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Era 24 Multi's

Posted: Tue Aug 17, 2010 9:52 am
by Ace1102
Maybe, maybe not, seems not much thought goes into account names when somebody is testing the waters if thats what is happening, just putting it out there.

Aug 16, 2010 Lord Apogryph 487449914103 xiom 944166608828
Aug 16, 2010 Lord Apogryph 487449914103 Xicar 944166608828
Aug 16, 2010 Valume 408262115877 Xinicer 944166608828

Name: Second Xicar
Realm Unique Identification Number (aka RUIN or ID): 29172

Name: First xiom [ Death Sentinels ]
Realm Unique Identification Number (aka RUIN or ID): 29116

Name: Xinicer [ Xivcan Forces ]
Realm Unique Identification Number (aka RUIN or ID): 29137

Re: Era 24 Multi's

Posted: Tue Aug 17, 2010 10:00 pm
by Bernie Sanders
seems suspicious.

Re: Era 24 Multi's

Posted: Tue Aug 17, 2010 10:25 pm
by Affirmation
Ace1102 wrote:Maybe, maybe not, seems not much thought goes into account names when somebody is testing the waters if thats what is happening, just putting it out there.

Aug 16, 2010 Lord Apogryph 487449914103 xiom 944166608828
Aug 16, 2010 Lord Apogryph 487449914103 Xicar 944166608828
Aug 16, 2010 Valume 408262115877 Xinicer 944166608828

Name: Second Xicar
Realm Unique Identification Number (aka RUIN or ID): 29172

Name: First xiom [ Death Sentinels ]
Realm Unique Identification Number (aka RUIN or ID): 29116

Name: Xinicer [ Xivcan Forces ]
Realm Unique Identification Number (aka RUIN or ID): 29137

Funny you have Valume's name in that screen Ace... Speaking of Valume, his Officer "crew" is shaping up quickly and nicely from what I can tell. The 'X' crew's similar IPs may get them noticed, and may be enough to warrant an Admin inquiry. At least we should ask for an explanation to the exact IP matches. Maybe they all live in town X, at address XXXX, at street X in apartment, you guessed it... X. :shock:

But, that will be nothing compared to the "Multi Farm-Fest" feeding frenzy we will see in the Logs when all of Valume's Officers, all of whom have Ids in the 29004-29008 range by the way, come off of their concurrent PPTs... HAHA Epic...

Who will be the "CHUMP" who will hit that NAQ perfectly when they come off PPT, almost assuring themselves admittance into the 'Admin's Dummy Multi Banning Hall of Fame' for Era 24?? :-$

Guess maybe Valume should stay out of Affy's attack log lest I get 'curious' as to whom would come into Quantum and try and Snipe ole beloved Affy?? He would not so much as been a speck on the little white dot on a chicken turd on Affy's radar screen had he not tried to Snipe me... Since then I have watching his now growing infamous, and soon to be 'short-lived' career in the Quantum Server with growing curiosity, chagrin, amusement, and now pity... :twisted: :twisted: :twisted:

Valume's Officers:

Name Army Rank
id=29004 ~Zerstören~ Goa'uld 737
id=29005 ~Killermachine~ Goa'uld 900
id=29007 Semmelknödel Tauri 921
id=29008 S T I Goa'uld 1,007
id=29006 Red_Company Asgard 2,367

Anyone else notice any similarities in the naming conventions and special characters used in the creation (allegedly and presumably of course) all right together with the same unalienable rights to life, liberty, and the pursuit of Multi-dom happiness... [-X

When they get off PPT, I am probably going to be too lazy to spy each of them to see if there are (again I am assuming here... :-" ) the most certainly obvious similarities in the troop training and levels, etc. in the make-up of these random group of officers. I mean, come on... Really?? #-o

I am not sure if this is even worth reporting, having the Admin even investigate might be an insult to his valuable time... :-k

Shall we all wait and see what happens after they come off PPT? I can't wait... :smt047

Re: Era 24 Multi's

Posted: Tue Aug 17, 2010 11:47 pm
by Mathlord
I'll ask Valume about it tomorrow, though I would appreciate you keeping speculation out of this thread. Fact is you don't even know his officer's ip's yet or the story behind it. I stand behind my friend's honor as not a multi though.

When this wave started, I got a bunch of my friends to start playing and make new accounts. It was in one msn convo and so I had three officers with consecutive id' can still see them in my alliance. I also had two other officers with id's one apart from eachother and 10 after the first triplets. All of them were different people and, as you can tell, very different ip addresses. Consecutive id's are a very possible reality when so few accounts are being made and when friends can make accounts very quickly.

Re: Era 24 Multi's

Posted: Wed Aug 18, 2010 1:17 am
by Ace1102
I only mention it because there are/were 3 different accounts showing from the one "IP address" 2 of which attacked at or around the same time and the other which defended attacks on that IP but did not attack from it.

So say the first 2 are brothers, the 3rd would either be a friend who made an account and went home to play, or an account made and left to be useful later on.

Its a mad grey area we have posted about before, is it 1 person or is it 3? There is no way to tell, the rules say one account per person, and most people would assume one location = one person/account.
Either way, I just post stuff like that I find in the attack logs as I come across it, in case nobody else see's it.

Oh having Velume's name up there wasn't intentional, from the galactic logs, Apogryph and he both hit these other ID's at the same time :P

Re: Era 24 Multi's

Posted: Wed Aug 18, 2010 1:37 am
by BMMJ13
Mathlord wrote:I'll ask Valume about it tomorrow, though I would appreciate you keeping speculation out of this thread. Fact is you don't even know his officer's ip's yet or the story behind it. I stand behind my friend's honor as not a multi though.

When this wave started, I got a bunch of my friends to start playing and make new accounts. It was in one msn convo and so I had three officers with consecutive id' can still see them in my alliance. I also had two other officers with id's one apart from eachother and 10 after the first triplets. All of them were different people and, as you can tell, very different ip addresses. Consecutive id's are a very possible reality when so few accounts are being made and when friends can make accounts very quickly.

I agree with this. Seeing as I am one of the three consecutive Id's, does that mean I am a multi too as Valume is also one of those three? Or is that just if I farm you Affirmation, which I admit I did do as well, though I did not realize it would put me on the short list of people to accuse of cheating.

Though your pm's to me about how I was on ppt seemed nice enough, your posts regarding this seem to give off an idea of the air must be thin up there on your high horse. I have always been under the ideology of innocent until proven guilty, especially of something as big as cheating, so I await Valume's/Admin's response to these accusations which you seem to be so set on being true.

Re: Era 24 Multi's

Posted: Wed Aug 18, 2010 7:11 am
by Mathlord
Ace1102 wrote:Oh having Velume's name up there wasn't intentional, from the galactic logs, Apogryph and he both hit these other ID's at the same time :P

Yeah I'm talking to Affirmation not you. The guys you posted look very fishy indeed.

Re: Era 24 Multi's

Posted: Thu Aug 19, 2010 6:23 pm
by Affirmation
Hey, whoa, I haven't accused anyone of cheating, but you are right Mathlord I was speculating about it. I respect your word about Valume or any of these players you tell me are legit Officers, and, I have not placed any of this anywhere but out here in the Open in the Forums to fish a little, and await and look for the responses, etc.

If you look at what I speculated about, and in your evaluation you say I had no reason to bring it up as far as the appearance of suspicion then I am OK with that. I would trust your objectivity implicitly. I would also never go whining to Admin behind anyone's back without giving people a chance to explain anything that looks questionable, I of all people know how that feels from bygone Eras. If I see something suspicious looking, I write about it in the open, and wait to see opinions, answers to the posting, personal references such as what you gave, and would only proceed forward with anything resembling an official accusation to the Admin long after real facts came out in the logs.

I made my suspicions public, I see your reply giving credence to your friend, that is enough for me.

Admittedly, I write to prod and poke and see what shakes out. In my defense, go back and read it and I did say words like suspected, allegedly, presume, assume. I always find people read things and see or comprehend it the way they want to, not necessarily the way it was written. And, it is always hardest yet to tell the intent of the writer, so, you only have my word in return that I was presenting this to flush out replies before moving forward with any real accusations in the proper Cheating Thread.

I poked, and purposefully prodded about something that looked suspicious enough that I hope most of you would agree with the speculation. From that, I got one valid reply in the Forum from one of the officers (easily telling me that this player cares enough to admit who they are and justify their player account), and now anyone can tell that this person is a separate individual player who has played and visited the Forums many times before giving them validity. I got your word about the CO, these are the things I was fishing for and that now give me no further reason to worry about it.

If anyone was insulted, I do admit I have a "flair" for writing implied things so I take that as a compliment to my intentions and writing style, BUT I also apologize for the sting of it on a personal level. Just be a little consoled that all this was done out in the open, with the intention to investigate and find facts first, long before writing or implying anything in the actual Forum used to accuse suspected cheaters!

Also, I will not write on this again as I believe I came close to "Hijacking" Mic's thread. I apologize for that also... #-o

Just to try an have this not be the case (which I can't fix now...) I will also mention something on topic that I am still curious to see if those players in the 'X' thing have an explanation for the similarity in those IPs...
No? Not enough on topic... Yeah, you are right, I Hijacked the thread. Sorry... :shock:

Re: Era 24 Multi's

Posted: Sat Aug 21, 2010 12:03 am
by Ace1102
Lol that's a mouthful...
It is also possible that they use a shared IP system like if they login from their phone, which I completely forgot about :oops:
Usually I imagine you wouldn't attack from your phone since it would be slow and annoying with a tiny resolution, hence the lack of attacking from the IP that they defend from, another possibility.

Re: Era 24 Multi's

Posted: Sun Aug 22, 2010 5:56 pm
by Ace1102
Aug 21, 2010 aliceXravenwolf 528346839144
13:54 MaidenoftheMist 528346839144

Name: MaidenoftheMist
Ascended Level: 1: High Soul Mortal
Realm Unique Identification Number (aka RUIN or ID): 29192

Name: Fleet Commander aliceXravenwolf
Ascended Level: 1: High Soul Mortal
Realm Unique Identification Number (aka RUIN or ID): 29189
Commander: DanisCoral

18:52 DanisCoral 1129835111606 MaidenoftheMist 528346839144 21,817,713,687 Naquadah lost


Re: Era 24 Multi's

Posted: Sun Aug 22, 2010 6:06 pm
by Ace1102
Aug 21, 2010 aliceXravenwolf 1129835111606
19:04 DanisCoral 1129835111606

Aug 21, 2010 aliceXravenwolf 528346839144
14:21 MaidenoftheMist 528346839144

Aug 21, 2010 aliceXravenwolf 528346839144 RedneckRebel 393393070246 609,788,970 Naquadah lost 14 0
Aug 21, 2010 aliceXravenwolf 1129835111606 Markesh 370844220606 328,835,232 Naquadah lost 0 0
Aug 20, 2010 aliceXravenwolf 528346839144 hijoe44 355790364065 358,832,760 Naquadah lost 0 0

Re: Era 24 Multi's

Posted: Sun Aug 22, 2010 6:19 pm
by BMMJ13
Hmm, aliceXravenwolf and MaidenoftheMist were both officers of DanisCoral. They could be friends though, as it's hard to tell if they are playing separately or multing.

Also interesting was a message I received from MaidenoftheMist saying I would be visited by a ghost after hitting them at 14:01, then DanisCoral at 18:38. Then I check my intel logs and I have 2 failed sabs by DanisCoral and multiple successful. So I would say it's suspicious but nothing definite.

Re: Era 24 Multi's

Posted: Sun Aug 22, 2010 6:24 pm
by Ace1102
04:42 Krissie 426098904565
04:40 arja 426098904565

10:57 Krissie 426099218198
11:04 arja 426099218198

Aug 21, 2010 Krissie 426157098829
Aug 21, 2010 arja 426157098829

2 Accounts sharing an IP, always online around the same time but never at the exact same moment, one account stops and the other starts farming etc.

Re: Era 24 Multi's

Posted: Thu Aug 26, 2010 4:32 pm
by Bernie Sanders
Yeah, I don't think there is any doubt that it's a multi.

Re: Era 24 Multi's

Posted: Fri Aug 27, 2010 6:56 pm
by knight
10:44 poopusher 541752352072 spouge Sprayer 1123048634511 4,347,503,394 Naquadah lost 0 0
10:14 dude181818 541752352072 Toni 1180893021681 2,079,553,114 Naquadah lost 0 0

14:04 dude181818 541752352072 smug 660250945402 2,249,706,240 Naquadah lost 0 20
13:58 poopusher 541752352072 Reco 512990152984 2,101,635,800 Naquadah lost 0 0