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bail-outs galore, want some taxpayer cash????

Posted: Tue Nov 30, 2010 12:45 am
by [KMA]Avenger
all you need to qualify for some hard-earned taxpayer cash is to have a failing business...or country! ... -bombshell

we (as in the taxpayer) have been bailing out businesses, banks and even country's to the tune of TRILLIONS if not QUADRILLIONS for the past 2 years.
i'm 100% sure that if any of us visited a casino we would not see above the entrance door a sign that would read "money back guarantee".

the UK is pouring billions of pounds every year to bail-out country's within the EU (on top of our already vast financial commitment to the EU and the bail-out of banks and business) while all our public services are being cut (and soon to be cut), retirement ages raised because of empty pensions that have been raided by the banks (namely JP Morgan and Goldman Sachs), falling wages and our Jobs being off-shored-with VERY little to no return for all these Billions the UK taxpayer is giving away.

the coalition Govt in the UK says we have to put up with "austerity" measures because of the previous Govts "reckless"spending but this Govt has spent FAAAAR more than the previous and they haven't even been in power a year!

the whole planet has a spiralling and exponentially growing debt that can NEVER be repaid to the banks...haven't you guys had and seen enough?
why the hell don't we just get rid of all these central banks and tell them to go **Filtered** themselves when they ask for their money?!
why the hell are we shouldering this debilitating debt?!
why the hell should the UK shoulder more debt to bail-out the EU, i say SCREW THE EU AND SCREW THE BANKS AND BUSINESSES, LET THEM ALL GO BUST! :smt093 :mad: :smt093

how the hell is anyone or any business going to learn if we keep bailing them out?! what i'm trying to say hear is that people learn best through their mistakes and bail-outs only serve to reinforce the belief that those that need bailing out did no wrong and are free to do it all again...

this says it in a nutshell:

Progress, far from consisting in change, depends on retentiveness. When change is absolute there remains no being to improve and no direction is set for possible improvement: and when experience is not retained, as among savages, infancy is perpetual. Those who cannot remember the past are condemned to repeat it.

-George Santayana

anyways, those are obviously my thoughts, what are your thoughts about all these bail-outs?

Re: bail-outs galore, want some taxpayer cash?!

Posted: Tue Nov 30, 2010 1:39 am
lol personally I agree, the banks should have been allowed to go bust like any other badly run business, and if the services provided day to day for personal and business banking ( not the investment side ) are necessary, then the government should have bought out the failed banks High Street operations for nominal cost you would pay for any failed business of £1, thus nationalising them.

BUT thats cause I have nothing to lose, my Mortgage far outweighs my savings and the value of my assets ( my home etc ) far outweigh my mortgage, I think this point of view is the most common as the vast majority of people are in the same situation as me.

Remember most the people in government are quite wealthy, some extremely wealthy, they have a large personal stake in the banks as if the banks fell they would lose large amounts of their personal wealth, and those who fund their political parties would lose vast amounts of invested wealth.

As for bailing out countries this in insanely comical, look at the PIGS as they have become known ( Portugal, Ireland, Greece & Spain ), the reason we are helping 'bail out' these countries is simply because they already owe us huge amounts of money, we are lending them more money so they can keep making debt payments, and so we dont have to declare their current debts as bad debt on our balance sheets thus making our own countries financial situation look better.

Re: bail-outs galore, want some taxpayer cash????

Posted: Tue Nov 30, 2010 2:30 am
by Lord Baal
Any innefficiant bank that nolonger has any profit margin, and cannot meet fiancial obligations, whether that be govt Taxes, Payout to customers, or shareholder derivitives,deserves to fail. Those who make profit in private enterprise go on, and the weak will die. One of the essances of capitalism, why would any government want to keep a failing entity who cannot achieve their basic profit making function is beyond me, giving failing companies particularly in the financial services sector is like preserving an open wound, it doesn't make any sense, let them die I say.

Re: bail-outs galore, want some taxpayer cash????

Posted: Wed Dec 01, 2010 6:16 am
by Brdavs
I find it kinda humorous that the UK would complain. I mean you`re not the only ones loosing jobs & the EU Irish bailout by proxy bails out UK banking sector who is the largest debt holder on Ireland, if I`m not mistaken.

So UK, being up to its eyeballs in public and private debth, the continents financial center, most exposed to and most conducing of the crisis, ough be the very last in the line to moan about bailouts lol. If dominos start falling the UK will be one of the first of them to go, and current cuts will look trivial.

Re: bail-outs galore, want some taxpayer cash????

Posted: Wed Dec 01, 2010 7:21 am
by [KMA]Avenger
i expected as much from you :-k

Re: bail-outs galore, want some taxpayer cash????

Posted: Wed Dec 01, 2010 7:33 am
by Brdavs
Allways here to point out the painfull truth lol.

Re: bail-outs galore, want some taxpayer cash????

Posted: Tue Dec 14, 2010 6:50 am
by [KMA]Avenger
in your mind maybe :roll:

shame you cant put aside the lies you have so readily swallowed without once reading and understanding my points of the topic at hand...which btw, i place the blame for all these bailouts and all this corruption squally at the feet of the taxpayer (yes, me included) and not the bankers or the EU, because its we the taxpayer that has allowed it to happen....

its also a shame you cant read and understand a few simple points which i made abundantly clear.