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Posted: Tue Jun 22, 2010 1:05 pm
by TimeGap
TimeGap wrote:
Clarkey wrote:No offense to my friend Moses.... but stupid thread. ](*,)

We all know the likes of the zero propects guy... erm is that ProspeX.... and that is that this guy is a fool that is attention seeking on the forums, doesn't have anything ingame to support his big mouth on forums, but probably does to support his childish behaviour. he will never reveal his ID because he'll be embarrased at either a) everyone laughing at his little account compared to his attitude, or b) he will be embarrassed when everyone finds out who he is.

This is clearly one of those threads that will involve NO ingame fighting, just a slinging ooopy dooopy slanging match on forums. :roll:

Forum needs a "Like" button...

Personally I think it would be fun:

To try and improve post quality, would it not be nice to have a "User rating system"

Like/Dislike much like youtube etc?

Was just wondering if it would 1: Be possible on the forum. 2: What you guys think of something like that?

Think it might be cool personally :)

(If its in wrong section please be so kind to move it mods. :)

Re: Suggestion

Posted: Tue Jun 22, 2010 5:55 pm
by Empy
It's probably possible. It probably requires a mod (modification) to the Forums that Jason won't do. It isn't going to happen regardless if the idea is good or bad (I'm neutral on like/dislike).

Re: Suggestion

Posted: Tue Jun 22, 2010 6:15 pm
by Jim
When im in a lazy mood i want a "like" button. But being lazy is bad
I would say more but i cant be bothered.
I wish i could just like this thread :(

Re: Suggestion

Posted: Tue Jun 22, 2010 10:50 pm
by TimeGap
lol Jim, my point exactly...

Oh well, was just an idea I had :)

Re: Suggestion

Posted: Wed Jun 23, 2010 5:47 am
by Zeratul
its an interesting idea, but as some mentioned, AdminJason is very reluctant to install most mods... so probably wont happen...

Re: Suggestion

Posted: Wed Jun 23, 2010 7:08 am
by TimeGap
Just saw a "Thank You" Button on another forum im building for a different gaming clan, that gives you "Rep" the more ppl click it, also points are more rewarding and unlock titles, e.g. posting in certain forum sections award more points than others.

Quite nice actually :P

Re: Suggestion

Posted: Wed Jun 23, 2010 7:13 am
by Clarkey
TimeGap wrote:Just saw a "Thank You" Button on another forum im building for a different gaming clan, that gives you "Rep" the more ppl click it, also points are more rewarding and unlock titles, e.g. posting in certain forum sections award more points than others.

Quite nice actually :P
The ideas are all good, but come down to one issue......

Jason and Templates.

Certain Mods require template edits. Now if Jason kept this forum simple and only used ONE template then it wouldn't take much to do the template edits each time the forum is upgraded, cause that doesn't happen that often.

But no, this forum has something like 20 templates. That would mean the same template edits 20 times over. Which would be silly.

However, I do believe, especially on vBulletin forums these days that most Mods don't require manual template edits anymore, most are automatic!

Re: Suggestion

Posted: Wed Jun 23, 2010 7:15 am
by TimeGap
Aaaah Thanx Clarky, that puts it in perspective. With so many templates, I wouldnt really want to add somerhing that will have to be done on each and every one either. lolz

Re: Suggestion

Posted: Fri Jun 25, 2010 10:19 am
by Mordack
Silly, modern idea. If people 'like' something then they should be able to express it with a post of their own. I hate this facebook type culture of instant gratification where we all have buttons to expression our emotions with. Grow some imagination and stop being so damn lazy.

Re: Suggestion

Posted: Fri Jun 25, 2010 10:44 am
by Clarkey
Mordack wrote:Silly, modern idea. If people 'like' something then they should be able to express it with a post of their own. I hate this facebook type culture of instant gratification where we all have buttons to expression our emotions with. Grow some imagination and stop being so damn lazy.
What a grump you have become these days.
