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System Lords Empire

Posted: Tue Jun 01, 2010 4:28 am
by ~Sokar~
Horus System Lords created the System Lords Empire. All alliances of the empire have common treaties, common forums and a full military alliance. The SLE is leaded by me the emperor and the goa'uld council.

SLE member alliances:

- Horus System Lords
- Imperial Guard
- The System Lords

HSL is an only system lord and the main alliance of the empire and has the highest requirements. It is leaded by Xanthors and me. TSL is our training alliance leaded by Apophis and pocketrocket. This is also an only goa'uld, system lord alliance. The Imperial Guard is leaded by Lord Anderos. This alliance do not have race requirements. Members of this alliance aren't only goa'ulds and system lords, but all members must swear loyalty and must acknowledge goa'uld superiority and our positions in the leadership. Members can participate in the same competitions, use the same forums and get the same awards as our goa'uld brothers. After HSL reach a number of members we plan to create more only system lords alliances.


Re: System Lords Empire

Posted: Tue Jun 01, 2010 5:06 am
by LegendaryA
Good to see Goa'ulds related alliances back. :sge

Re: System Lords Empire

Posted: Sat Jun 05, 2010 12:39 pm
by ~Sabaku no Gaara~
Leg Apophis wrote:Good to see Goa'ulds related alliances back. :sge

Yep !

Good luck guys !