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Posted: Sun Jan 24, 2010 2:53 pm
by renegadze
well apart from my personal views on your ability to actually be able to carry out your role (as this may be biased)

This thread


it's actually quite shameful behaviour of someone holding such position. While your personal vendetta with clarkey might be just in your eyes. His comments in that thread are perfectly on topic. Yet you reorted to insulting him.

For this alone I think you should walk away from your role while you might have a shred of dignity left

Re: TetrisMonkey

Posted: Sun Jan 24, 2010 3:00 pm
by Empy
His insult to Clarkey is "Nooblet"? Doesn't seem like much of an insult to me...

Re: TetrisMonkey

Posted: Sun Jan 24, 2010 3:02 pm
by Clarkey
You may have posted in plain colour, but that is because you have no jurisdiction in General.

Fact is my post was not spam.

You also double posted too. [-X

Anyway, i had no intention of bringing it up, i just let you look foolish yourself. i mean it was a poor excuse for a thread anyway.

Re: TetrisMonkey

Posted: Sun Jan 24, 2010 3:04 pm
by renegadze
Tetrismonkey wrote:Last I checked I posted as a User and not as a mod.

As a user I can post what I want, where I want, how I want so long as it is within the boundrys of the rules.

Not just that, but I get the feeling your just upset at me and finding something to complain about?

Please, do us a favor and stop acting like such a child when something doesnt go your way.

while you may have been posting as a user, you should also have to bare in mind people still see you as a mod...newer people to the community will start to believe that's how they should be interacting with each other.

and really you're saying I'm acting like a child....that makes me laugh, especially when I make a valid complaint, and as evidence provide a link to a thread, where your level of maturity would have to be severely questioned :roll:

that was just one of a number of examples I did have written down, can't find the list at the moment, that one was just fresh in my mind.

Re: TetrisMonkey

Posted: Sun Jan 24, 2010 3:51 pm
by Hitchkok
Please understand, that us mods, we must be held to a higher standard. Using our mod powers to do things like reopen a thread because you disagree as a user about something another mod did, is well wrong. In cases like this, the mod can be warned. Its up to the mods to find out if the person warrents a warning, verbal or so on.

He was warned for misusing his Mod powers. Misusing them can have a wide range of punishments. In this case, he was warned. What im trying to get at is when your a mod and you do something bad as a mod, the rules that dont exsist, start to exsist to a point. There is no rule stopping me from moving posts at random. However, if I did so, its misuse of my powers. See what im getting at?

tetris, you wrote that. now, you might argue that you were not using your mod color, but let me tell you something out of my experience.
i was an officer in the military. and as an officer you quicly find out that for your soldiers, peers and superiors alike, youre an officer whether you have your ranks insignia on or not, or whether your in uniforms or plain cloth. your always scrutinisied, you're always held to a higher standard. your personal opinions are your personal opinions, but they are also those of an officer. and some of your opinions you don't speak out, because their not appropriate for an officer, or theire out of the agreed upon line.
this is also true for mods in this community. especially those belonging to the "respect!" group ("leading by example", isn't it?).
now, i used to hold you in high regards. i saw some of your posts, and they were above par as far as reason and intelligence goes. but, removing clarkey's post was the end of that. after that, you could have taken what you know was the respectful way out, and resign, thus saving some of your dignity. you chose to hide under the "it's the admins decision" excuse. legal? yes. but reeks to high heaven.
and, may i add, from a user perspective, that was a poor decision by the admins. did much to discredit the staff in the eyes of users.
please, do yourself, the staff, and the entire community a favour, and at the very least stop picking on users. what ever the circumstances are.

Re: TetrisMonkey

Posted: Sun Jan 24, 2010 5:23 pm
by Hitchkok
how is anything insulting?
how is bastard insulting?
how is **Filtered** you insulting?
is **Filtered** a bad thing?
is calling someone a 40 year old virgin insulting? most would say yes.
so how can a thing and it's opposite be both insulting?
one your GM states that "an 80 year old drunken women" is not an insult. one of the former admins think it is.
it's already been taken up here.
my point is: you try to insult someone, and he'll be insulted by your very intentions. heck, if i'll go around calling you tea-cup all the time, you'll get irritated, annoyed, and finally insulted by it.
and let's face it, had you weren't trying to save your's and your mod's face, you wouldn't have even brought up the double post thing. and you can count on me jumping up with this post everytime a mod writes "watch the double posts" in blue.
and i would still like to hear the justification for keeping an (openly admitted!) abusing mod. yes, i know, you don't owe me explenations, blah-blah, yada-yada. just keep two things in mind:
you are here to serve the community, not vice-versa.
there is a trust issue evolving rapidly between a large part of the community and the mod-admin team. the "bias" accusations are indicative of that. you can work to solve it, or watch the forums decline.
your choich.

Re: TetrisMonkey

Posted: Sun Jan 24, 2010 11:25 pm
by Clarkey
Earendil wrote:i closed the report on that. But if you would like to humor us, how is calling someone a nooblet that insulting


viewtopic.php?f=71&t=101808 where is double posting against said rules?, true if they were spam they would be against them.

LOL such hypocrisy around here. When i was an Admin I fought against warning people about double posting because it is NOT IN THE RULES, yet certain people said yes it is because double posting is considered SPAM, not matter what the contents was. Yet you don't, when it happens to be a Mod that's done it.

How many people have been verbally warned, officially warned for double posting when it is NOT spam..... gonna take those warnings away? Of course not, so what the official stance on double posting changes now that a Mod has done it and an Admin says it's ok?

Tetrismonkey wrote:I will not be brought down and have my name drug through the mud because someone disagrees with the actions I did as a mod.

That's exactly what i've been going through as well... you are no different to me. You abused your power, i abused my power, I did it for personal reasons towards someone I disliked at the time, you did it for personal reasons towards someone you dislike. Same thing.

Fact is you asked me to cease the spam, yes you did it in normal talk, but that is only because the General Section is not within your jurisdiction. But it was not spam, your claim it was spam was clouded by your personal feelings towards me, and therefore wherever I am concerned your actions and judgement as a Mod will be clouded by your personal hatred towards me, and therefore you cannot perform your job to the standard required of a mod.

I had no intention of even bringing any of this up here because i just laughed at you trying to be the big Mod but failing... funny how others disagree with what you do as well.

Re: TetrisMonkey

Posted: Sun Jan 24, 2010 11:34 pm
by Mordack
How is that bias?

Mods are still people too, you know. If people were obligated to mortgage their entire personalities upon becoming moderators, and never post as anything except rule enforcing bots ever again, then I can assure you they'd be few and far between.

Moral of the story: don't be such a pansy.

Re: TetrisMonkey

Posted: Sun Jan 24, 2010 11:39 pm
by deni
@Clarkey: Doubloe posting is considered bad manners but it is not against the rules. I am sure no one was warned about double posting regardless of the content of the posts, else I would have caused an uproar in the mod section.

@Tetris: Stop stalking Clarkey. You two have your differences but no matter what Clarkey did, you are not making it better by stalking his every forum movement.

Re: TetrisMonkey

Posted: Sun Jan 24, 2010 11:43 pm
by Clarkey
deni wrote:@Clarkey: Doubloe posting is considered bad manners but it is not against the rules. I am sure no one was warned about double posting regardless of the content of the posts, else I would have caused an uproar in the mod section.

I hope not then.

deni wrote:@Tetris: Stop stalking Clarkey. You two have your differences but no matter what Clarkey did, you are not making it better by stalking his every forum movement.

Thank you deni. I've kept my head down for the past 5 days, but some people wouldn't even notice that until I post against someone again like today which wasn't even my fault.

Re: TetrisMonkey

Posted: Mon Jan 25, 2010 1:47 am
by Juliette
roflmao.. finally, Rene. Thanks!

Re: TetrisMonkey

Posted: Mon Jan 25, 2010 5:56 am
by Clarkey
Tetrismonkey wrote:Um yes I'm stalking clarkey by going and making my own thread...

Think that needs to be said clarkey stop stalking me and judging every action I make? Then again, what do I know eh?

I'm not stalking you. You posted a thread, I replied to it as I do many other threads.
You falsely accused me of spamming your thread after just one post. That's because your judgement is clouded by your dislike towards me.

Let me put it this way..... if someone else had said "why don't you post the ID" you would NOT have called them a nooblet (i didn't find it offensive btw) and you would NOT have accused them of spamming.

That makes you unable to perform your role to the expected standard.

Also, i never claimed you were stalking me did i.

Re: TetrisMonkey

Posted: Mon Jan 25, 2010 8:05 am
by Clarkey
Tetrismonkey wrote:I know where I can and cannot mod. If I had really thought it was spam I would have reported it. Now please, stop making this into a problem.

I'm not making it in to a problem, I didn't raise the issue.

If you didn't feel it was really spam, then you saying it was spam was in itself spam, because it was not relevant to the thread at hand.

My post in your thread was a legitimate post that anyone could have made. it didn't matter who made the thread. You on the other hand replied in a way that you thought would annoy me, by falsly accusing me of spamming.

You infact spammed your own thread.

i'm not the one that caused an issue here.

Re: TetrisMonkey

Posted: Mon Jan 25, 2010 8:08 am
by killtacular
Tetrismonkey wrote:Um yes I'm stalking clarkey by going and making my own thread...

Think that needs to be said clarkey stop stalking me and judging every action I make? Then again, what do I know eh?

There is alot of people who have had problems with your attitude toward people. Are all of us wrong? Or are we just as you say a nooblet? Calling anyone a name is degrading . Being called a noob in my opinion is like saying a gay person is a faggot. might be the truth in some peoples eyes but just treating people in a decent matter is all people want.

I have always had a problem with you and your respect title. Do I think you deserve it ? Hell no and again this is another way proving you dont deserve that title, calling someone a nooblet. Get over what clarkey did in the past. Obviously they way you talked to people in the past they had forgetten how u talked and let you become a mod. Hell even comma girl got forgiven. I think she became a mod or still is not sure and dont care.

Like i said before your comments about someone else is calling the kettle black.

Even with that thread a mod should of closed it or edited it. Back in the day wasn't posting someone stats against the rules ? Maybe it still is!