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Next Era

Posted: Thu Oct 28, 2010 9:24 pm
by High Empty
So this is how i'd like the next era build to play out.

1). Please keep the ascension system.
1a).Change the lvl 13 ascension to being 4506 times as much as an un-ascended account. This will work out to 10% better bonus than a lvl 12.
1b). Please allow mother-ship to be effected by ascensions, It should be 10x per level of ascension. So a lvl 12 will get 120 times, an un-ascended mother-ship, this won't overpower them, but will keep them useful.
1c). Setup the inactive ascensions so that 10ish days before the end of the wave they are all at lvl 11. I believe that the current coding comes very close to this, Would suggest that in-actives Gain a lvl every week starting from the time the market opens, i.e 5 days into the wave.

2). Covert system
2a). Set Max Covert Capacity 500,
2b). Sabbing costs 2 Covert Capacity.
2c). If sab failed set lost spies at 25%, If sab is successful that lost is at 2.5%
2d). Set Sab limit at If War vs War, 10% per sab, If war vs neutral or peace, 5% per sab, if neutral vs neutral 2.5% per sab.
Current sabbing damage is also ok, but needs to be explain abit more. I'm still confused about it.

3). Military Experience should be returned as a Ranked Stat.
The following should be how points are kept.
Naq stolen (1)
Turns used (100,000,000,000)
Weapons destroyed. ( Keep track of How many of each type is destroyed, (#destroyed x cost)=score. This will give a even balance for the weapons, now this is for sabbing as wall as massing, so that the first 99% of attacks, that damage the weapons, are impacting the ME from destroyed weapons but the attack the removes from the enemy's Armory does.
Class A, Defense Weapon
Handheld Shield Device 10,000 Naquadah
Externally Powered Force Shield 330,000 Naquadah
MindControlled Slave Contingent 914,000 Naquadah
Personal Teleporter 3,280,000 Naquadah
Sarcophagus 10,028,000 Naquadah
Invisibility Technology 33,100,000 Naquadah
Networked-Gate Energy Pulse 160,000,000 Naquadah
Class B, Attack weapon
Hand Device Weapon 200 10,000 Naquadah
Zat 3,120 312,000 Naquadah
Staff Weapon 900,000 Naquadah
Staff Cannon 3,081,600 Naquadah
Death Glider 9,264,000 Naquadah
Ash'rak Hara'kesh 31,440,000 Naquadah
Al'kesh 81,996,000 Naquadah
Kull Warrior Division 156,000,000 Naquadah

For each unit killed, the value for the unit should be the same.
at 100,000.

MS slots should
Energy Volley 2,000,000 Naquadah
Energy Shields 2,250,000 Naquadah
Each slot is counted and the total number kept track of.

When sabbing, if i sab player A, the 2.5% of my spies that died, should be record that they died in ME, and Player A should report the he killed them.

Now the main difference is the following.

All, attacks on other are account for, and then the damage to yourself is accounted for. The ME score is the difference between the 2, if the result is less than 0 then the score will be zero.
Which should make the game really interesting for fighting and avoiding fighting.

4). Market- Support Status bonus
4a).Market turns should stack up to -10 instead of -1, This way it allows someone to go on vacation for a short while.
4b).The amount of units that turns trade for is depending on the top UP, and should be 1% of the top UP.
4c).Option to flip attack super to defense supers, or the other way should be added to the market section, and require the Max turn, and changes 25% of them.
4d). Market Support status should give 1- weekly SS bonus, Players with SS or USS status should receive 3 weekly SS bonus, limited to a max of 1 click per option. So any 3 options, not 2 of one.

5). UP should be ranked and counted.

6). Officers should be able to rejoin or select a new commander every 12 hour period.

7). Race changes should be allowed until 1000 hours remaining on the wave.

8). Races should have special gifts
8a). The income race should be able to get 5% bonus on UP
8b). The attacking race should treat all other races including it's self like "war vs war" is declared.
8c). The defending race should get 1 random hour of ppt a day, if option for manual use is not selected.
8d). The sabbing race should get 10% cheaper covert, and AC levels, and treat sabbing as War vs war for all sab's.

Function Base Suggestions

Import quick attack, where you click on an image or button on the attack page to attack a player, however add into the player preference setting how many turns they would like to send.

Add in 3 more digits for UP and tech buying, so that there should never be a limit on how many can be bought at one time.

Fix the display that limits the number of units or weapons in the Attack logs or spy logs to 2,147,483,647.

End of suggestions

That should give some people things to think about.

Re: Next Era

Posted: Thu Oct 28, 2010 11:55 pm
by HippyFool
Thorough and pretty much spot on, as always ;)

Re: Next Era

Posted: Fri Oct 29, 2010 8:25 pm
by knight
No to ranked ME as a stat.

Everyone will be running around sabbing anything that moves just like last time. The less than top will quit. There will be no reason to stick with it. Not to mention catching up and hoping to finish in the top 20.

You have to have a reason to play, and if you miss a week you should be able to catch up.

Re: Next Era

Posted: Fri Oct 29, 2010 9:50 pm
by BMMJ13
knight wrote:No to ranked ME as a stat.

Everyone will be running around sabbing anything that moves just like last time. The less than top will quit. There will be no reason to stick with it. Not to mention catching up and hoping to finish in the top 20.

You have to have a reason to play, and if you miss a week you should be able to catch up.

I agree with that as well as UP not being a ranked stat. Those with a large UP will already have decent stats through the extra UU it provides and the income from that UU. Ranking the UP will just make it more off balanced between the top and the not.

Re: Next Era

Posted: Fri Oct 29, 2010 11:58 pm
by [BoT] Jason
Make UP an unranked rank, like ME usually is. So the top can have a go at each other

Re: Next Era

Posted: Sat Oct 30, 2010 9:32 am
by High Empty
Knight your right about the tops going around just attacking everyone.
The key issue was, that Your score was ranked on your success and your failures the combination of both. So that people that train 50-70% of their army into defense and then go attacking everyone has a very high chance of getting screwed. Secondly and best part, is the work or war's in the last 2 weeks cause so MUCH more damage than the first 8-10 weeks that it's still a easy to get a good ranking and promotes wars.

Issue on Sabbing, Your units losts, counts as - points, you need to counter them with the + from the weapons. I think scale wise all the weapons values should be reduce by 1000 to 1,000,000 to balance the issue out. The idea is to promote a reason for random chaos. Afterall everyone should be massed 3-10 times a wave it's good for the soul.

BMMJ13 As for ranking UP. I say rank it, and maybe not have it counted? Yeah you might be right but it would be interesting to learn what the correlation between UP ranking and final ranking is.

@ Jason... Right now Top's don't have a go at each other too much to lose, so we get our friends who haven't been playing the whole wave, or who don't care how they place, go and damage the other top's. The ME would help to correct that, forcing the top's to be "mean" thereby maybe getting massed in return, or worse yet, the Top's can mass someone and if the someone has too much trained up, it can reset their ME ranking to zero. OMG..

Re: Next Era

Posted: Sat Oct 30, 2010 12:07 pm
by BMMJ13
Ah. It would be interesting to rank both ME and UP to me, as long as neither are included in your total rank. As for ranking ME in total rank, I have a feeling it would need some checks to make sure it does not get abused too much.

Re: Next Era

Posted: Sat Oct 30, 2010 1:19 pm
by knight
How about ME but not ranked. ;)

Still leaves a lot of room for abuse. I would just get someone to log on, farm some and buy weapons for me to sab. :roll:

Re: Next Era

Posted: Sat Oct 30, 2010 1:56 pm
by High Empty
Yep knight that would work, on the other hand, people would say hey knight's got that nice defense, lets remove it.
So yeah it could be abused.

So, mabye instead the UP and ME, are worth "half as much" for a ranking value,

So that if your rank 1 in both it's like your rank 1 in attack.
Ofcourse if we could do that i'd do it for covert and AC again. aswell. Anyways.

We would have to make sure ME was fixed. I know it keeps track right now, and it's worth 1000 GP at the end of each wave. but meh i'd like to see it too. Besides if it's gets fixed here it might get fixed else where too.

Re: Next Era

Posted: Sun Oct 31, 2010 2:31 am
by Neimenljivi
Nice suggestions..


Re: Next Era

Posted: Sun Oct 31, 2010 1:15 pm
by Mathlord
I'd say no to better bonuses. I know I'll be unpopular in this room for suggesting this, but I'd say if you get a USS in a week, that should count for your weekly bonus. A USS gives you above and beyond what all the SS weekly bonuses give combined. Getting that extra bonus is just overkill and makes it impossible to keep up. Well nearly impossible at least lol.

I'd like seeing up ranked, but it not counting. Most certainly keep ME from being ranked.

I agree that ascension should stay and have it boost motherships.

Re: Next Era

Posted: Mon Nov 01, 2010 5:50 pm
by High Empty
while yes you do have a point about USS providing an advantage. The idea behind the " extra" supporter status for the payers is that they get an added tactical advantage. But more importantly all the people that don't have SS, can get the ppt, that they can't currently get now.

Re: Next Era

Posted: Tue Nov 02, 2010 7:37 am
by Mathlord
Correct me if I'm wrong, and I am probably just not following you, but doesn't market SS give you the option to get a PPT each week? Either a free day of PPT or a (well if you know how to do it) pretty much a free 2 day PPT?

The thing about quantum is that people with supporter status don't need extra advantages. As it stands, multiple USS' are needed to actually compete for the win...shoot we see people buying naq cause the standard 8 USS' aren't enough for them to get an advantage.

Re: Next Era

Posted: Wed Nov 03, 2010 10:56 am
by High Empty
Mathlord wrote:Correct me if I'm wrong, and I am probably just not following you, but doesn't market SS give you the option to get a PPT each week? Either a free day of PPT or a (well if you know how to do it) pretty much a free 2 day PPT?

The thing about quantum is that people with supporter status don't need extra advantages. As it stands, multiple USS' are needed to actually compete for the win...shoot we see people buying naq cause the standard 8 USS' aren't enough for them to get an advantage.

Mathlord... I don't know about market status giving you the options.. ( the 1 of 8-10 choices) if it does than cool, in that case just make it 3 for everyone. I was thinking market status didn't give you the "ppt,tech,uu, turns, 10%" options. I'm not trying to get the SS and the USS people a greater advatage i'm trying to add more tactical advatage, such as you can polorize someone, unpolorise someone and still get your PPT for a given week. Or what most people will do is 48 hour ppt, then the 24 hour one and polorize someone, and the ones that wish to finish in the top 5 will do, " turns, uu, and polorize/unpolorize someone". Basicly there are some nice options there but they certain options overpower them, having the option to do 3 different thing would be better. and yes i could see the following.. One of 24 or 48 ppt, one of ( uu or turns) one of polorize or unpolorize.

Re: Next Era

Posted: Wed Nov 03, 2010 12:27 pm
by Mathlord
As long as it is balanced, that is fine. Actually I would like more if both market ss and ss users had more options of things to do and that is a cool idea then. I think if you combined this notion of 3 supporter bonuses a week with making USS count for one of those three, it would still give $$ spenders a great advantage, but lessening it's blow to the accounts that can't afford it.