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European wide medals for Olympic Games?

Posted: Sun Feb 28, 2010 8:00 am
by Legendary Apophis
I've not found an article on the net about it (it was on tv here a mini debate about it), that some would want to see Olympic games medals be counted as European wide not nations.
This would mean, with comparings they shown on tv, EU would have as much as if not much more than China & USA combined for medals. Europe supremacy on medals for summer & winter OG. Yes I know, there's an issue for nations having each their medals, but positive point, ranked 1 for total medals. So pros and cons I would say. It isn't anything official..

PS: it's NOT my idea, and I'm unsure about this...I see both pros & cons regarding this.

Re: European wide medals for Olympic Games?

Posted: Sun Feb 28, 2010 8:07 am
by Juliette
Old world nations afraid of not being 'sporting' enough so they'll resort to the most stupid of ideas.

Sure, make a subgroup. Don't put the EU in the List of Medals, but by all means, count them afterwards. Do the same with Africa, Asia, etcetera..

Re: European wide medals for Olympic Games?

Posted: Sun Feb 28, 2010 8:08 am
by Legendary Apophis
Offensive Bias wrote:Ridiculous.
Old world nations afraid of not being 'sporting' enough so they'll resort to the most stupid of ideas.

Sure, make a subgroup. Don't put the EU in the List of Medals, but by all means, count them afterwards. Do the same with Africa, Asia, etcetera..

I might not be totally in favour of it, but I don't see at all why it could be considered as "stupid".

Re: European wide medals for Olympic Games?

Posted: Sun Feb 28, 2010 8:12 am
by Juliette
I don't want to share my country's medals with some silly country that failed epically at achieving anything at the games.. like Luxembourg.
And additionally, I don't want to share in Germany's massive number of medals. They are good, and that's great, European pride.. but they're not the Netherlands, and their sportsmen don't win medals for me.

So .. the idea is stupid. It completely disregards the fact that besides economics, there is no European unity, and attempts to force unity down our throats. Despicable, and entirely in line with the hasty EU attempts at garnering political support for a clown with the charisma of a moldy bank clerk. *grin* I'm still grinning from that.

Re: European wide medals for Olympic Games?

Posted: Sun Feb 28, 2010 8:16 am
by Legendary Apophis
Offensive Bias wrote:I don't want to share my country's medals with some silly country that failed epically at achieving anything at the games.. like Luxembourg.
And additionally, I don't want to share in Germany's massive number of medals. They are good, and that's great, European pride.. but they're not the Netherlands, and their sportsmen don't win medals for me.

So .. the idea is stupid. It completely disregards the fact that besides economics, there is no European unity, and attempts to force unity down our throats. Despicable, and entirely in line with the hasty EU attempts at garnering political support for a clown with the charisma of a moldy bank clerk. *grin* I'm still grinning from that.

There's no European unity simply because whenever there's attempts to propose one, people refuse it. :)
Unity is to be built, it's not falling from sky. :-"

Legendary Apophis wrote:It isn't anything official..


Re: European wide medals for Olympic Games?

Posted: Sun Feb 28, 2010 8:19 am
by Juliette
An idea doesn't have to be official to be officially stupid.

Besides, that unity debate is not something you should discuss here, there are plenty of threads on the subject.

If people want to count medals, then hell, count medals. But don't take our Dutch medals and call them European, because they're not.

Re: European wide medals for Olympic Games?

Posted: Sun Feb 28, 2010 8:24 am
by Legendary Apophis
Offensive Bias wrote:An idea doesn't have to be official to be officially stupid.

Besides, that unity debate is not something you should discuss here, there are plenty of threads on the subject.

If people want to count medals, then hell, count medals. But don't take our Dutch medals and call them European, because they're not.

France isn't among the last ones, so I woud benefit less than Luxembourg would.
But, *only* thing I have against it, is the utter fuss many many people would make about it in different nations. That was the main and only reason I said I'm moderate about it, nothing else against it, I have.

I wouldn't personally have a problem with that (replace Dutch by French), having tiny countries benefit from our medals (as long as they are within the EU and not beyond borders opportunists), or benefiting indirectly from German medals, but well, to each their own opinion I guess. :?

EU countries will remain far far from top 3..excepted Germany and UK/France to a lesser extent. :)

Re: European wide medals for Olympic Games?

Posted: Sun Feb 28, 2010 9:49 am
by Zeratul
interesting concept... however, your numbers are a bit off... europe would have a LOT more medals than usa/china...

remember... norway currently has a total 50 medal lead on USA in winter olympics... and last we checked, norway is part of europe...

Re: European wide medals for Olympic Games?

Posted: Sun Feb 28, 2010 10:20 am
by Legendary Apophis
Zeratul wrote:interesting concept... however, your numbers are a bit off... europe would have a LOT more medals than usa/china...

remember... norway currently has a total 50 medal lead on USA in winter olympics... and last we checked, norway is part of europe...

Well it was about European Union which Norway isn't (yet) part of.
Because otherwise, the issue of "it's just a continent" would be brought up by Asia and America...however European Union is an entity more than a geographical location.
European Supremacy on Olympic Games, I like that. Couldn't give a damn whether it would be a slovenian, a polish or an irish medal, if EU was to be the norm I'd like it. And that would promote the lacking unity among EU countries only based on interest currently.
Afterall, people obsessed about nations stuff would still have european/world championships of athletism to feel it...and those are far from being minors. Not to mention all other, rugby, tennis, etc...

But well, main issue I'm very aware of, would be the massive amount of opposal from people about "it's my nation alone who won it" stuff. Un-united EU has still a long life to live. :(

Re: European wide medals for Olympic Games?

Posted: Sun Feb 28, 2010 2:46 pm
by RepliMagni
Gotta say its a daft idea.....think about it pops. Different countries have different budgets for the Olympic Games.....why would Britain spend a lot of money designing state of the art bikes, for then all of those medals to count for dozens of other countries?

By all means, like OB says, count them afterwards in league tables by continent for comparison....but to have them count during the games is never going to work....

Re: European wide medals for Olympic Games?

Posted: Sun Feb 28, 2010 3:11 pm
by Legendary Apophis
RepliMagni wrote:Gotta say its a daft idea.....think about it pops. Different countries have different budgets for the Olympic Games.....why would Britain spend a lot of money designing state of the art bikes, for then all of those medals to count for dozens of other countries?

By all means, like OB says, count them afterwards in league tables by continent for comparison....but to have them count during the games is never going to work....

The idea of united Europe attracted me. What can I say, I'm utopist at times. :(

Re: European wide medals for Olympic Games?

Posted: Tue Mar 09, 2010 3:15 pm
by sarparto
Sorry for being tardy to the party. Ridiculous idea. Whatever happened to national pride?

Re: European wide medals for Olympic Games?

Posted: Tue Mar 09, 2010 3:35 pm
by Q Man
](*,) ](*,) ](*,) ](*,) ](*,)

i actually cringed during that.

i'm not personally a massive fan of europe, but i am a big fan of the olympics and it would completely ruin the games as well as national pride. i know ireland win very few medals in the games, but when we do win them, we take pride, probably more pride than a larger country would take in winning a medal, i do believe most people in smaller countries enjoy the ideas of being the underdogs and having to fight your way to win instead of being handed gold medals that are seemingly undeserves because someone who has no connection to your country adds a medal to your tally.

and if you don't see this such a rediculous idea, just consider the same being done for the world cup? A European team? it would be a terrible idea.

Re: European wide medals for Olympic Games?

Posted: Tue Mar 09, 2010 3:41 pm
by sarparto
Has this idea been pitched before? The only thing I can think of, that has changed, is that the US just won the most medals at the winter games.