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long overdue

Posted: Thu Sep 09, 2010 12:20 pm
by Alpha Bravo
Well, I'm out. I believe it wouldve been 5 years in December. Tried quitting a couple of times before, but now I have to. I know, for the majority of the people here, I'm a no name. But if I really cared about that, I wouldn't be posting here, now would I? :P I just wanted to say thanks to a lot of people that have helped me along on my way. Chances are very very few of them are still playing enough to see this though.

Rassilon- Thanks for everything, man. I had a great time in Spaceballs and I hope that everything keeps going well! It was fun being your officer, and you were my first commander.
Bad Wolf- You were an inspiration to a lot of people, Luke. My fondest memories of SGW are of my time with BWB. I hope everything goes well for you in rl.
Maia + Ptollemy- you guys were amazing! I was sad when I first found out that you two had quit. It was really fun to fight with yall.
Scarface- Thanks for all of your help. It was always a blast on msn haha.

sorry if I forgot some people. There's too many that come and go. Too many people I've fought against and with. But there's been plenty of good times. Fighting in both server wars on each side haha. Well, once my account sells, I'm out. Peace.

Re: long overdue

Posted: Thu Sep 09, 2010 12:41 pm
by Scar Face
Will miss u ma8, was a blast indeed in our golden dsl times, the stadard msn mass convos :-D In the end u will probably return to play someday, look me up if u do 8) GL in rl and don't be a stranger on msn [-(

Re: long overdue

Posted: Sat Sep 11, 2010 10:35 am
by BenjaminMS
Alpha Bravo? You quitting? :shock: Noes! :(
Good luck mate...

Re: long overdue

Posted: Sat Sep 11, 2010 11:12 am
by jedi~tank
You are a name to me brother, my friend and alliance m8 since my first year of playing. I will miss you.

Re: long overdue

Posted: Mon Sep 13, 2010 6:52 am
by TacticalCommander