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world government - it's worth a shot

Posted: Wed Aug 11, 2010 8:27 am
by Hitchkok
okay, here's my basic premise:
just as national govenments put a stop to tribal/poleail (i.e: of poleis) disputes and wars, wouldn't a world government do the same in a larger scale?
and just as national governments are dedicated to aiding the poor, wouldn't a world government do the same in a larger scale?

Re: world government - it's worth a shot

Posted: Wed Aug 11, 2010 8:57 am
by [KMA]Avenger
i suggest you go read the Elites OWN documents on what they have planned for us via a "World Government". some of these PUBLIC documents were put out over 150+ years ago which have proven to be VERY accurate, both in agenda and time line.

and if this is a topic about some grand utopia...forget it! i don't trust my ELECTED officials now, what makes you think you can trust an even MORE centralised form of Govt?

anyways, in case you haven't noticed, power is being ever more centralised...we are already in a 1 world order! but don't take my word for it, listen to Bush Snr who declared the NWO on 9/11 01 (make of that what you will but the date is fact!), or listen to Brown who also declared a new world order.

not only is this a dumb idea, its also evil beyond description.

Re: world government - it's worth a shot

Posted: Wed Aug 11, 2010 12:04 pm
by Legendary Apophis
Prior to the early 1990s, New World Order conspiracism was limited to two American countercultures, primarily the militantly anti-government right, and secondarily fundamentalist Christians concerned with end-time emergence of the Antichrist.[7] Skeptics, such as Michael Barkun and Chip Berlet, have expressed concern that right-wing conspiracy theories about a New World Order have now not only been embraced by many left-wing conspiracy theorists but have seeped into popular culture, thereby inaugurating an unrivaled period of people actively preparing for apocalyptic millenarian scenarios in the United States of the late 20th and early 21st centuries. These political scientists warn that this mass hysteria may not only fuel lone-wolf terrorism but have devastating effects on American political life,[8] such as the far right wooing the far left into joining a revolutionary Third Position movement capable of subverting the established political powers.[3][9]

Having seen the documentary made about anti-Obama movements, I noticed that those who talked about NWO, Illuminati and Obama being the Antichrist seemed to be anti gov far-right people or fundamentalist christians. In accordance to the above. (even though there's also popularity within far left about this conspiracy, as the above also declares)

The most ridiculous incarnation of this theory, is, the so called hidden message in 1$ note. "Novus Ordo Seclorum". As the politics analyst said in the documentary, any person who did a minimum of latin in school would laugh about people thinking it means New World Order. "Novus Ordo Seclorum" means New Order of Ages/Centuries. In correct latin, IF seclorum meant "world", it would be translated as "New Order of Worlds". The correct translation of New World Order is Novus Ordo Mundi.


On topic, I don't think it's yet the moment to try such things, maybe in couple of centuries humanity will be ready for that?

Re: world government - it's worth a shot

Posted: Thu Aug 12, 2010 1:07 am
by [KMA]Avenger
for Jim, i have to make it clear that i am a political-atheist. i don't support far right or far anything ideas. i am a humanist (or whatever the term is), i support my fellow human beings regardless of race, creed and colour.

a form of Govt such as the one portrayed in Star Trek will NEVER work. we will have to be FAAAAAR wiser a species as a whole, and FAAAAAR more enlightened for such an idea to work because all the power is centralised. the chance for people to abuse so much power is a VERY real danger none of us in our right minds would risk.

Re: world government - it's worth a shot

Posted: Thu Aug 12, 2010 4:38 am
by Kit-Fox

Re: world government - it's worth a shot

Posted: Thu Aug 12, 2010 8:30 am
by Jack
I think someone is forgetting about the UN. :-"

Re: world government - it's worth a shot

Posted: Thu Aug 12, 2010 8:38 am
by [KMA]Avenger
Kit-Fox wrote:Actually KMA a government like Star Trek is what we should be aiming for, as it is entirely civilian & anyone can join. Decisions are made by a council that has multiple representatives for each race so different view points for each race can be aired.

Planets can appeal choices that affect thier normal way of life or indeed choose to leave the federation without any untoward effects.

The power of the president is highly proscribed & can only be used in very specific circumstances & everything is open, anyone can walk in to see any member of the federation government.

All decisions made by the gov are public record with none sealed.


Methinks you were thinking sratfleet is the government in star trek, where in fact is it the military arm of the government & must abide by whatever the civilian government chooses, especially as the civilian federation gov has all the ship access codes ;)

EDIT: Sorry for the continued & extended metaphor but i'm hoping you all get the point

you misunderstand, i wasn't talking about the Star Fleet, i was talking about the Federation being portrayed as somekind of utopian wonder Govt which can do no wrong.

in our present state of immatureness-could we create such a utopian wonder Govt without fear of the abuse of power given that we have in reality right now, smaller Govts than that of the Federation, who the vast majority of the public-do not trust for one reason or another?

i know for a fact that i wouldn't trust ANY of our politicians or party's to tell me the correct time in a room full of clocks!

@Jack, great point!

Re: world government - it's worth a shot

Posted: Thu Aug 12, 2010 8:42 am
by Nigatsu_Aka
Maybe this would happen only if the humanity will face a challenge... for example and alien race invading Earth and wanting to exterminate all the humans to keep the planet for their own...

also, there is too much cultural diversity, still too much racism... we're not ready as a race.

Re: world government - it's worth a shot

Posted: Thu Aug 12, 2010 8:48 am
by Kit-Fox

Re: world government - it's worth a shot

Posted: Thu Aug 12, 2010 8:56 am
by Lord Yojimbo
Kit-Fox wrote:Except that at the UN the only representatives for each country are those of the current administration/civil service & not a whole host of representatives for each country each with their own views on each topic raised.

How exactly does one go about leaving the UN again?? Without any consequences of doing so in the form of international bullying or retribution of any kind??

Not anybody can just the join the UN like you could join a gym or a library. Not and get in a position of power or responsibility all of which are hand picked by the UN.

UN records can be sealed & arent all available for public viewing

And last but not least the UN isnt solely civilian

EDIT: It is never protrayed as doing no wrong in either the series or the books, in fact its portrayed as getting it wrong quite often, but by virue of its openness etc such mistakes are corrected.

Something we dont have atm & no we probably couldnt create it, didnt say we could, I did however say it was something to aim for ;) Pay attention

The EU is the first true test of this kind of endevour...still we need to sort out issues like hunger and poverty before we can even consider a unified approach across the world - the EU is the testing ground for susch a system I think and I will watch with interest as various interests and cultures struggle to form unified opinions....

Re: world government - it's worth a shot

Posted: Thu Aug 12, 2010 8:58 am
by Thriller
Dr. House wrote:I think someone is forgetting about the UN. :-"

That useless group of delegates that continue to pass useless resolutions.

@ avenger
You can't stop us, it's already too late. All that is left is submission.
If you give in now i'll put a good word in for you /sarcasm

What your doing is no different than what religeons do; subcribing the meaning of events to a greater power.

When those things don't correlate to your old theory of world dominiation you don't change your ininital hypothesis, just the interpretation; ie. self fullfulling prophecy.

@ hitch
It could work but how would we decide the leaders of the government?

I would be more inclined to develop a world government as a republic. Needing a strong constituion or charter at its base. I would prefer a parliamentary system like England or Canada. Having a house, senate and judicial branch. A seperate "excutive" branch places to much power into such a small delegation, for my liking.

I'm not sure how you would break down the delegation though, by population, economy or what?
I'll write a more detailed post after i give this more thought.

Re: world government - it's worth a shot

Posted: Thu Aug 12, 2010 9:15 am
by [KMA]Avenger
Thriller wrote:
@ avenger
You can't stop us, it's already too late. All that is left is submission.
If you give in now i'll put a good word in for you /sarcasm

no thanks, "they" and you can keep your world order/Govt!

Thriller wrote:What your doing is no different than what religeons do; subcribing the meaning of events to a greater power.

you deny there is a higher power than ANY Govt? :? and i ain't talking about God or some screwed up religion!

Thriller wrote:When those things don't correlate to your old theory of world dominiation you don't change your ininital hypothesis, just the interpretation; ie. self fullfulling prophecy.

what are you talking about "world domination"?! "they" already dominate the world...or was you asleep when our Govts handed over Trillions of dollars to the bankers who then said and i quote "we wont tell you where the money went!".

the problem with you and people like you is that you live in a bubble that keeps you nice and snug, the info i try and pass to people like you pops that comfort zone you live in leaving you in mid air with no solid ground below your feet, so what do you do?! you dont challenge me on ANY of the facts instead you like to make clever remarks which reinforce this comfort bubble you live in....

dont take my word for it listen to these 2 mouth-pieces of the NWO:

now, if you truly want to challenge me, watch this and then read the proof which is on the bibliography for the film and then go away and do your own research just as i have:

Kit-Fox wrote:
Something we dont have atm & no we probably couldnt create it, didnt say we could, I did however say it was something to aim for ;) Pay attention

i am paying attention, and if i may say so...way ahead of you. read below ;)

[KMA]Avenger wrote:a form of Govt such as the one portrayed in Star Trek will NEVER work. we will have to be FAAAAAR wiser a species as a whole, and FAAAAAR more enlightened for such an idea to work because all the power is centralised. the chance for people to abuse so much power is a VERY real danger none of us in our right minds would risk.

what i mean by centralised power is not in reference to the Star Fleet (which as you correctly point out is in times of need, the military arm of The Federation), but in reference to the office. as history has proven, if you have so much potential power vested in a single office (man's greed for power knows no bounds in our current state of mental evolution) its easy to make a benign office/institution into a malevolent one.

Re: world government - it's worth a shot

Posted: Thu Aug 12, 2010 11:26 am
by Thriller
You don't know anything about leaving your comfort zone(you arm chair warrior)

I have refuted your claims only about a dozen and half times on these boards.

your premises relly on rhetoric and sophisms. Not once have they been able to stand up to scutiny.

Re: world government - it's worth a shot

Posted: Thu Aug 12, 2010 12:13 pm
by [KMA]Avenger
actually MATE, if you go read my banker thread which i posted about 2+ years ago here, you'll see just how accurate i have been.

the west's industrial base has been dismantled and shipped abroad. our jobs have been out sourced, the banksters have stolen TRILLIONS of dollars world wide and the tax payer has picked up the bill as is evidenced by the fact our nations are bankrupt and all public services are being cut back, and you think this is because of some failed social experiment?

as Sarah conner told the doc in T2..."YOUR THE ONE LIVING IN A **Filtered** DREAM SILBERMAN!".

now, stop coming after me and go watch the film, read the bibliography and go research for yourself!!!

PS, stop drinking the fluoride, its turning your brain to mush!

Re: world government - it's worth a shot

Posted: Thu Aug 12, 2010 12:15 pm
by Kit-Fox