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Sabbable MS Fleets

Posted: Mon Nov 29, 2010 3:50 am
by GeneralChaos
Now before some go crying NO way thats so unfair, it only makes the bigger guys more deadly bla bla bla, read the dam suggestion.

They should be sabbable, if your sabbing someone and there MS is not out, then its sitting there all nicely undefended to be massed etc, why not sabbable too, only instead of losing the fleets like you lose weapons, you only do damage to the fleet power,

Each successful sab should do 1000 points of damage to the fleets, this would make it impossible to actually sab away someones entire fleets, but you can damage them.

As fleets have a power of 115,600 / 115,600 it would take 115 sabs to remove them completely, if you can sab someone 115 times before they log on, they deserve to lose them, espically as you lose CC as your doing it,

You could however bring there fleet power down by approx 1/3 it will only cost them to repair the fleets, they dont have to actually replace them,

I think it would add a new element to the game to an area that is pretty untouched.

Re: Sabbable MS Fleets

Posted: Mon Nov 29, 2010 4:30 am
by Lawless One
good idea, it would also make people work in a team to take them down

Re: Sabbable MS Fleets

Posted: Mon Nov 29, 2010 4:57 am
there is a reason cirtin area's are untouched and the prob is i can't see this helping many at all that are small or have less then 34 -36 covert level because the 36-38 are unsabbable so this would only weaken the small half and barly effect the bigger players :/

more harm then good :/

Re: Sabbable MS Fleets

Posted: Wed Feb 23, 2011 10:35 pm
by Richard B Riddick
meh, i think it would just make sabbing even more overpowered.

i like the idea, but if they did do this, at the same time they should make it so sabbing isn't as powerful as it is atm. idk, make it so fleets count towards sabbing total maybe, but at same time lower the % destroyed maybe?

Re: Sabbable MS Fleets

Posted: Thu Feb 24, 2011 3:09 am
by ~squishie~
GOLDEN WING wrote:there is a reason cirtin area's are untouched and the prob is i can't see this helping many at all that are small or have less then 34 -36 covert level because the 36-38 are unsabbable so this would only weaken the small half and barly effect the bigger players :/

more harm then good :/

most people who have enough fleets I reckon to have a reason to worry (or can afford that many fleets) will probably already have higher covert levels anyway.

Re: Sabbable MS Fleets

Posted: Sun Feb 27, 2011 5:47 pm
by Robe
TheFlash4 wrote:meh, i think it would just make sabbing even more overpowered.

i like the idea, but if they did do this, at the same time they should make it so sabbing isn't as powerful as it is atm. idk, make it so fleets count towards sabbing total maybe, but at same time lower the % destroyed maybe?

Agreed - Its costly to build fleets and too cheap to sab now.

Re: Sabbable MS Fleets

Posted: Sun Feb 27, 2011 5:52 pm
by jedi~tank
Why not add a fleet attack button along with a naq attack only button while regulating the size/power ratio of what can actually be attacked .. I would love to fly in and waste 750k fleets if thier exposed.

Re: Sabbable MS Fleets

Posted: Mon Feb 28, 2011 4:19 pm
by Robe
Fleets go down pretty quickly now when you mass (even with a lessor ship).

You just need to train 35% strike to beat a players defence.

Jason made it more difficult to mass because a lot of players complained that it was too easy to mass a defence,
which they said gave snipers an unfair advantage.

Re: Sabbable MS Fleets

Posted: Mon Feb 28, 2011 6:16 pm
by Mathlord
Yeah fleets have been pretty much grouped together with mothership weapons by this point and mothership massing is a perfectly capable way of destroying fleets. It's not like Flight Eater works anymore to prevent you guys from massing fleets.