Book of Thoth

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Maha Vishnu
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Book of Thoth

Key 1:-Human sacrifice

In a desolate part of a 4 planet system, Tar-Nu clutches an iron key taken from the chest cavity of a human lying near him. This sholva thought that his god would not find it.
Tar-Nu beamed to the hatak. It then enters hyperspace.

Key 2:- The open step
The winds where making Tar-Nu's walk even harder. He must succeed; failing his god would mean a life of eternal suffering.

He entered into a cave. I am close. He lit a small torch and ventured in.
The cave opened up wider and the torches lit. In front of Tar-Nu lay a bronze key. So easy to reach and grab. All is not what it seems. He picked up a stone and threw it at the key. A sudden flash and a laser blast hit the rock and evaporated it.

Tar-Nu saw where the laser was fired. He picked up another rock and threw it again at the key. The laser burst into life than nothing. The staff weapon had blasted the surrounding wall. The laser was no more. Tar-Nu picked up another rock and threw it. It clunked against the key. He stepped forward and claimed it.

Key 3: The monsters lair

Tar-Nu was beamed down to the planet. This would be difficult. He tracked some large footprints. He looked hard and saw a key made of wood hanging from the tree, the sycamore tree.
Tar-Nu stepped forward. Closer and closer, then he turned and ducked from large claw. In front of him was a dire mare. 8ft tall bipedal fur monster. Teeth that would rip skin from bone in seconds.

The monster lunged at Tar-Nu, who again rolled out of the way and used his momentum bringing it hard up into the monsters stomach.
If the monster felt pain it never showed it. Another swipe this time Tar-Nu used his short knife and lunged at the monster. 4-5, stabs. Blue blood was dripping out of the monsters wounds. It seemed to make it even angrier.

It rushed and caught Tar-Nu, who was flung 10 ft away. Blood trickled down Tar-Nu's face. It mattered not. The monster started to charge. Tar-Nu braced himself. As the monster was nearly on top he side stepped and jumped onto the monsters back and pushed his knife into the skull of the monster. The monster howled, and then dropped to the floor.
Tar-Nu wiped his blade on the monster and took the key. 3 his possession

Key 4: The two that makes one

The 4th key was in fact two keys that made one. One was made from ivory, the other from ebony.
Both keys would prove difficult.
Tar-Nu approached the rock face. It was made from pure ebony. A 1000ft climb at least he thought Tales have been told that only those who brave the climb will find the rewards as many had tried to fly to the top but nothing was ever found. And those that did climb, where burned by the mid day rays.
Tar-Nu started his climb. The heat was not too bad, but he knew in another 4 hours, the sun would reach its pinnacle and a temperatures of over 150'c was not a prospect he wanted to face.

Tar-Nu was finding the going hard. Using the human types of instruments would have made this impossible, but the retractable iridium rods made it slightly easier although the rock was soft in places.

Tar-Nu was starting to sweat. He could feel the sun rays on the back of his neck. The symbiote was working full time to reduce the harmful radiation. The rock was absorbing heat. Every time Tar-Nu grab a crevice or hole grip he could feel the burn.

Tar-Nu finally reached the top, his hands bleeding and burned. Just then the sun reached its highest point and Tar-Nu threw himself forward, the climbing rope and bags burned.

Damn, he had forgotten about the sun rays. But, he was not harmed. The heat started to dissipate. He heard a noise and in front of him was a beast of pure white. Tar-Nu went to grab his knife but could not move. The white beast looked at Tar-Nu and spoke in him in Jaffa.

The white beats disappeared and in front of Tar-Nu were two keys. Ebony and ivory. He picked them up they fitted perfectly.
He communicated to the hatak and was beamed off the mountain top

Key 5: All that shines is but an illusion

This was by chance the easiest trial, but the most deadly.
The key was owned by a human called Trevik so the legends say. No one had ever seen Trevik, but tales of his power where legendary, amongst the slaves Tar-Nu had tortured.

Tar-Nu even doubted he existed, but his god, all knowing told him of where to find him.
Tar-Nu walked up through the town. The local villagers did not even acknowledging his presence. Normally, these peasants would flee or bow but these did neither. Tar-Nu thought maybe he should kill a few to show his disdain of them. But no, that would not be appropriate. He had a job to do.

He walked into a small inn. No one took any notice. There where people playing a game of throwing things at a board, some men had cups and dice, no doubt gambling.
Tar-Nu felt a tap on his shoulder. He turned around and in front of him was a silver haired man, not more than 5ft 5". Tar-Nu looked down shocked how he could approach without any notice.

"Welcome, come and sit” Tar-Nu followed him to a table in the corner. The inn man brought 2 goblets over and poured in some liquid and walked off.
"Try". Tar-Nu picked up the goblet. This is a trick or was it. He smelt the liquid but could not detect any traces of poison."
He looked at the wiry face man who smiled. He picked up his goblet and drank.
Tar-Nu did the same. The liquid was alcoholic in nature, but with a taste of honey.

"You are here for the key are you not"?

Tar-Nu looked, "yes"

"May I ask why"?

"No. All you need to know, that your god, Maha Vishnu requires it"

"Ah, my god requires it. Maha Vishnu is not my god"

Tar-Nu felt anger build up, but let it go
"Many have said that and I have killed them where they stand"

The man laughed, "I am sure you have Jaffa"

"So you are the one called Trevik. I thought you was but a story"

Another laugh comes from his mouth. "I am no more of a story, then a fable spoken by children"

Tar-Nu raised his eyebrow, what did that mean.

"Do you know what the key is for"?

Tar-Nu did not.

"It is not my place to question my god"

"Yes, yes,” another laugh came out

Tar-Nu was getting agitated but he knew the tales, and if indeed this was the one, then he was no mere mortal.

"Tell me Jaffa, There are two sisters: one gives birth to the other and she, in turn, gives birth to the first" What are they"?

Tar-Nu looked, "what"?

"Answer the riddles and you shall have the key. Answer them wrong and your soul will be mine"

Tar-Nu went to grab his knife but was shocked to see it missing
The old man puts the knife on the table “Looking for this" yet again another laugh came out.

Then he stopped. "Tell me Jaffa, There are two sisters: one gives birth to the other and she, in turn, gives birth to the first" What are they? In a more sinister tone.

Tar-Nu thought. "The answer is Day and night"

The old man face screwed up. "Good, good"

"Now, I have answered your question give me the key"

"No, you have just started Jaffa"

"What two questions can you be asked that you can never say yes to and be correct"?

Tar-Nu thought. "Are you sleeping and are you dead"

"Yes, now, one more."

"A man who bought an Mablee and two Terrcots and returned to his house. He ate the mablee and then threw it away. How many terrcots did he have left?
"Two. he ate the Mablee not the Terrcots therefore he would have two left"
The inn disappears. There is no one there apart from the old man and Tar-Nu.

"Congratulations jaffa, you are the first to answer. Even Thoth would be impressed"

He held out 3 silver keys. "Pick one. One of them is what you seek; the other two will kill you"

Tar-Nu growled. "I weary of you old man, but I will play this game"

He went to grab the first one to the left then stopped.

He looked at the old man who was smiling.

"No, these are not the keys. I will take this. He took a petal from the old man’s necklace.

The petal transformed into a key.

There was a flash of light and Tar-Nu was on his teltak. He had the silver key in his hand.
One more find.......

(So, anyone guess wheren this could lead or what it means mauahahahhaha :twisted:

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Re: Book of Thoth

Hm, interesting.... good luck with whatever it may be...
Currently ingame known as BenMS

Goblin: "I like your boots."
Sorcerer: "That's because you don't have any. The emotion is called envy."
/smile at the green grass,
smile at the sun,
smile at the roses,
before they're gone/

BenjaminMS - 'A thief of roses'
[TL] Renegadze zegt:
yeah definately makes more sense you hitting
and I have no DMU as you keep robbing it
MERC 1 zegt:
shuld not leave it out
any way you cant prove nothing
[TL] Michael/BenjaminMS zegt:
meh Rene, just find a few 0-def farms with 300+ tril DMU out...
MERC 1 zegt:
cool you two take it then i will hit you
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Maha Vishnu
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Re: Book of Thoth

Key 6: The 5 maketh the 6th

The teltak landed. Tar-Nu breathed slowly. He walked out into bright sunshine. Lord Vishnu walked behind.

In the near distance stood a massive pyramid. Tar-Nu had seen many pyramids before but never one to this scale. The City of Khumun was but 5 days walk away

20 minutes later they approached. In front of them stood 2 massive statues of warriors, with Hawk heads, no doubt guards of Horus.

Vishnu and Tar-Nu continued there walk. Tar-Nu ever ready with his staff weapon always on the look out for danger. They entered into the great pyramid. The walls paved with gold, with hierogylphs. Tar-Nu looked in awe, never had he seen such splendour.
They continued into the pyramid. In-front of him was a bowl, with water in it.

He read the writing but this was not goauld dialect or Egyptian. Never had he seen this type of written word. Lord Vishnu looked at the words, but found he had no knowledge of this type. Who or what had written this inscription.

Suddenly a nosie is heard. A column rises out of the ground. Tar-Nu aimed his staff weapon at it. Waiting,

Then he heard another noise like a whinning and 2 silver disks appeared. Before he knew it, the silver disk had hit him in the back.
Lord Vishnu put his personel force field up but the disk went straight through

Tar-Nu suddenly held his head. It was extreme pain. He dropped his staff weapon and fell to his kness. Around him was getting dark. Lord Vishnu was also in pain.

Tar-Nu awoke. Lord Vishnu was gone. He got up. Fear he felt for his first time. Had he failed his god

Lord Vishnu awoke. He was in a chamber lit by a small torch. Above him he could see the sky. The moon was as bright as the sun was during the day,

Then a image appeared. Vishnu ready himself. An image of a tall young man, in his late 20’s stood in front of Vishnu
“Welcome chosen one. You have done well coming this far, but now you must show your loyalty. Place the 5 keys into the bowl”
Vishnu placed the keys in and they vanished.

“Do not fear, the keys are safe. Now, you must show your knowledge”

10 images appeared. Each of eqyptian gods. Apophis, Nut, Ma’at, Setesh, Anubis, Osiris, Nefertum, Isis, Bastet, Sekhmet

“Choose the blessed of Ra”

Vishnu thought. It must mean his allies.

He spoke out loud the following names. Ma’at, Sekhmet, Isis, Osiris, Bastet, Nut
“The images of those gods lit as he said there names.”

A door opened.

Lord Vishnu walked forward. The door closed. The image appeared again.
“State what you seek”

“I seek the Book of Thoth”


Vishnu thought. “Ra has been attacked by the other gods. Apophis has a large army. Anubis is also attacking Ra. He sent me to uncover the Book, to use it against his enemies”.

The image flickered. “Do you speak the truth”?
“I do, now give me the book of thoth”

“You need the golden key. Do you have it”?

“What, I thought I would be given the key.”
“Before you get the key you must offer something in return”
“What, gold, slaves”?

“You must leave part of your Ka for the key, in honour of Ra”
“What” Vishnu, had heard of this. Ka was the eqyptian form of spirit or soul.

He hated Ra, but he had got this far so why not

“I agree”

“Very well”

A large light shone above Vishnu who had to put his hands over his eyes.

In front of him was the 5 keys. They started to mould into each other. They became one.

Vishnu picked up the key. He was transported into a chamber with no doors. In front was a gold box. He walked forward and put the key into the lock and turned the key.

He heard many gears turning and whining noises coming from the chest.

In front of him was a black book. He picked it up. The pages had no writing. Then something came into his head
“Si Rak Noc la kel. Shk sal soo”

Writing appeared before him. A small silver disk was on the floor which had earlier attacked him. No doubt was a sensor. Tar-Nu symbiote was still in its infancy. The disk must of given Vishnu the understanding of the strange language, however, he could not remember a single thing he had said now.

There was a sudden flash of light and he found himself outside of the pyramid. Tar-Nu standing just staring in disablief

“Come Tar-Nu. I have the means now. The House of Thoth will be mine.
They will obey the~Rico Warlords~"


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Re: Book of Thoth


Interesting read. Congrats on the house Ricos. :-D
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Re: Book of Thoth

oi! come on guys!! did u kick EPA from Science?lol

I was enjoying sabbing them at war sabs..for the LITTLE they had!! :-D
R0B3RT wrote:yep sorry not a bug i.m a noob :-D
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Re: Book of Thoth

SSG EnterTheLion wrote:oi! come on guys!! did u kick EPA from Science?lol

I was enjoying sabbing them at war sabs..for the LITTLE they had!! :-D

[-X does it mean you sent them to overtake the house and kick your enemy?
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Re: Book of Thoth

Good read

Jedi~Tank wrote:So who was whining about the alliance repair and got it changed?
Im in josh's rant,Ra tells of how he admires me,Harch loves me, and Jack says im an idiot
~Josh~ Dead and Gone wrote:
Second, piss ants who kiss ass to get on peoples good sides. I remember one in particular, Byrnes. Now, no offence to you, but your nose is so brown I cant even make fun of you without feeling bad. Its a game, man up and dont be a puss.
Ra wrote: Truth be told.. I'm just nervous to be in the same thread as the legendary Byrnes. He just makes me quake in my boots, I wouldn't dare hit him back.
harchester wrote: Ra seriously, who are you, byrnes may suck in most peoples eyes but seriously..u think ur a big shot for wearing the Omega tag ?....your nothing kid....instead of yapping on forums mass byrnes ingame ?

Byrnes >>>> Ra anyday of the week
Dr. House wrote: Ya know, Byrnes, you used to be a good kid. Now however, you're just an obnoxious little idiot that tries to act tougher than he really is. That makes you weak and pathetic. :smt011

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Re: Book of Thoth

and so it was written ...

great storyline Vishnu :)
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Re: Book of Thoth

well, if i understood it right, this topic is the celebrate of RW house leadership.

RW are in war with TAF, and they left TAAE in house, so they cant attack each other. But they booted EPA, wring OE.

RW says they are not in FUALL, but they are doing what suits FUALL.

Leting TAF allainces stay in house alowes DDE to mass them without nox and blessings.
Kicking EPA from house took them opportunity to mass OE off nox and without blessings.



I got it! RW overtake scince house to protect FUALL allainces.
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Re: Book of Thoth

caesar2 wrote:well, if i understood it right, this topic is the celebrate of RW house leadership.

RW are in war with TAF, and they left TAAE in house, so they cant attack each other. But they booted EPA, wring OE.

RW says they are not in FUALL, but they are doing what suits FUALL.

Leting TAF allainces stay in house alowes DDE to mass them without nox and blessings.
Kicking EPA from house took them opportunity to mass OE off nox and without blessings.



I got it! RW overtake scince house to protect FUALL allainces.

Kinda obvious from the start it was going to happen, lets face it RW is FUALL's lap dog :lol:
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Re: Book of Thoth

Infected wrote:
caesar2 wrote:well, if i understood it right, this topic is the celebrate of RW house leadership.

RW are in war with TAF, and they left TAAE in house, so they cant attack each other. But they booted EPA, wring OE.

RW says they are not in FUALL, but they are doing what suits FUALL.

Leting TAF allainces stay in house alowes DDE to mass them without nox and blessings.
Kicking EPA from house took them opportunity to mass OE off nox and without blessings.



I got it! RW overtake scince house to protect FUALL allainces.

Kinda obvious from the start it was going to happen, lets face it RW is FUALL's lap dog :lol:

And your our female dog taking a "quote from Sokar" if we are fualls lapdogs

Let me put you straight


Why the books of Thoth was taken was RW HC decision.
I was NEVER asked by FUALL to take the house.

There is a plan. And that plan is what the book of Thoth contains.

Now, live with it.

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Re: Book of Thoth

Awesome RP! :)
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Re: Book of Thoth

This is excellent RP and been a good read.


caesar2 wrote:I got it! RW overtake scince house to protect FUALL allainces.

Ricos never have and never will answer to ANYONE. I've seen it many times myself. But I'm guessing some people will accuse them of the same thing you are whenever they make a decision that doesn't help fuall rivals.
And that's really just their problem...
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Re: Book of Thoth

Kjarkur wrote:This is excellent RP and been a good read.


Hell Yeah! Love It HMV!

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Re: Book of Thoth

Kjarkur wrote:This is excellent RP and been a good read.


caesar2 wrote:I got it! RW overtake scince house to protect FUALL allainces.

Ricos never have and never will answer to ANYONE. I've seen it many times myself. But I'm guessing some people will accuse them of the same thing you are whenever they make a decision that doesn't help fuall rivals.
And that's really just their problem...

Then why does RW have an infinite NAP with FUALL :-k
wouldn't that make them allies?

What do allies do
protect each other ;)
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