 8:04 am
by Zeratul
somewhere in the region around 100... we cannot give an exact number, but we will talk with the rest of the triune about it sometime... (about defining a number)