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Resident Evil..

Posted: Sat Sep 11, 2010 10:28 am
by nightlight
I have just got back from watching the new Resident Evil movie and i have to say it was utter and complete rubbish...I went with 2 friends and we left at the end and we all agreed that it was bad and they was not point to it...We have never agreed on anything like this in the past so that shows you how poor it was...
I have seen all the other Resident Evil movies and liked them and i was looking forward to this one but after watching it i wish i never did..
If i had paid to go watch it i would have asked for my money back..lucky for me my mate signs us in for free at the cinema...
If you like the other movies do yourself a favour and don't watch this as it brings the series down...
And the 3D sucked...

2 out of 10...

Re: Resident Evil..

Posted: Sat Sep 11, 2010 10:31 am
by ~Thamuz~
nightlight wrote:I have just got back from watching the new Resident Evil movie and i have to say it was utter and complete rubbish...I went with 2 friends and we left at the end and we all agreed that it was bad and they was not point to it...We have never agreed on anything like this in the past so that shows you how poor it was...
I have seen all the other Resident Evil movies and liked them and i was looking forward to this one but after watching it i wish i never did..
If i had paid to go watch it i would have asked for my money back..lucky for me my mate signs us in for free at the cinema...
If you like the other movies do yourself a favour and don't watch this as it brings the series down...
And the 3D sucked...

2 out of 10...

Good to know mate thanks, i was planning on seeing it as i quite enjoyed the others, there nothing special but had some good points to them, i'll wait till it come out on dvd and not waste my money.

Re: Resident Evil..

Posted: Sat Sep 11, 2010 10:42 am
by nightlight
I can't say how disappointed i was...They spent the budget on 3D effects and forgot to but a script writer....also a heads up if you do go and see it when it ends leave your 3D glasses on as they is a part at the end half way though the credits...i only knew this has my mate who works their told us about it..the whole screen was nearly empty when it came on...

Re: Resident Evil..

Posted: Wed Sep 22, 2010 6:49 pm
by KnowLedge
according to imbd, their rating is 6.8 out of 10. Which is much higher then many other films this year. Ive DLed it and shell be watching it this weekend..

Re: Resident Evil..

Posted: Wed Sep 29, 2010 4:27 pm
by Mordack
I love the Resident Evil world, and I love the games, but I'm inclined to agree with the first few posters. This movie felt needless; tired and forced, as though the people behind it just wanted to do a George Lucas and squeeze every last conceivable dime out of a franchise which needs to be put out of its misery.

Re: Resident Evil..

Posted: Wed Sep 29, 2010 8:13 pm
by KnowLedge
I believe they are wanting to continue the story..this is why they arent ending it.. cause ATM.......... the humans are dead and there is no "trinity".... therefore its just random fighting that remains to make a movie out of. I believe the first 3 shoulda been the end.

Re: Resident Evil..

Posted: Mon Oct 18, 2010 4:45 am
1st Res Evil - Loved it, still love it, Milla & Michelle kicking zombie ass :-D

2nd Res Evil - Still very good since the the 1st was underground and 2nd moved into the city so a few nice changes in scale, and the Nemesis big baddy to take down.

3rd Res Evil - Tried to go a bit MadMax, didnt work that well but still watchable

4th Res Evil - nothing new, not only seen it all before but seen it all done better before. This film has put the nail in the coffin for the franchise.

Re: Resident Evil..

Posted: Mon Oct 18, 2010 5:01 am
by Amplius
MEZZANINE wrote:1st Res Evil - Loved it, still love it, Milla & Michelle kicking zombie ass :-D

2nd Res Evil - Still very good since the the 1st was underground and 2nd moved into the city so a few nice changes in scale, and the Nemesis big baddy to take down.

3rd Res Evil - Tried to go a bit MadMax, didnt work that well but still watchable

4th Res Evil - nothing new, not only seen it all before but seen it all done better before. This film has put the nail in the coffin for the franchise.

Well, I can only agree, apart from the 4th movie. But then again I have not seen it yet. But I gotta asmit I like the "cartoon" res evil: Degeneration.

Re: Resident Evil..

Posted: Mon Oct 18, 2010 7:26 am
by Zeratul
we've not seen the 4th one yet, but from the wiki article, we'd say that many do not agree with you, MEZZANINE...

Budget $60 million (estimated)[2][3]
Gross revenue $258,179,348[4]

Re: Resident Evil..

Posted: Mon Oct 18, 2010 10:10 am
Zeratul wrote:we've not seen the 4th one yet, but from the wiki article, we'd say that many do not agree with you, MEZZANINE...

Budget $60 million (estimated)[2][3]
Gross revenue $258,179,348[4]

Thats Cinema revenue from people who paid before they saw the film, Cinema revenues are only good for judging the producers/distributors profits, and always a very poor way to judge a films worth to the audience as they are generated by expectation from advertising and franchise reputation. If people got the watch the film first then pay what they thought is was worth on the way out it would have made a loss, even my dream woman Milla couldnt save this one :lol:

See how it does on DVD, betya only hardcore fans buy it, and even they will just stick on a shelf to complete the sets, they will watch the first 2 over and over again :smt047

Re: Resident Evil..

Posted: Mon Oct 18, 2010 10:26 am
by Tek
think they slaughtered a very good story, the strong point in all of the games was the story and the characters.

I suppose the game storyline wouldnt have made a very compelling film though

Re: Resident Evil..

Posted: Mon Dec 13, 2010 4:17 pm
by VeNoM56k
you are all talking about the 4th film like they ruined it. they ruined it at the 2nd ffs. only one thing needs by said, nemesis turned good. WTH.

imo the 4th was better than the 2nd and 3rd put together. at least they took alices god damn powers away.

first was watchable, based on the games at least, the rest were terrible. i would prefer to watch the 4th than the 2nd and third. least they had elements from the game.

I hope they scrap this heap of crap and shoot paul anderson, then remake the series with a director who appreciates the games.

Re: Resident Evil..

Posted: Wed Dec 15, 2010 12:40 am
by Noobert
I watched the movie, and to be quite honest - it felt more related to Resident Evil (the story line at least) than the past movies. I enjoyed it, but I wouldn't honestly say it's worth a watch in the theater nor buying. Just download it, watch it, delete it or keep it. Your decision.

I'd rather say buy the Walking Dead, rather than that movie. Just an extra thought. ;)

Re: Resident Evil..

Posted: Mon Oct 31, 2011 9:50 am
by ~Kronos~
Resident Evil movies (all of them) are ranked third in my top 3 favorite movies :razz:

I think that just about says where I stand on the topic lol.