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Jesse Venture BP OIL Episode.

Posted: Sat Dec 11, 2010 9:27 pm
by Alpha13snake

Why I bother to try I do not know....

Please watch and understand what your faced with.

Please find holes in this show if you can, so that I may one day sleep soundly for my sons future.

Re: Jesse Venture BP OIL Episode.

Posted: Sun Dec 12, 2010 11:28 pm
by Rudy Peña
I think its all fake. If this was real then why is it not in the news and stuff. Also why do they show very poor video clips through out the episode???? If you are going to make claims, then why show poor quality of the "evidence" you have. Every time they show "US Military personal" all the clips are so very poor that I cant even tell if the are military, in one clip it looked liked a "military personal" was wearing some kind of BDU(Battle Dress Uniform) jacket and wearing ACU pants and BDU's boots. It looks to me that people were hired to wear those clothes that were bought in some store. The vidoes of US Troops getting blown up by IEDs and getting shot at have much more better quality than this episode and they are any where from 300meters to about 100meters, but yet those clips were less than 100meters.

Why doing this whole episode no one was shocked to hear some of the things they were told, like that guy who told Jesse Venture about it being really bigger than thought, he was like "Oh really???" Nothing in the voices of people showed anything of fear or being scared to talk in public about it, No one being shocked or anything. Its like they are reading from a script, not even the guy who "claims" having "brown stuff" coming out his ears showed no kind of emotions of any kind when talking about that kind of stuff.

Anyways, thats my take on this.

Re: Jesse Venture BP OIL Episode.

Posted: Mon Dec 13, 2010 1:07 am
by [KMA]Avenger
Rudy, if you want to know the truth about the spill look into who had stocks in BP and when they were dumped.
from there you can find out other things about BP...

and no i haven't seen ANY of JV's episodes of conspiracy theory, not even this one.


one more thing to keep in mind Rudy, if any part of a show such as conspiracy theory was wrong or flat out lied-the show, its producers and the TV station airing the show would be hit with law suits so big it would scare anyone else from making such a show, and scare any station from airing such a show for the next 100 years.
the fact that this hasn't happened to JV's show and is now into its 2nd season is proof in itself that they must be telling the truth.

Re: Jesse Venture BP OIL Episode.

Posted: Mon Dec 13, 2010 2:19 am
by Rudy Peña
I dont really care about the stocks stuff, as the same thing happened to Martha Steward a few years back. Watch the video link and see what I am talking about. If you can come up with a really good answer I will rethink about it being a fake. Those clips to me make me think of many video clips of UFO's that turn out to be fake and a computer made clip or something made to look like a UFO due to the very poor quality of the videos.

If those vidoes really show real military personal wearing 2 different kinds of uniforms, which is kinda hard since all BDUs were stopped being used about 8 years ago(or around there).

I know a thing or 2 about presenting yourself in the public, you use the best stuff you got. In my unit when we have to do a display show type of thing we dont use the worst sutff and the worst people. So for me, it really hard to think those video clips are of real soldiers. Its also the same on the civilian side too, you dont send your worst people to represent your company(or whatever) in a mix match suit or a women in a dress with running shoes on. You send your good people to represent you guys not some halfassed person.

Just please give me a very good reason why I should rethink this from being fake to it being BP and other companies and stuff making more money at the cost of "depopulating" 1/3 of the US.

About it being on air, TV networks do anything nowadays to get people to watch there networks. Just look at Sci-Fi(SyFy) network in the US, in just 4 short years it went from everything Sci-Fi to wrestling and all this other stuff, just to get more people to watch there network. SyFy has more non Sci-Fi shows than I like, so why would TrueTV be any different.

Re: Jesse Venture BP OIL Episode.

Posted: Mon Dec 13, 2010 2:32 am
by Dubby_CompGamerGeek2
Rudy Pena wrote:I dont really care about the stocks stuff, as the same thing happened to Martha Steward a few years back. Watch the video link and see what I am talking about. If you can come up with a really good answer I will rethink about it being a fake. Those clips to me make me think of many video clips of UFO's that turn out to be fake and a computer made clip or something made to look like a UFO due to the very poor quality of the videos.

If those vidoes really show real military personal wearing 2 different kinds of uniforms, which is kinda hard since all BDUs were stopped being used about 8 years ago(or around there).

I know a thing or 2 about presenting yourself in the public, you use the best stuff you got. In my unit when we have to do a display show type of thing we dont use the worst sutff and the worst people. So for me, it really hard to think those video clips are of real soldiers. Its also the same on the civilian side too, you dont send your worst people to represent your company(or whatever) in a mix match suit or a women in a dress with running shoes on. You send your good people to represent you guys not some halfassed person.

Just please give me a very good reason why I should rethink this from being fake to it being BP and other companies and stuff making more money at the cost of "depopulating" 1/3 of the US.

About it being on air, TV networks do anything nowadays to get people to watch there networks. Just look at Sci-Fi(SyFy) network in the US, in just 4 short years it went from everything Sci-Fi to wrestling and all this other stuff, just to get more people to watch there network. SyFy has more non Sci-Fi shows than I like, so why would TrueTV be any different.

Indeed, the producers of such shows have small print disclaimers

plus lawyers of their own...

and even if BP won... any kind of lawsuit would drag up so much mud and dirt about BP and the oil spill of the century that they'd lose more than they would gain...

Re: Jesse Venture BP OIL Episode.

Posted: Mon Dec 13, 2010 2:49 am
by Rocky
[KMA]Avenger wrote:Rudy, if you want to know the truth about the spill look into who had stocks in BP and when they were dumped.
from there you can find out other things about BP...

and no i haven't seen ANY of JV's episodes of conspiracy theory, not even this one.


one more thing to keep in mind Rudy, if any part of a show such as conspiracy theory was wrong or flat out lied-the show, its producers and the TV station airing the show would be hit with law suits so big it would scare anyone else from making such a show, and scare any station from airing such a show for the next 100 years.
the fact that this hasn't happened to JV's show and is now into its 2nd season is proof in itself that they must be telling the truth.

sorry, didn't read all the background, i just noticed a major flaw here

If the conspiracy theories were correct, surely the Goverment would have made sure its not aired. Surely they would have made sure its covered up, right?

If the show was cancelled, no doubt you would have said, "its a conspiracy, they're hidding the truth!"
If the show goes on, you say " its the truth, it has to be because it wasn't cancelled"

Then again, when i see most conspiracy theories, often everything is twisted, and a lot of "what ifs" are made together with a lot of imagination. I find them intriguing.

Re: Jesse Venture BP OIL Episode.

Posted: Mon Dec 13, 2010 3:22 am
by [KMA]Avenger
its a catch 22 situation, damned if its aired and damned if its not, but in the end, lawsuits have been filed for allot less than an allegation of "conspiracy".

@Rudy, so your in the military, i didn't know, i wont even try and convince you your Govt (mine as well, i'm not trying to point fingers and say the US Govt is the only guilty ones out there, and i'm defo NOT anti-US, i am the opposite, i am pro US, just not pro-US Govt in its current form since it is anti-constitutional and by definition an illegal entity according to the US constitution) is nothing but a criminal gang of self serving pirates and the US military is nothing short of a strong arm of the corporations...but don't take my word for that because you have no reason to listen to me...but how about reading what this guy has to say about the US military:

Re: Jesse Venture BP OIL Episode.

Posted: Mon Dec 13, 2010 3:28 am
by Rudy Peña
[KMA]Avenger wrote:its a catch 22 situation, damned if its aired and damned if its not, but in the end, lawsuits have been filed for allot less than an allegation of "conspiracy".

@Rudy, so your in the military, i didn't know, i wont even try and convince you your Govt (mine as well, i'm not trying to point fingers and say the US Govt is the only guilty ones out there, and i'm defo NOT anti-US, i am the opposite, i am pro US, just not pro-US Govt in its current form since it is anti-constitutional and by definition an illegal entity according to the US constitution) is nothing but a criminal gang of self serving pirates and the US military is nothing short of a strong arm of the corporations...but don't take my word for that because you have no reason to listen to me...but how about reading what this guy has to say about the US military:

Yes I am, but its ok, Im in the process of getting out right now. You can convince me on things, im a very a open minded person. I kmow my government is frakked up, I know theres alot of lies and stuff. I will read the link now.

Re: Jesse Venture BP OIL Episode.

Posted: Mon Dec 13, 2010 3:39 am
by [KMA]Avenger
Rudy, thats all i ask is that you investigate on your own...and just for the record, the US Govt is not the only "frakked up" Govt on the planet, my Govt in the UK is in many ways more "frakked up" than yours.

Re: Jesse Venture BP OIL Episode.

Posted: Mon Dec 13, 2010 3:43 am
by Rudy Peña
[KMA]Avenger wrote:Rudy, thats all i ask is that you investigate on your own...and just for the record, the US Govt is not the only "frakked up" Govt on the planet, my Govt in the UK is in many ways more "frakked up" than yours.

I know its not the only one, Ive kinda been stalking some of your threads. :-$

Infact being in the Army has in a way helped me to see things(well the really the army, but some of the people I met in it or cause Im in it).

Re: Jesse Venture BP OIL Episode.

Posted: Mon Dec 13, 2010 3:50 am
by [KMA]Avenger
your stalking my threads!? :o ok, lawsuit time!

seriously, as decent people, its hard for us to understand and accept that there are people out there who would line their pockets without once feeling guilty about causing such carnage. i'm with you, i dont understand how anyone could be evil enough to wipe out so much of the environment for dollars :?

i just dont get it, its like trying to swallow a pill the size of a beach ball...

rich man "here, pour this stuff into the sea and cause some damage and you'll be rich for life"

poor man (me)...**Filtered** YOU!

Re: Jesse Venture BP OIL Episode.

Posted: Mon Dec 13, 2010 3:59 am
by Rudy Peña
Wow, really nice link you gave me. :smt060

Although, I do know some of the stuff they said, but the others did not know.

Sometimes when my friends and family talk to me from home, I sometimes tell them things they did not know before. I dont really watch tv anymore because of all the crap that is on there now, I only really watch tv for my fav shows. People so dont know whats really going on, I just feel sad for them at times.

Re: Jesse Venture BP OIL Episode.

Posted: Mon Dec 13, 2010 4:06 am
by [KMA]Avenger
glad you liked it :-)

sometimes trying to tell people stuff is like bull-horning a room full of self-induced deaf people they are in danger because of their own complacency...its impossible to get them to hear you because they choose to be deaf.

if you liked that then this adds weight to what General Butler told the American Congress and what he wrote in his book...

in 1953 (i think) Iranian President Mohammed Mossadegh's Govt was overthrown for trying to nationalise Irans oil fields.

Mossadegh was pro west and i think educated in the west as well. anyways, BP was HEAVILY involved because if BP's oil fields were taken away by Mossadegh...well, you can imagine what that would do for BP's profits.

Re: Jesse Venture BP OIL Episode.

Posted: Mon Dec 13, 2010 4:10 am
by Rudy Peña
Yup, its just like that. ](*,)

Wow, nice to know.

Well I need some rest now, talk to you later. :)

Re: Jesse Venture BP OIL Episode.

Posted: Mon Dec 13, 2010 4:23 am
by [KMA]Avenger
enjoy your rest.

maybe someone can help me here, i'm trying to find a quote by someone but cant remember who it was that said it or in what context it was said. its words to the effect of "you can get a man to accept that which he ought not to accept". cant remember if it was Bertrand Russell or Aldous Huxley...i think it might have been Russell.


found it, it was Aldous Huxley who said in 1962 in a speech at UC Berkeley: In a 1962 speech at UC Berkeley, Huxley spoke primarily of the ‘Ultimate Revolution’ that focuses on ‘behavioural controls’ of people: If you are going to control any population for any length of time, you must bring in an element of of getting people to consent to what is happening to them. We are in process of developing a whole series of techniques, which will enable the controlling oligarchy – who have always existed and will presumably always exist – to get people to love their servitude…
I think there are going to be scientific dictatorships in many parts of the world. If you can get people to consent to the state of servitude – then you are likely to have a much more stable, a much more lasting society; much more easily controllable society than you would if you were relying wholly on clubs, and firing squads and concentration camps.

that explains a few things, why the state controls the education system and why it is set up the way it is. and why people like Thriller cannot bring themselves to open their eyes and ears, even in the face of overwhelming evidence and why no amount of evidence will ever convince them, even if it was all put in a massive box and dropped on them.