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Na'vi Alliance Recruiting

Posted: Thu Jan 14, 2010 11:18 am
by moses
A tear falls from a high place, a scream cries out across a valley, a moment of sadness is felt. Ikran abandon their sky, their endless fields of nothingness. Viperwolves and Dire Horses stand side by side, the rare Omaticaya Rose is seen to bloom, as the red petals begin to unfold, their beauty only being matched by the blue spiral glowing around the stem, a figure can be seen a top the hallelujah mountains. The figure is tall, as the sun had fallen in silence to this, as the darkness had surrounded Pandora, this figure emerged. With each step he took the ground became alive. He looked at his brethren, no words were spoken but the message had been acknowledged by all.

A vail of sorrow and anger descended upon the Clan. After 174 years, their valiant leader, the once Turok Makto, the father to them all, De'Tesy had passed away. His life was long and joyous. As the Na'vi began to cry and the people dropped to their knees in disbelief, a warrior emerged and spoke gently, his words carried as feathers across the air...

"Brothers, sisters, De'Tesy lived long. He loved many Na'vi and was loved back. Eywa has a place by her side for all of us. All life is only borrowed, we must give it back, some times, we don't have a choice when we give it back. We just know that there is a future. Dead is not the end, the Tree of Souls has proved to us that Eywa will embrace us and hold us in her great comic grasp for ever. We will be shown only love and the good in all things."

As sorrow became joy, as the people began not to morn his death, but celebrate his life, the ground become to come alive. Eywa had rejoiced with her people. Sounds could be heard from all directions! Viperwolves howling to the skies!Dire Horse were charging in joy towards to great tree! Ikran and Turok flew side by side blasting their cries of joy! One Na'vi, to this point, had been silent. Moses stood near the back, as the tears streamed down his face, remembering the Na'vi who was his mentor he felt a hand place its self softy on his shoulder. As he turned he saw the delicate face of his love, Amanti , he saw her deep soulful eyes staring into his. He felt her warm body embrace his, as he placed his head onto her shoulder, finally finding a place to truly morn. She then spoke...

"Moses, this is not sad. This is good, not sad. De'Tesy is now with our Goddess. The clan is without a leader, without a future, without hope. You must join the clan as one. I believe in you Moses, my love..."

Moses begins to make his way to the front. He sees all the faces of his friends, smiles on some, tears on others. He see's people morning death and celebrating life all around him. He stands up, and without words he gathers all attention on him. His presence, his position, his look is all that is needed. As the Na'vi turn towards this majestic Na'vi a noise can be heard. The noise is that of rumbling, high pitched and high speed. Moses continues... taking this to be a sign from Eywa her self. "My Na'vi, My Family" he speaks. "I have what we need to survive, i have what is needed to be the successor to the throne that was once that of my mentor, no, which was once that of my Hero, De'Tesy. I believe that i can protect us, i can guide us, i can follow the will of Eywa and protect this glorious land, i feel, i know in my heart that i can hold the heart of Pandora in my hand and feel the beat of every living creature beat in time with my own heart. I believe that i can keep us as one with Eywa"

Silence is brought to the people, they look from side to side, they look into the darkness, they look to the Tree of souls, they look for sign. They see a single petal from the Rose drop, it slowly falls, like tears in the rain. It sways from side to side, as is Eywa, it does not take side. It keeps the balance of all. As the Red petal is about to fall into the mud a sudden, random, gust of wind pushes the Petal up and it sticks to the Bow. A bow which was carved from the wood of home tree its self. A bow that rests in the hands of one Na'vi... The bow that rests in the hands of the Leader... The Bow that rests in the hands, of Moses.......................

>>Hello All Na'vi , beautiful women and others looking for a change out there

The Na'vi alliance is now recruiting all Na"vi and sexy ladies out there more than welcome to apply .

All you others out there may also apply the Na'vi do not descriminate we may ask for you to go through a few tests and pass the test of Adult hood to become a true hunter in which if you pass you will be welcome into are Clan with open arms and become one of are Brothers Possibly even leave that shell of a body of yours and join us as a True Na'vi <<

Moses - Na'vi Alliance leader

P.S i think Vix is trying to steal james camerons job :smt023

Re: Na'vi Alliance Recruiting

Posted: Thu Jan 14, 2010 12:01 pm
by ~Vix~
I'll get on Avatar 2 straight away sir :P

Re: Na'vi Alliance Recruiting

Posted: Tue Jan 19, 2010 1:48 pm
by moses