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Turn Change

Posted: Mon Sep 13, 2010 9:10 am
by High Empty
It would be usefull if there was a 5 second
No attacking on the turn change.

So basicly.

The turn changes at 10:00.01 second
and at time at 10:00.06 everyone can attack again.
This will allow 5 seconds for anyone who's... trying to bank to bank.

This shouldn't be a big problem for most farmers. Since people don't log in to bank every turn unless their using a script.

Re: Turn Change

Posted: Mon Sep 13, 2010 9:35 am
by renegadze
Got to admit, yourself and Ace do seem to be getting nailed on turn change, I agree you should be able to see your own naq before others

Re: Turn Change

Posted: Mon Sep 13, 2010 12:29 pm
by Mathlord
That's half the fun of Q though, having to race on the turn change. If you can't get the timing down, get a bigger defense imo.

Re: Turn Change

Posted: Mon Sep 13, 2010 12:38 pm
by Apogryph
Mathlord wrote:That's half the fun of Q though, having to race on the turn change. If you can't get the timing down, get a bigger defense imo.

you are missing the point entirely. Unless your def is higher than r1 strike you get turn farmed atm which makes a def meaningless. Timing is important, but atm a rank 3 or 4 def doesnt even keep your income safe for 1 turn...

Re: Turn Change

Posted: Mon Sep 13, 2010 12:58 pm
by Mathlord
Apogryph wrote:
Mathlord wrote:That's half the fun of Q though, having to race on the turn change. If you can't get the timing down, get a bigger defense imo.

you are missing the point entirely. Unless your def is higher than r1 strike you get turn farmed atm which makes a def meaningless. Timing is important, but atm a rank 3 or 4 def doesnt even keep your income safe for 1 turn...

I didn't miss the point, you're just only replying to the second half of my comment. The rush at the turn change is half the fun and challenge of quantum. It can be maddening if you miss it, it can be satisfying if you make someone else miss.

Re: Turn Change

Posted: Mon Sep 13, 2010 1:25 pm
by BMMJ13
You shouldn't be rewarded for having no defense. You mention both High Empty and Ace, both of which have had 0 defense for more than a day. While yes, currently many people with high incomes will get turn farmed, a defense is just as expensive to build as an attack, so if the attacker can hit you faster than you can bank and you refuse to build a defense bigger than a strike that will turn farm you, do you really deserve the income?

Re: Turn Change

Posted: Mon Sep 13, 2010 2:24 pm
by High Empty

I've HAD rank 1 defense... it didn't matter!.. I boost it to 5-10 times the top strike.. and... the top strike would increase.

For 95% of the turns it won't matter, heck for 95% of the players it won't matter.

I have between 4-12 people hitting me at the turn change.. before and After the turn I'm bracketed.

I don't even try to see my naq... I just tab away with 10-15 bank tabs, at Max bank... and i still don't get to see my naq.

Since i'm not going to log in every goddamn turn and try to bank, with about a 1 and 10 chance of pulling it off. I"m asking for a 5 second grace period, when i log in to get the naq banked. IT doesn't save me if i'm late, it doesn't save me if i'm not there, all it does is give me 5 seconds to get my " behind" off the chair and bank.

And yeah. 0 defense... can't bank my naq to build a defense! lol, and it's pointless anyways.
Defense is NOT as expensive as building a strike... I can't mass your attack troops... anyways, i think forum should give the 5%..
But then what do i matter, the 200% bonus for lvl 13 when down to 7%, so basicly worthless at the moment. So i'm not investing anymore time or money till the system is fixed, cause it got broken before and now it's really broken.

Re: Turn Change

Posted: Mon Sep 13, 2010 4:14 pm
by BMMJ13
While I understand your reasoning, and yes, you are right that attack is not as volatile (but is as expensive) as defense, I still feel like giving people 5 seconds every turn to bank could be abused heavily. What's to stop someone from untraining their miners when they are offline, then training them when they are online. It basically negates the point of having a defense and you just need to be online if you want your naq, as no one can touch it for those 5 seconds.

Re: Turn Change

Posted: Mon Sep 13, 2010 4:54 pm
by High Empty
What's to stop people untraining miners, while they are offline and retraining them later.. Nothing it is happening right now. Jack's been doing that for the past week. I just Choose not to do that, However i may change my mind, i don't mind having all my miners and uu as AC units.

Re: Turn Change

Posted: Mon Sep 13, 2010 4:56 pm
by High Empty
OH... and

untraining miners costs should run 1% of total income( own) to untrain them all.

So if i untrain 10%, the cost to untrain the rest decreases. Simply like Weapon damage works now but reverse.

Re: Turn Change

Posted: Mon Sep 13, 2010 5:03 pm
by High Empty
I think i finally figured a way to do it.

i end up spaming the server but. i can attempt to bank 5-6 times per seconds, each second around the turn change.

Re: Turn Change

Posted: Mon Sep 13, 2010 5:25 pm
by Bernie Sanders
and to get back on topic,
happy birthday to BMMJ13 :D

Re: Turn Change

Posted: Mon Sep 13, 2010 7:06 pm
by BMMJ13
I guess I agree with you. There is no way to stop people from untraining miners, and if they choose to be on at every turn change instead of building a big defense, then they deserve their income just as much. A few seconds will not penalize people for having a slower internet by not letting them get their farms, yet should not cause problems, as you said, for those who are offline and farms.

Re: Turn Change

Posted: Tue Sep 14, 2010 12:26 pm
by Neimenljivi
While we are at it, why dont we give people option to autobank without cheating :lol:


Re: Turn Change

Posted: Fri Sep 17, 2010 5:05 am
by nimious
we should give 0,5s timeframe when you cant be farmed
because now, if you bank at exactly turn change, there is still chance that you get farmed