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House Idea

Posted: Wed Apr 14, 2010 6:56 pm
by [SlayerS_fith]
if these house's do indeed go through and begin on main.
i think the not make them totaly rigged once saided house's have a subscribed expiration date.

my theory.
if an alliance signs up for a house they have a full wekk to use the powers of said house b4 the next market reset. regardless of the time during week each house will remove all alliances under it at market reset.
all alliances in a house then have a 1 week cool off period where they cant join another house untill after the next market reset.
i helps this balance it all out.

eg the rediculous ascended blessing house.
alliance A join AB house to own alliance B alliance B get owned.
Alliance A is then forced outta AB house on market reset alliance B then join said house and fights back against Alliance A with the bonus on their side now.

i think it'll add alot more spice and planning to join a house and useing them.