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Rules for mods and users

Posted: Sun Feb 07, 2010 9:34 am
by killtacular
I know there are rules for forum rules for users .

What are the rules for the mods if any? Is judgement calls on some stuff, do you meet and discuss certain issues of users and then take a vote?

I know blatent disreguard of the rules shouldn't need a discussion on what happens to the user.

I have seen different views on how mods will treat users in some instances.

I hope you understand what I mean.

I will use one mod stated citing a riot will get u a warning and another mod said thats not in the rules how can that be a warnable offense. Thats just the latest example of what Im talking about.

Re: Rules for mods and users

Posted: Sun Feb 07, 2010 10:04 am
by Zeratul
mods are not machines, so opinions will vary...

there are rules for mods, but they are kept in private...

Re: Rules for mods and users

Posted: Sun Feb 07, 2010 10:10 am
by killtacular
Zeratul wrote:mods are not machines, so opinions will vary...

there are rules for mods, but they are kept in private...

What is the purpose of keeping it private?
And when modding shouldn't you just mod it not give your opinion?

A governing body should have a set rules to go by and known by whom they are governing so they wont abuse their modding powers .

Re: Rules for mods and users

Posted: Sun Feb 07, 2010 10:16 am
by Empy
killtacular wrote:
Zeratul wrote:mods are not machines, so opinions will vary...

there are rules for mods, but they are kept in private...

What is the purpose of keeping it private?
And when modding shouldn't you just mod it not give your opinion?

A governing body should have a set rules to go by and known by whom they are governing so they wont abuse their modding powers .
I believe what he's saying... this being my opinion on the matter. Is that different Mods interpret different situations differently. Each have their opinion on the matter. We are not machines and cannot handle every situation perfectly and flawlessly the same.

Re: Rules for mods and users

Posted: Sun Feb 07, 2010 10:25 am
by killtacular
Sarajevo wrote:
killtacular wrote:
Zeratul wrote:mods are not machines, so opinions will vary...

there are rules for mods, but they are kept in private...

What is the purpose of keeping it private?
And when modding shouldn't you just mod it not give your opinion?

A governing body should have a set rules to go by and known by whom they are governing so they wont abuse their modding powers .
I believe what he's saying... this being my opinion on the matter. Is that different Mods interpret different situations differently. Each have their opinion on the matter. We are not machines and cannot handle every situation perfectly and flawlessly the same.

He knows exactly what I was saying hence why he said mod rules are kept private.
Why keep it private?

Re: Rules for mods and users

Posted: Sun Feb 07, 2010 10:26 am
by Lord Yojimbo
killtacular wrote:
Zeratul wrote:mods are not machines, so opinions will vary...

there are rules for mods, but they are kept in private...

What is the purpose of keeping it private?
And when modding shouldn't you just mod it not give your opinion?

Aye - shoudnt it be trasparent! [-X

plus also this would ensure that if ordinary users like ourselves would know when a mod is making a mistake or is just using their own interpertation of the rules rather than assuming why a mod did or didnt due to the lack of mod rule information - it doesnt reflect well in relation to forum transparency or gives an insight into decisions that could have otherwise being made somewhat clearer if people were aware of the mod rules


Re: Rules for mods and users

Posted: Sun Feb 07, 2010 11:03 am
by killtacular
Earendil wrote:The on is there us a user has an issue with a mods action, there is also tr mod feedback section. I don't see why rules for mods should ke kept in plain view, the same goes with those wanting the mod section to be viewable by everyone.

That's why we gave GM's and them Admins. If something was too bad, then there is Jason I need be.

Here is an example of Mod rules this is what I want to know and what it is.

Rules For Moderators (HDOP’s and Forum Mods may find this to be equally helpful)


2. The Admin and Staff are here to do a job and your like/dislike of them is irrelevant.

3. There is a chain of command that you should respect at all times. Mods/HDOP/Forum Mods are answerable to the Admin. Any recruitment decisions should be taken to your Mod. If they are not online, then wait for him/her to log on. If you consider a matter needs an Admin, then feel free to approach him, but use your common sense. We wouldn’t have given you the position on staff if we didn’t have faith in your abilities.

4. Mods should not overrule other Mods decisions without discussing it with them first. Any errors found after this should be brought to the attention of the Admin, who will have the ultimate decision on the correct action to take.

5. Do not abuse your Staff Status. You are in a position of trust and are responsible for your actions and are expected to be impartial at all times.

6. You must be respectful of other players, including Admin and your fellow Mods. If you are abused, then give a warning. If the abuse continues, then take appropriate action. Do not return the abuse, it will not help the situation.

7. Admin can own property, its his game and he can do what he likes! Mods can own property if given permission from Admin. You cannot hold property for another player and if a property is gained as part of a modkill, you can keep it for a while and offload when its fair to do so. You can not sell property to the players. You can not have your casino maxbet set to more than 5 mil per casino. Mods cant lose more than 100 mil in any one casino in a day, but you can win as much as you like!

8. Mods cannot accept cash gifts of more than 10 mil from a player/gang. Any gifts must be declaired to Admin, and any amount over 10 mil is to be sent to the gang stash. You can not pass cash/credits from player to player. Mods can not give their cash away, its unearned and can unbalance the economy and the gameplay.

9. Mods can not assist in the killing of another player. You must not assist in the buying or selling of bullets, weapons or credits. You can not hitlist another player or buy them off the hitlist. If you need guns, then buy over all the stores, not just one. Your money is given as a gesture of good faith and cannot be used to influence the game in any way.

10. Admin can kill who he likes. Its his game and if he wants to shoot players, he can. Complaints? Post GP Suport and speak to... erm Admin
Mods have been given permission to kill fugitives as they are unused accounts and the Mods need some excitement. Mods are allowed to kill accounts of they have permission from Admin.

11. Admin and Mods may not join any other gang that the one designated for them. HDOP and Forum Mods may join another gang, but remember this does not guarantee the gang immunity or give them any special privileges.

12. Players that are racist, post porn pics, are excessively abusive or advertise other site and are generally bad for the game are not welcome here. You should Modkill without warning. If the player persists in making accounts, then an IP ban may be necessary as a last resort. If in doubt, consult the Admin.

13. Mods can not bypass the 2 rez rule. Its there for a reason, so ignore requests and bribes and report them to Admin.

14. Mods can not use the panel to take/xfer a property from one player to another, or to yourself.

15. IP bans can cause many problems. Mods can not IP ban a public site, for example Libraries, schools and community centers. You can IP ban proxys!

16. You do not copy or reveal anything that is posted on the GP Crew gang forum. What is said in the gang, stays in the gang. Any Mod found to be giving information or screenshots of the gang forum will be publically branded a snitch on the main forum and run the risk of demodding.

17. Do not copy and paste or screenshot the mod panel or any information from it unless relevant to a dupe/cheat and if its been cleared by Admin to do so. Be careful of any screenshot and the information it contains, however innocent it might seem at the time.

18. Complaints about staff shud be taken seriously, no matter how trivial it might seem to you. If its about your forum mods/HDOP's, then dont dismiss the complaint, check it out. If it cant be resolved, then ask them to forward their complaint to Admin via GP Support. If its a complaint about another Mod or yourself, rather than get into an argument, ask them to forward their complaints to Admin through GP Support, using the Complaint About Staff option. You wont get on with everyone, and Mods are easy targets for the serial moaners (you'll soon find out who they are!) so be prepared for accusations and complaints. This doesnt mean you have to take abuse, so modkill if necessary.

19. Information accessible to Admin and Mods is privileged and private. It contains sensitive information and is not to be passed to other players, even if they give their permission. You must not reveal the identity of a players new account after they have been killed, past accounts, who they killed or any accounts on their IP. IP information or even the amount of bullets taken to kill them is never given as this could give clues to the identity of the killer. Revival information is not given, they shud know who revived them. Hitlists with names hidden are hidden for a reason. All the information belongs to GP, not the players. Its what they agree to when they sign up so politely refuse.

20. Admin and Mods are allowed friends on the game, but there will come a time when this friendship is tested. You are in a position of power and will be expected to act in the best interests of the game. If you have a conflict of interest, then contact another Mod to help.

Mods, HDOP’s and Forum Mods that do not wish to hold their positions on staff will be demoded and deranked back to that of a normal player.

Any Mod found to be acting in an unprofessional manner or contrary to the standards expected of them, will be stripped of their power and privileges.

Any Mod found abusing their position will be not just be demoded, but modkilled. Their crimes will be made public and posted on the forum for all to see.

Re: Rules for mods and users

Posted: Sun Feb 07, 2010 11:07 am
by Lord Yojimbo
rules determine action - but we still would like to have a point of reference and then the right to question it in feedback - so what if players are picky

- the rules will still support you at the end of the day if you are going according to them
- also if intrepretation is provided on less clearcut issues then that with the rules as a point of reference will be far more helpful and insightful

Its all about transparency in the workings of the MODs of this forum for all users to see after all - its the users not the mods that hold the bulk of the membership here - transparency work boths ways [-(

If it was up to me since it effects all the membership - Id have a public vote on the matter ](*,)

Re: Rules for mods and users

Posted: Sun Feb 07, 2010 11:15 am
by killtacular
Does the current ombudsman have a copy of set rules of the moderators? How is he to say that a mod abused there power?

Im just concerned on how some moderators talk to each other and to other users. A code of conduct , or rules to abide by when certain things come up.

Earendil wrote:Even if you had th rules in public and a mod was 'obeying' the rules 100% you will still have people complain about something no matter what. There are people who are petty enough to take ingame actions/feelings about forum actions when forums =! Ingame

People get massed everyday random , for spending money, fluxing the cash market numerious things.

What does it matter anyway then if there going to be petty if they know your rules or they dont. Its going to happen anyways as u say.

Re: Rules for mods and users

Posted: Sun Feb 07, 2010 11:27 am
by killtacular
Earendil wrote:Mhm, the oms can see almost everything

thats not what I was asking if they can see ALMOST everything I asked does he have a copy of the rules set forth to do moderating!

yes/ no / or I dont know.

these are good simple answers

Re: Rules for mods and users

Posted: Sun Feb 07, 2010 11:52 am
by Hitchkok
Tetrismonkey wrote:Yes, the Ombudsman has access to the rules just as all of us do.

If you cannot think to seperate a users tone and a mods tone, then you need to bugger off. Im sorry, but Mods are still users. When handling cases, discusions about there actions or when they speak as a mod, sure they should be held to a higher standard. However, if a Mod speaking as a user wants to vent off steam like everyone else does, they shoiuld beable to do so without feeling as though they are being judged for that.

Im sorry kill, but your going a bit to far with your arguments when you say mods need to act respectful all the time, even as users.

I think that there should be a hidden mod section, just for the reason you cited (needing to vent of steam etc.).
however, posting the mode code of conduct? why not, to avoid criticism?
criticism is good. it's the base of a liberal society.
and mods should be respectful all the time, even as user for a simple reason: users should be respectful all the time. and mods should enforce that AND set an example. if you can't cope, renounce your position.

Re: Rules for mods and users

Posted: Sun Feb 07, 2010 11:57 am
by killtacular
Tetrismonkey wrote:Yes, the Ombudsman has access to the rules just as all of us do.

If you cannot think to seperate a users tone and a mods tone, then you need to bugger off. Im sorry, but Mods are still users. When handling cases, discusions about there actions or when they speak as a mod, sure they should be held to a higher standard. However, if a Mod speaking as a user wants to vent off steam like everyone else does, they shoiuld beable to do so without feeling as though they are being judged for that.

Im sorry kill, but your going a bit to far with your arguments when you say mods need to act respectful all the time, even as users.

This wasn't about you . Example I put up wasn't even about respect. The example I used was Deni and the other mod what ever name they decide to use. Helps to read my post. These rules should have come from jason himself , and him saying they are there and being adhered to is fine by me. He should have say if the rules need to be seen publically or not. Im just curious if there being followed is all.

Re: Rules for mods and users

Posted: Sun Feb 07, 2010 12:11 pm
by killtacular
Tetrismonkey wrote:Excuse me Kill, but when it comes to these forums, Baszy, Zera and Eärendil are the Admins. Jason has delegated his athority to them to run the forums the best way they can.

Jason is only ever involved in forums matters when it actually needs to be. Such as most recently, the Clarkey Incident, the Sexual Images Incident. How can he approve or make policy for these forums when he is never here to get the context of it?

As I said, The 3 admins are the ruling party that make the discisions on these boards, not Jason. I suggest you understand this fully before continuing.

Please enlighten me on what I dont understand if its not above your pay scale since I dont know.

Your use of the phase understand this fully before continuing is getting old the more and more you use it toward the users.

Re: Rules for mods and users

Posted: Sun Feb 07, 2010 12:46 pm
by Zeratul
tetris is quite correct there... adminJason is not involved in forum management aside from server side stuff, and extreme cases... or when asked by an admin or such...

its been tried for years to have him join the community more but has yet to work fully...

Re: Rules for mods and users

Posted: Sun Feb 07, 2010 12:48 pm
by Clarkey
Tetrismonkey wrote:Excuse me Kill, but when it comes to these forums, Baszy, Zera and Eärendil are the Admins. Jason has delegated his athority to them to run the forums the best way they can.

Jason is only ever involved in forums matters when it actually needs to be. Such as most recently, the Clarkey Incident, the Sexual Images Incident. How can he approve or make policy for these forums when he is never here to get the context of it?

As I said, The 3 admins are the ruling party that make the discisions on these boards, not Jason. I suggest you understand this fully before continuing.

There's plenty of examples you can use, now stop **Filtered** bringing up the past every opprtunity you get!