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Covert capacity increase & M.E Back

Posted: Sun May 02, 2010 10:41 am
by Scenester
2x thingies id enjoy seeing happening.

1)Like double the total covert capacity one can have (right now 60).
Since when one has 30.000 of the second strongest weapon, but like hundreds of thousands of the strongest.
It will take you all 60 covert capacity turns to destroy 30k of the weak ones before even reaching the ones that matter...the anti-matter.
Simply because it doesnt matter how many units you send, you will always destroy the same amount of weapons as long as you beat their covert.
So if there'd be more covert capacity, sabbing would actually be worth a try.
Base the amount of weapons destroyed once again on amount of units send (like past era's) ;)

2) Bring Militairy Experience back ;(
It doesnt even have to count as a rank, I just like the idea of being able to SEE my actual PROGRESS.
This will not only be great for yourself but also lure people into attacking others, making it a brisky era full of life, not only stat builders, simply because there is something else they can show off with (exmpl: most def units killed, most turns used etc etc)
And showing off is definatly something people enjoy around here. :-D

So chea watchu think about either...