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GFX Competition - 20T Prize (PLUS Freelance Oppertunity)

Posted: Thu Jun 24, 2010 9:18 am
by TimeGap
Ok here it is.
What all GFX Guys (and possibly girls)around have been waiting for...

I am looking for the best of the best. The most creative and talented.
Weather you are a beginner, or a pro. All are welcome.

Right, here is a nice outline of the whole competition:


1 - Entry Phase
2 - Challenge Phase
3 - Semi Finals
4 - Finals
5 - Prize!!!!!

1: Entries

a. Entry Post - Post your entry in this topic (I'm in, or any clear indication that you have entered)PM me a design, of a company logo and your msn details. On the closing date for the entries, I will post all designs here. Just so nobody steals any ideas ;) Also send an email to with the topic "GFX Comp" so that I have your email address for communication. (The name of the company, operational field of the company etc is totally up to you. Colors, sizes etc, also all up to you, keep in mind this is for "Your Fictional Company". You may change the Theme, Colors, Name etc in each phase)
b. ALL are welcome
c. Anybody who wishes to enter the competition, has until Monday 5 July 2010 to post their entry in this topic, and send me the PM containing their design.
d. End date will be specified as soon as the "Entry Phase" has been closed.
e. Phase 2 will start 24 Hours after I have posted the entries.

2: Challenge

a. A series of designs will be requested, with more details on the opening of this phase. (Again, fictional company graphics all designs up to you)
b. Again, all GFX are to be sent to me, via a PM
c. Each design will be judged by myself and my business partners and awarded an amount of points (0-5)
d. Designs will be posted and the scoring will be displayed on each design.
e. The 3 Highest scoring designers will then be sent 1T Naq each for their hard efforts.
f. Next phase will commence 24 hours after challenge results have been posted

3. Semi Finals.

a. Again, a series of designs will be requested, with more details on the opening of this phase. (Again, fictional company graphics all designs up to you)
b. Again, all GFX are to be sent to me, via a PM
c. Each design will be judged by myself and my business partners and awarded an amount of points (0-10)
d. Designs will be posted and the scoring will be displayed on each design.
e. The 2 highest scoring designers will go through to the finals, and will be sent 3T naq each, for all the effort.
f. The Final phase, will open 48 hours after the two finalists have been announced and their GFX Posted.

4: Finals

a. The final round, will last 7 days EXACTLY. (To ensure that the finalists can truly prove themselves.)
b. A SPECIFIC design will be requested, with more details on the opening of this phase. (Again, fictional company graphics all designs up to you)
c. Again, all GFX are to be sent to me, via a PM
d. A Winner will be decided by myself and my business partners.
e. Designs will be posted and the winner clearly indicated.

5: Prize!!!

a. 10T naq will be sent to the runner up.
b. 20T Naq will be sent to the winner!
c. Myself and my business partners will meet with the winner in an msn conversation to discuss the details in private...

Now that was as painful for me to post, as it was for you to read...

Can I PLEASE ask that this topic not be spammed, and kept on track with the topic.

If you wish to discuss this topic, please create a specific topic related to this one for discussions on it.

For any additional info, send me a pm or catch me on msn -

Get them creative juices going people!!!

Freelance Prize - Providing my company with GFX Designs to go onto websites from time to time for cash payment.



BLIND POST - When a designer wishes to do all the designs in advance, 1 point per design will be awarded by each judge, as this designer will not have the benefit of seeing what the competition can do in each phase. In a case where a judge rewards the maximum amount of points, this will not apply, as the max amount will be awarded.

Only 1 entry per design request will be accepted



Designers Participating:

Lt. Frank Drebin (SS)
Dark Demon

Re: GFX Competition - 20T Prize (Also a HUGE "Secret" Prize)

Posted: Thu Jun 24, 2010 10:00 am
by TimeGap
Ok just to set things straight, this is not a con, I am not trying to get anyone to make a logo for my company, or steal anybody's intellectual property.

The final prize might have something to do with my company, but when reading the post, you will see that the designs will basically be business orientated, and all up to you...

Anyways, by company already have all our stuff sorted out. Not gonna post link here, but you are more than welcome to request it via pm.

Re: GFX Competition - 20T Prize (Also a HUGE "Secret" Prize)

Posted: Thu Jun 24, 2010 10:02 am
by minisaiyan
You wouldnt just give away 20tril naq, and offer something else from your company if you did not want something in return. I wont be participating if i do not find out, and will be encouraging others to follow suit.

Re: GFX Competition - 20T Prize (PLUS Freelance Oppertunity)

Posted: Thu Jun 24, 2010 10:11 am
by TimeGap
Sweet, post edited to reveal the surprise...

Hope you guys find it more trustworthy?

Re: GFX Competition - 20T Prize (PLUS Freelance Oppertunity)

Posted: Thu Jun 24, 2010 10:12 am
by [BoT] Jason
I would trust this guy....

Re: GFX Competition - 20T Prize (PLUS Freelance Oppertunity)

Posted: Thu Jun 24, 2010 10:12 am
by minisaiyan
Thank you.

If i can make the time I will enter, bu its more than likely that I won't as I am very busy next few weeks, and the 'special' prize does not particularly appeal to me

Re: GFX Competition - 20T Prize (PLUS Freelance Oppertunity)

Posted: Thu Jun 24, 2010 10:14 am
by TimeGap
Thanks :)

Well it could always be payment in in game res to the value of the cash payments aswell ;)

I do hope you would find some time though :)


Re: GFX Competition - 20T Prize (PLUS Freelance Oppertunity)

Posted: Thu Jun 24, 2010 10:18 am
by Neimenljivi
Thanks for the invite, it really does sound interesting and I am very willing to participate (especially as I'll be going to graphic design university in 2 years and that'd be - along with some other logos I made for different sites - a nice benefit for also getting hired later on), however in 1 weeks time I'll be gone on seaside for 2 weeks (possibly more - depending what the weather is like) and I'll have no internet access (at least probably) and no PhotoShop either (that's for sure).

So if I can somehow create the graphics for all the phases now then I am in it? ;)


Re: GFX Competition - 20T Prize (PLUS Freelance Oppertunity)

Posted: Thu Jun 24, 2010 10:44 am
by J-ronimo
Thanks for invite.

Timing fits well with my remaining exams therefor i will give it a go.

Re: GFX Competition - 20T Prize (PLUS Freelance Oppertunity)

Posted: Thu Jun 24, 2010 10:55 am
by TimeGap
Thanks for the entries guys.

Cant wait to see what comes out of this :D :D

Re: GFX Competition - 20T Prize (PLUS Freelance Oppertunity)

Posted: Thu Jun 24, 2010 12:08 pm
by Arios
You've caught my curiosity, lets see where this goes.

Re: GFX Competition - 20T Prize (PLUS Freelance Oppertunity)

Posted: Thu Jun 24, 2010 12:17 pm
by TimeGap
Thanks Arios.

Added and good luck to all.

Re: GFX Competition - 20T Prize (PLUS Freelance Oppertunity)

Posted: Thu Jun 24, 2010 2:07 pm
thanks for the invite :)

sent u pm

Re: GFX Competition - 20T Prize (PLUS Freelance Oppertunity)

Posted: Thu Jun 24, 2010 2:16 pm
by TimeGap
Looks like we are in for some strong competition here :P

Re: GFX Competition - 20T Prize (PLUS Freelance Oppertunity)

Posted: Thu Jun 24, 2010 8:35 pm
by BlacK Oblivion
i might have a go.... so 50/50 at this very moment for me... ill post here to let you know if i will enter in the comp....

20trill *drools*