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Posted: Fri Apr 01, 2005 10:56 pm
by dr_kreitler
So I try to deposit money in my secure planetary vault. To my surprise, the "guards" tell me not to loiter and throw me out before I can deposit my money! I ask you, what kind of guards do this to the supreme commander of their fleet?! And, more importantly, what the heck kind of addition to the game is this. It's creative, but not something I want to deal with at 1:00 in the morning!

Posted: Fri Apr 01, 2005 11:15 pm
by Spykie
I had the same "problem" just now.
I fixed it by withdrawing 200K and then 100K.

Posted: Sat Apr 02, 2005 2:21 am
by guest
i had a million and wouldnt let me deposit and didnt tell me nothing and my naq was stolen while tryimg to deposit.

Posted: Sat Apr 02, 2005 4:51 am
by Xavier
I just had this happen to me, too. Perhaps Forum could post here what exactly it's for?

Posted: Sat Apr 02, 2005 5:43 am
by forgive_me
guest wrote:i had a million and wouldnt let me deposit and didnt tell me nothing and my naq was stolen while tryimg to deposit.

well now isent dat a only deposits the amount u have(actualy) or a amound smaler than that........if u are using browsers that autorefresh.........well dose not work anymore....that wass why it didnt banked your naq...u are tring to deposit more than u have....and u can only do this if u are trying to autodeposit the naq income.....

got it guys.......

Posted: Sat Apr 02, 2005 6:40 am
by Guest
yeah it just happened to me to while I was trying to withdraw. I was trying to take out about 1000 and it wouldn't let me. Two minutes later I can take out 1500 no problem. What's the deal?

Posted: Sat Apr 02, 2005 6:58 am
by [SGC_ReplicĂ…tors]
april fools joke???

Posted: Sat Apr 02, 2005 8:38 am
by Forum
you cannot "hang out" on the bank page....
you must go there, do your thing, then go back to your normal activities...

this message only comes on if you don't do any actions while on the page for a minute or so.... (or if you use refresh )

as mentioned above, it stops people from "auto banking" all thier naq while they are offline (and in the process further using server resources with the continual refreshing that is required to do this).

so - my question to those who see this - what were you doing that you could not go to the page, deoposit/withdraw, and ... done. ?
if there is a problem i'll fix it, but i do not believe there is...

Posted: Sat Apr 02, 2005 12:44 pm
by Salvo
Does this apply to the training page as well? I was trying to upgrade my unit production, clicked the upgrade button, and got some message about loitering on it as well. Something about do your business and train your men.... Took me 2 tries to upgrade unit prod, while a 860k was sitting in the open.

Posted: Sat Apr 02, 2005 12:53 pm
by forgive_me
it aplise to bank , training....thats for sure....and posibli mercenaries and armory sections.....
think of it like this....u are in war time and haw long do u stay and train your troups....u must be fast...go to training..go to bank...not sit around and wait........this is the story part....but actualy because befor u ware abel to make a purches or bank your naq by simply refreshing the page some users pouth there browsers on autorefresh to bank there naq......this way the servers wore in great stres...because they ware thinking that the player actualy wass online...but the browser did the work...that wass automatic proceses....;)

just balence wath u had and wat u have.......
there wor players cheating ...but u coud sit around the bank...and others....
now they arent any players cheating (thrue that method)....but u cant sit around the bank and others...u must alwais be active...

wich way is beter?

Posted: Sat Apr 02, 2005 12:57 pm
by Salvo
I was being active though. Right after I got through withdrawing the amount I immediately went to the training page and hit the upgrade button. Page loaded back after I hit it and said the loitering message, so i hit upgrade again and it finally did it.

Posted: Sat Apr 02, 2005 1:18 pm
by forgive_me
Salvo wrote:I was being active though. Right after I got through withdrawing the amount I immediately went to the training page and hit the upgrade button. Page loaded back after I hit it and said the loitering message, so i hit upgrade again and it finally did it.

well u use multiple browser pages...dont u?
if yes than i must say that a onlline game is made for plaing in 1 browser page...the multiple thing is puting a lot of stres of the servers...that is way the erors on database pop up...that is i am not mustaking...Forum pls enliten me on that..:)

hope this clears everyting for u...;)

Posted: Sat Apr 02, 2005 1:27 pm
by Salvo
I was using browser window only.

You must understand my concern though. I was sitting out in the open with a lot of naq waiting for the page to load (which on the server these days can take a bit of time) and then having to hit the upgrade button all over again to get it to do something it should have the first time, which was like double time time. A few minutes out in the open like that is begging for an attack. Im all for making the servers faster yes, I see your point there, but im saying, I got the message and shouldnt have.

Heres what I did.

Go to bank, enter amount, click withdraw. Wait about 20 seconds (sometimes it takes long for page to load) page refreshes back to bank and shows the amount I withdraw. Click on training page, wait for load. Once loaded immediatly clicked unit production upgrade button. Page reloaded after click stating loitering message. At this point my naq has been in the open for a while. After I saw loitering message i clicked training page again, took longer to load. Immediatly clicked upgrade button again and waited. Then whammo, it reloaded and showed it worked.

My concern is only that I was open to attack for a period of time that seemed unacceptable.

Posted: Sat Apr 02, 2005 1:34 pm
by sdb
My GF and I have had the same problem - I just went into the armoury to repair, clicked on a repair button, and was accused of loitering. There was between 30 and 60 seconds between the page loading and clicking the button, and it told me to 'leave or buy something'. Tried again from that page, and it worked, despite a similar delay.

This is weird, and annoying. Possibly a useful feature, but it needs some tuning! I just wish it were mentioned on the game updates page.

Posted: Sat Apr 02, 2005 1:42 pm
by sdb
Forum wrote:so - my question to those who see this - what were you doing that you could not go to the page, deoposit/withdraw, and ... done. ?
if there is a problem i'll fix it, but i do not believe there is...

I guess it makes sense - for the bank at least. However, it's a pain in the neck on other pages when you're doing other things as well. I load up the armory, do other things waiting for it to load, go back having done nothing else on the game, and try to repair a weapon, and get told I can't. Charming.

Same thing also goes for bank, I guess, a little, and much more for training etc.