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The Age of Rage...or is it insanity?

Posted: Mon Jan 31, 2011 7:36 am
by [KMA]Avenger
With the global explosion of emotions ranging from anger to outright hatred for our "leaders", and with austerity measures which have been imposed on the entire world population by the banksters (AKA-the Elite, AKA-The Illuminati, AKA- THE i wont be talking "conspiracy theory", i am talking about fact!), the world banksters are now demanding QE2 and 3 (quantitative easing, AKA, bail-out money) in the region of 100 TRILLION (these numbers are starting to sound like the numbers you lot throw around on SGW...account with 5 quadrillion naq and 2 trill MS for sale :shock: ), ... Forum.html

These people are crazy beyond belief, they are monetising the debt while they run off with the gold and silver and we foot the bill for them to live better than any king has ever lived without exception.

The world is erupting in anarchy, the students are fed up, right across the EU people are sick to the back teeth, now northern Africa and parts of the middle east are in a state of complete civil war because they are so poor due to the crippling debt owed to their central banks and the IMF and world bank, its only a matter of time before we in the west will also revolt...that's when you will find out why the police have been militarised and just who it is they will turn on while Govt will do its utmost to crush the people so it can survive and carry on as evidenced by the fact Egypt's dictator for the past 29/30 years has now ordered the police and military to open fire on rioters.

This global situation reminds me of what the Jews went through in Germany when Hitler was given power...

First the Nazi's blamed the Jews for Germany's defeat in WW1, the Jews kept quite then they blamed them for Germany's economic woes, the Jews still kept quite, then they told the Jews they need to wear the star of David so they could be recognised as Jewish, the Jews still didn't complain and in fact said that they should be proud to wear the star of David, then the Nazi's went round and smashed all the windows of the Jewish shops, the Jews by now are in fear of complaining in case they further anger the Germans...don't you think now would be a good time for the Jews to say "damn it! this crap has gone on long enough, NOW STOP IT!", you would think so, well as we all know, they didn't say a blessed thing, next they are rounding up the Jews and chucking them into camps and ghettos, would now be a good time to stand up and say something?! common sense says yes but history books tell us they swallowed that crap as well without so much as a complaint. next they are packing them like sardines into cattle trucks carting them off to who knows what god forsaken place to suffer god knows what torture and about now, is now a good time to show your disgust with the Nazis?! then they started throwing the Jews into showers and gassing them, what did they think was cooking in those ovens that smelled so bad?! :?
Anyways...NOW is the perfect time to complain...BANG YOUR DEAD from a gun shot to the head in front of your family and country men, it's to late to complain!

So, now the banksters want 3 times the bailouts of QE1, is now a good time to tell our leaders and the banksters..."NOW LISTEN HERE MR CAMERON/OBAMA/WHOEVER, ENOUGH IS ENOUGH, EITHER YOU TELL THESE BANKSTERS THEY WONT GET NOT 1 PENNY MORE FOR THEIR TOXIC CURRENCY OR THERE WILL BE TROUBLE BECAUSE WE CANT TAKE ANYMORE OF THIS CURRENCY DEVALUATION AND INFLATION! :mad: ". would now be a good time to say that...or should we wait till the entire rotten global economic structure collapses from the sheer weight of the debt and country's like China, Russia and India emerge as the new global power???

The above is just my rant and disgust with what's unfolding all over the world and you can comment on it or not, or simply comment on what's unfolding all over the globe, its a free and open debate/discussion or simply a platform for you to vent.

Re: The Age of Rage...or is it insanity?

Posted: Mon Jan 31, 2011 4:41 pm
by Alpha13snake
I hear you Avenger...

So sick of it all...

Re: The Age of Rage...or is it insanity?

Posted: Tue Feb 01, 2011 5:50 am
Thats quite a rant mate, I think you overdid it with the Jewish references, but for the most part cant fault it.

Re the banks, in the UK we pretty much nationalised them, bought huge shares in most of them on the pretext that we could let the high street banking system collapse, my question where is the return on this investment ? I think the banks should have to buy back the shares at purchase price & interest and admin fees with any profits before they pay any bonuses of dividends, if they want to award bonuses and dividends these payments should be held until they have paid their debts to US the people who bailed them out. Also high street functions should be separated as previously promised by politicians if they are considered any essential function. The if ( or when ) the bank fail again, let them sink like any other badly run business.

Re Quantitative easing, thats just a fancy way of saying printing more money, but obviously more money with the same or less assets backing them up is worth less, trick people into thinking they have more in numbers when it is actually devalued.

I will rant more later but right now got to get back to work lol

Re: The Age of Rage...or is it insanity?

Posted: Tue Feb 01, 2011 5:58 am
by RepliMagni
Drink some flouride mate and mellow out :smt050

Re: The Age of Rage...or is it insanity?

Posted: Tue Feb 01, 2011 6:44 am
by [KMA]Avenger
Tell you what RepliMagni, come and say that to my face in 1-2 years time when the whole system collapses and you don't have any cash to go to the supermarket and the police are thumping your skull because you don't want to be thrown into a FEMA camp (no idea where your from so FEMA camp or it's equivalent if your not American).

Watch the price of Gold, Silver and oil, because they will go through the roof by the years end.

On a personal note regarding your comment...i think it's disgusting that you can laugh while we are ALL being taken for fools by the ruling class and we are being raped so badly. make no mistake you, me and everyone else ARE being raped by the ruling class, and our leaders are complicit...

If you don't know you are being raped mate, you are not half as smart as you think you are!


people who deny all this crap and raping is going on and the bansters are behind it all-remind me of the woman in the back of the APC in AvP2: "The Govt doesn't lie!" all the while Govt officials have already ordered the nuclear strike of the small town.

Our "leaders" are morons, they are the kids that couldn't get a girl for love nor money when they were at school, Hell, they didn't have any friends let alone girls. Now those same morons are our "leaders" and those in high office...and we trust them to run an entire country?! what kind of insanity is this?! :mad: my 6 year old son has more common sense than these people, and i don't say that lightly I MEAN IT!
Our "Leaders" are traitors, they are traitors to our respective nations and to humanity, they have no business calling themselves human, they are sick's that simple!


Re: The Age of Rage...or is it insanity?

Posted: Tue Feb 01, 2011 11:22 am
Back now, just finish my own rant

Re Quantitative easing, thats just a fancy way of saying printing more money, but obviously more money with the same or less assets backing them up is worth less, trick people into thinking they have more in numbers when it is actually devalued..........

Do you know what a devalued currency means ? It means lower exchange rates, good for exporters who can undercut foreign competition, bad for imports that will cost more, so what do we export and import from the UK ? Well in the UK we export ( QE increasing profits on ), wait for it, FINANCIAL SERVICES, and a few pharmaceutical and other high end products that employ very few people and gather wealth to a very limited group of already wealthy people. And what do we import ( QE making more expensive ), food, clothes, fuel, basically the essentials that everyone buys, and also all the consumer crap adverts tell us to borrow to buy.

UK Government say we cant tax or 'bully' the banks or they will take their industry abroad and we lose the only real industry we have left. BS, most the UK banks are majority owned by US, we have the voting power and if their Boards want to take them abroad we can replace the Board.

The reason we have no other real industry, the FreeMarket, the ultimate achievement of consumer capitalism, those countries who are willing and able to exploit their citizens like India paying children pennies a day to make our clothes, China working people to death to produce all kinds of crap, Brazil with virtual slave labor producing our food, are able to undercut the higher wages needed for our better quality of life in the UK, EU, USA etc.

The solution, kill the freemarket, place huge import taxes on everything from these scummy countries so our own industries can compete, unpopular yes, everything will cost more, we will actually have to save up to buy luxuries and give up our disposable lifestyles, actually buying quality and making it last, but longterm its the only way to survive. Consumer Capitalism has failed, it was always going to fail because it relies on continuous growth and is fundamentally unsustainable. As we are now we lose ground on every cycle of Boom & Bust, the Boom & Bust cycle runs roughly once a decade, and one day soon the final big Bust will wipe out our economy and way of life, leading either to civil war or war with other countries over resources.

Re: The Age of Rage...or is it insanity?

Posted: Tue Feb 01, 2011 11:33 am
RepliMagni wrote:Drink some flouride mate and mellow out :smt050

May as well mate since none of us have the power to change anything, and our democracy is sham where the object it not doing what is right or needed, but to do what will keep you in power another day, short term thinking.

In the words of Jarvis Cocker, dance and drink and screw, because there's nothing else to do.

( basically an updated version of eat, drink & be merry for tomorrow we die lol )

Re: The Age of Rage...or is it insanity?

Posted: Tue Feb 01, 2011 12:48 pm
by Alpha13snake
MEZZANINE wrote:May as well mate since none of us have the power to change anything.

Your wrong, we can make a difference, just look at Egypt...

If they can throw out their dictator, [soul edit out]

I just hope & pray that when the time comes our police & armies see sense and join the people.

I don't want violence, I just want my country back so I can raise my family in peace and harmony with the world, BUT NO THEY WONT LET US....

Its time to put the monopoly money away and start living without these leeches...

There is plenty in the world for all, we just have to get rid of the bastard thats hike the prices up and controls the markets for their own greedy ends...

Re: The Age of Rage...or is it insanity?

Posted: Wed Feb 02, 2011 6:06 am
by RepliMagni
[KMA]Avenger wrote:Tell you what RepliMagni, come and say that to my face in 1-2 years time when the whole system collapses and you don't have any cash to go to the supermarket and the police are thumping your skull because you don't want to be thrown into a FEMA camp (no idea where your from so FEMA camp or it's equivalent if your not American).

Watch the price of Gold, Silver and oil, because they will go through the roof by the years end.

On a personal note regarding your comment...i think it's disgusting that you can laugh while we are ALL being taken for fools by the ruling class and we are being raped so badly. make no mistake you, me and everyone else ARE being raped by the ruling class, and our leaders are complicit...

If you don't know you are being raped mate, you are not half as smart as you think you are!

They're going to send a community support officer to thump my skull in? :smt050

What do you have against the police now? My uncle has recently retired - he was Chief Super of a county in England; he's worked in the drug squad, armed police and child abuse departments - and he most definitely ain't going to be raping people in the next year or two. :smt064

So we have a time limit then KMA? 1-2 years. Okay. Just like the whole Greece thing, and whatever else you've been up in arms about....we shall see. In the meantime, I'm going to happily live my life in comfort thanks. Off to Jerusalem and Egypt on a cruise pretty soon. :smt050

ps: last time I checked, my backdoor hadn't been penetrated :roll:

Re: The Age of Rage...or is it insanity?

Posted: Wed Feb 02, 2011 8:29 am
by [KMA]Avenger
What do you mean "we shall see"? :? :shock: :? where have you been for the past 2-3 years???

I'm sorry but i just don't understand your mindset (which so happens to be the mindset of the general populace, so don't think i am singling you out), the bansters first engineered the collapse (that's fact, its admitted they engineered the whole thing, that is mainstream news and not some wild accusation or "conspiracy", if you care to even research this fact you will find the answers. here's a taste: ... ons/70128/) of 08 and then told the US congress that if the bail-out bill wasn't passed that the US would be put under martial law, we then bail-out all the banks only to have them borrow OUR money at low interest rates to each other who hand out MASSIVE bonuses for their failure or success-depending on your POV-and also re-lend that same cash WE GAVE THEM back to us at loan sharking-and in some cases-above loan sharking rates!

People-get your heads out of the sand FFS!!!

Here, go educate yourselves!

I've finally figured out this apathetic and coma-like state that has such a hold on people and prevents people from getting angry enough to stand up...its the fact that it is not yet personal, when it starts to hit you personally you will be forced whether you want to or not-to stand up and admit that this corrupt system needs to go.

Re: The Age of Rage...or is it insanity?

Posted: Thu Feb 03, 2011 7:38 am
by Brdavs
Just 3 short points:

1. didnt you listen to the commies? This is what tried to tell you. Its an exploitation based system. Same as any system a "leading class" forms. In capitalism its capital and the people that hold it. And its likwise known that the system is based on expected normal run of things... which translates to a guaranteed future (be it near or far) servicable debt. There isnt a financial institution on the planet that inst overleveraged. Thats what makes the system go around. Debt. Trillions and trillions of it. Has since the first intermediare took a depositors pound and lent it to somoeone else as funds.

You know I`m all for revolution and all, but you`ll have to forgive the lack of enthusiasm matching yourown as you make these big discoveries... Novelty sorta wore off. I`ll need an idea to get behind, not just the quasi libertarian lightbulb that just figured basics out yet still remains out of touch with reality in terms of what can/should be done about it.

2. I like how MEZZANINE conveniantly left out germany, up till last year the planets biggest exporter. They were there with their comparative advantages. And cheap labor fource isnt it. Just saying, it aint just that simple...

3. The more these african protest go on the more sickened I am by the highjackings of them. People down there are protesting because of a dictatorship and poverty. They arent showing an englishman a way to revolt against the establishment. They`re protesting against the state that is supported by our governments AND enjoyed as a "god given right" by us. Theyre protesting the fact they have 2x the unemployed in Egypt than the entire EUrope does. That their yearly income is half of our monthly minimal wage. That they spend a fraction of the energy and consume a fraction of the food we do per capita.

Theyre not protesting for you. Theyre protesting against you.

Comparing your "sorry" state to theirs is cynical, insulting and devalues their struggle. Just friggin irks me how bums in US and EU find the nerve to paint themselves as victims of some NWO/government taking away all their "stufz", when they`re the ones sitting on top of a global exploitation pyramid. Dang, so youre on the 2nd level of the thing? Real tough, I`m sure billions and billions looking up sympathize no end. I`m sure thats why Cairo is ablaze. They just couldnt keep on watchng how we here getting fleeced by our bankers.

Re: The Age of Rage...or is it insanity?

Posted: Thu Feb 03, 2011 7:54 am
by [KMA]Avenger
i dunno if your post is directed at me or not, but anyways...

Brdavs wrote:Theyre not protesting for you. Theyre protesting against you.

I never said they were fighting for anyone other than themselves, they are not fighting me, i am not a banker, they are fighting for the right to have a descent standard of living.

Brdavs wrote:Comparing your "sorry" state to theirs is cynical, insulting and devalues their struggle.

I never compared anything to anything else.

Brdavs wrote:Just friggin irks me how bums in US and EU find the nerve to paint themselves as victims of some NWO/government taking away all their "stufz", when they`re the ones sitting on top of a global exploitation pyramid. Dang, so youre on the 2nd level of the thing? Real tough, I`m sure billions and billions looking up sympathize no end. I`m sure thats why Cairo is ablaze. They just couldnt keep on watchng how we here getting fleeced by our bankers.

I'm sitting on a global "exploitation pyramid" and all this time i didn't know i was!?! :shock:

Look, every citizen on this planet who is not part of the ruling class/elite/NWO/ILLUMINATI/wheteveryouwanttocallthem is in the same boat, you (unless you are part of any of the above mentioned groups) me and everyone else are in this together, "they" are waging war on all of us...get it?

Re: The Age of Rage...or is it insanity?

Posted: Sun Feb 06, 2011 5:03 pm
by Iƒrit
MEZZANINE wrote:Back now, just finish my own rant

Re Quantitative easing, thats just a fancy way of saying printing more money, but obviously more money with the same or less assets backing them up is worth less, trick people into thinking they have more in numbers when it is actually devalued..........

Do you know what a devalued currency means ? It means lower exchange rates, good for exporters who can undercut foreign competition, bad for imports that will cost more, so what do we export and import from the UK ? Well in the UK we export ( QE increasing profits on ), wait for it, FINANCIAL SERVICES, and a few pharmaceutical and other high end products that employ very few people and gather wealth to a very limited group of already wealthy people. And what do we import ( QE making more expensive ), food, clothes, fuel, basically the essentials that everyone buys, and also all the consumer crap adverts tell us to borrow to buy.

UK Government say we cant tax or 'bully' the banks or they will take their industry abroad and we lose the only real industry we have left. BS, most the UK banks are majority owned by US, we have the voting power and if their Boards want to take them abroad we can replace the Board.

The reason we have no other real industry, the FreeMarket, the ultimate achievement of consumer capitalism, those countries who are willing and able to exploit their citizens like India paying children pennies a day to make our clothes, China working people to death to produce all kinds of crap, Brazil with virtual slave labor producing our food, are able to undercut the higher wages needed for our better quality of life in the UK, EU, USA etc.

The solution, kill the freemarket, place huge import taxes on everything from these scummy countries so our own industries can compete, unpopular yes, everything will cost more, we will actually have to save up to buy luxuries and give up our disposable lifestyles, actually buying quality and making it last, but longterm its the only way to survive. Consumer Capitalism has failed, it was always going to fail because it relies on continuous growth and is fundamentally unsustainable. As we are now we lose ground on every cycle of Boom & Bust, the Boom & Bust cycle runs roughly once a decade, and one day soon the final big Bust will wipe out our economy and way of life, leading either to civil war or war with other countries over resources.

actually free market is not the problem, globalist have been working behind the scene with the WTO to restrict markets as much as possible, while allowing those behind this economic siege to be exempt from their restriction, meanwhile absorbing all the wealth and becoming monopolies. Take the coal power planet episode going on today as an example, coal power planets are being shut down all around certain countries (minus those who are exempt, in the U.S. it GE), allowing them to monopolize on the market and make huge profits, because there competition is being forced out of the market. The problem is the United Nations, WTO, IMF, ect and affiliations thereof, there prime prerogative is the destruction of national sovereignty and installation of a supreme authoritarian figure, like China. Free market is what they don't want cause it allows for competition, and competition is bad for business.