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Intelligent Alien Life. Does it exist?

Posted: Tue Jan 18, 2011 7:41 pm
by Alpha13snake
Personally I say the odds are good.

The real question is:- Are they here on Earth?

This should be a wild one...


Re: Intelligent Alien Life. Does it exist?

Posted: Wed Jan 19, 2011 7:50 am
by Lithium
yes we are :)

Re: Intelligent Alien Life. Does it exist?

Posted: Wed Jan 19, 2011 8:39 am
There are but theya ren't what we believe as green men they come in the form as insects on mars or something microscopic Organizyms or on another planet can't remember where but i do believe their is another intelligent race just haven't found us yet :P

Re: Intelligent Alien Life. Does it exist?

Posted: Wed Jan 19, 2011 8:56 am
by VeNoM56k
better question is why wouldnt there be.

Billions of planets in a galaxy, billions of galaxies in the universe, why would we be the only ones in it???

Re: Intelligent Alien Life. Does it exist?

Posted: Wed Jan 19, 2011 9:24 am
by xDaku
Actually the odds are that intelligent life exists in atleast 1 planet out of a 1000 i believe it was...or 10000 don't remember the exact number. I was watching a documentary on it about stephen hawking's stand and that was one of his arguments, proven mathematically.

If you take parallel universes into account, there's an intelligent life in every universe.

Re: Intelligent Alien Life. Does it exist?

Posted: Wed Jan 19, 2011 10:22 am
by Lithium
hes asking Are they among us

and i think yes , we are , in other words we the kind of the monekys have been manipulated genetically since the Begin and still nowadays we are being altered , just guess the thausand cases of alien abduction

Re: Intelligent Alien Life. Does it exist?

Posted: Thu Jan 20, 2011 5:41 am
Id have to agree with xDaku, given the size of the universe and the vast numbers of planets, the mathematical probability is that the Universe is supports many forms of life and some of them will be intelligent.

If you want look at the odds of them ever visiting Earth ( not just in the short time Human life has thrived but the whole lifespan of the planet ), the odds are very slim, and if you think of alien life as bipedal or in anyway similar to Humans the odds are ridiculously low, still not impossible but so improbable it's not worth serious consideration.

A better question IMO would be define intelligent life, and consider the possibility that many species exist deep underground and deep in the oceans that we are not able to study, is there non-human intelligent life on this planet, that originated on this planet that we simple dont know about ???

Re: Intelligent Alien Life. Does it exist?

Posted: Thu Jan 20, 2011 8:41 am
MEZZANINE wrote:Id have to agree with xDaku, given the size of the universe and the vast numbers of planets, the mathematical probability is that the Universe is supports many forms of life and some of them will be intelligent.

If you want look at the odds of them ever visiting Earth ( not just in the short time Human life has thrived but the whole lifespan of the planet ), the odds are very slim, and if you think of alien life as bipedal or in anyway similar to Humans the odds are ridiculously low, still not impossible but so improbable it's not worth serious consideration.

A better question IMO would be define intelligent life, and consider the possibility that many species exist deep underground and deep in the oceans that we are not able to study, is there non-human intelligent life on this planet, that originated on this planet that we simple dont know about ???

Definalty worht investigating rather then spending billions with space flight tech

Re: Intelligent Alien Life. Does it exist?

Posted: Thu Jan 20, 2011 8:51 am
by [KMA]Avenger
Alpha13snake wrote:The real question is:- Are they here on Earth?

With the exception of the animal mean to tell me there is "intelligent life" on earth? :smt017 :shock:

Re: Intelligent Alien Life. Does it exist?

Posted: Thu Jan 20, 2011 11:10 am
Kit-Fox wrote:If there was life on this planet that was of comparable or greater intelligence to humanity that evolved here on this planet we would be aware of them already.

like I said, it depends how you define intelligence. Looking at the damage Humans have done spreading across the planet, breading uncontrollably, destroying the natural environment and killing off other species to feed our greed for land and resources on a totally unsustainable road to oblivion. Maybe a more intelligent lifeform has learned to live in smaller numbers in a far less obtrusive way, and if aware of us, avoids us at all costs.

One of my favorite quotes is ''If Humans are an example of an intelligent species, Humanity's behavior suggests intelligence is an evolutionary dead end'' :-D

Re: Intelligent Alien Life. Does it exist?

Posted: Fri Jan 21, 2011 6:27 pm
by GrizzZzzly
I'm not sure why we're debating something that has a definite answer which we dont know yet. What worth is an opinion of why fermat's theorum works. You either have proof or you don't. You cannot even form a proper opinion on the matter.. What experiences do we have which could help us form an opinion to the question? films? creatively thought up conspiracy theories? :shock:

Re: Intelligent Alien Life. Does it exist?

Posted: Mon Jan 24, 2011 3:16 am
by Lord Baal
Given the share size and the sherr immense nature of the universe, I think that our planet,system and galaxy is less than a mere drop in the universe, that I think that intelliagent life does exist out there somewhere. But then again thats just my opinion.

Re: Intelligent Alien Life. Does it exist?

Posted: Wed Jan 26, 2011 9:14 am
by [BoT] Jason
*Contemplates if intelligent on other planets sit behind their communication devices wasting their time pondering if they are not alone, or is that just human*

Re: Intelligent Alien Life. Does it exist?

Posted: Thu Jan 27, 2011 10:17 am
by KnowLedge
according to the laws of probability, theres a strong possibility that another problems that is like earth exists...

@ kidfox what 3 planets have micro life form....? Im sure thats not proven yet

Re: Intelligent Alien Life. Does it exist?

Posted: Tue Feb 01, 2011 5:24 pm
by KnowLedge
they may speculate however tey want.. but im pretty sure it isnt proved that life even exists on mars