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CFLs - Good or Bad...?

Posted: Wed Feb 16, 2011 6:10 pm
by Alpha13snake
Compact fluorescent lamps:

Personally, I think they are bad, they contain Mercury and are difficult to dispose of in the event of a breakage. The authorities say: In event of breakage immediately open a window and leave the room for 15 minutes! Do not use a vacuum cleaner as this will make the Mercury air-bourne (Not nice in the lungs) If its a carpet throw it away you could never get it all out, if its a flat surface (floor boards/concrete/tile) you may be able to mop it up with a damp cloth, both bulb and materials used in cleaning should be sealed in a glass jar with a metal lid and taken to a suitable disposal facility...

The 100 year enviromental problem: As stated above these CFLs contain Mercury, as most people are to lazy to dispose of them properly they end up in the bin, then to the landfills where the broken bulbs leech their Mercury into the water table... 100 years from now the water my be so contaminated that the water would be undrinkable...

The humble 100 watt incandescent blub and other lesser wattages are to be completely eliminated in the war on Co2 (Carbon Lies for taxes based on false man made global warming theories, see Climategate.) The are to be replace with CFL, removing customer choice. Once the Incandescents are gone the price of CFLs is predicted to triple in some cases...

CFL, Flicker rates, mind control technologies proven with patents...Maybe?

Comments? :-k

CFL disposal and recycling: ... cling.html

Low-energy bulb disposal warning BBC:

Flicker: The Dreamachine
Examples of Wide Spectrum Mind Control in Art, Film and Television

Re: CFLs - Good or Bad...?

Posted: Thu Feb 17, 2011 12:50 am
TBH this is the first time I heard anything about the health risk or environmental issue, but it dont really matter as know one I know uses them anyway simply because they rubbish.

British Gas and Swalec sent free samples of these bulbs to all there customers in a 'save energy' campaign a few years ago, the packs they sent me had 2x 60watt and 2x 40watt, I tried the 60watts, they were not bright enough and they flickered and had to warm up when first switched on so put them all in the bin.

People who want to be 'green' or save money long term upgrade their lighting to LEDs, CFLs are a pointless backwards technology.

Re: CFLs - Good or Bad...?

Posted: Thu Feb 17, 2011 1:13 am
by Baxter
i guess we will always have this problem as one aspect of society seeks to reduce its impact on one issue only to create/amplify one in the future

i agree with mezz though, CFLs need to be replaced with LEDs as they are cheaper to run, brighter and more energy efficient. and no mercury either :)

Re: CFLs - Good or Bad...?

Posted: Thu Feb 17, 2011 5:31 am
Baxter wrote:i guess we will always have this problem as one aspect of society seeks to reduce its impact on one issue only to create/amplify one in the future

i agree with mezz though, CFLs need to be replaced with LEDs as they are cheaper to run, brighter and more energy efficient. and no mercury either :)

LEDs are great, the only issue with them is the upfront costs, replacing fittings etc, I recon it will take a few decades for everyone to switch over.

CFLs were just a political point scoring exercise, everyone jumped on the media frenzy about carbon footprints and CFLs were a quick ( and bad ) fix that was cheap enough in the short term to fool people into thinking they could make a difference. Some people made money, some people got good publicity, no-one made a real difference, an all to familiar story.

Re: CFLs - Good or Bad...?

Posted: Thu Feb 17, 2011 5:35 am
by Kit-Fox

Re: CFLs - Good or Bad...?

Posted: Thu Feb 17, 2011 11:15 am
Kit-Fox wrote:Meh, cant really say I like any lighting that isnt incandesant, it all seems wrong or makes me eyes ache after a prolonged time.

anyways incandesants are still available for those in the know, even 60W and higher ;)

That is some rather clever person used Eu regulations to get arond the ban, they arent marketted as lightbulbs but as heatlamps, as they make over 80% heat or something like that which makes them eligable to be sold in such a manner & thus the ban on lightbulbs is avoided ;)

You can still buy 100, 150 and 200 Watt standard incandescent light bulbs in Cardiff ( The WHAT shop ), I think they get away with it because they are using up old stock which they bought in bulk before the EU bureaucrats interfered with their silly laws.

You can also buy them on the internet listed as 'grow lights', a euphemism for 'grow your own weed' lights :smt025

Re: CFLs - Good or Bad...?

Posted: Thu Feb 17, 2011 6:00 pm
by Kit-Fox

Re: CFLs - Good or Bad...?

Posted: Fri Feb 18, 2011 1:07 am
by Brdavs
Frankly, if we rejected advancements because of inherited higher complexity and the requirement to dispose of them in a responsible manner, we would have never adopted say batteries.

And what a sad world that would have been. No walkman :smt110 .

Re: CFLs - Good or Bad...?

Posted: Fri Feb 18, 2011 1:20 am
Brdavs wrote:Frankly, if we rejected advancements because of inherited higher complexity and the requirement to dispose of them in a responsible manner, we would have never adopted say batteries.

And what a sad world that would have been. No walkman :smt110 .

I :smt060 my walkman

Not about rejecting new tech on grounds of disposal mate, your right one that level, but not all new tech is an advancement, what we're saying is CFLs are a step in the wrong direction, they were promoted as an environmentally friendly tech when they are not, and worse than that they are also not fit for purpose. Batteries, Freezers and many other techs which are hard to dispose of do improve quality of life and never made false claims to be environmentally friendly.

Re: CFLs - Good or Bad...?

Posted: Fri Feb 18, 2011 1:49 am
by Brdavs
Brdavs wrote:Frankly, if we rejected advancements because of inherited higher complexity and the requirement to dispose of them in a responsible manner, we would have never adopted say batteries.

And what a sad world that would have been. No walkman :smt110 .

I :smt060 my walkman

Not about rejecting new tech on grounds of disposal mate, your right one that level, but not all new tech is an advancement, what we're saying is CFLs are a step in the wrong direction, they were promoted as an environmentally friendly tech when they are not, and worse than that they are also not fit for purpose. Batteries, Freezers and many other techs which are hard to dispose of do improve quality of life and never made false claims to be environmentally friendly.

How are they not envoronmentaly friendly if they burn a fraction of the electricity with a longer lifespan heh?

Suiteble... well thats entirely a matter of oppinion. Personally I`ve spent the past 10 years using nothing but these lamps and I can say they do the job just fine. Horses for corses, stronger variants where you want stronger lightning. Its not halogens but then again what is lol.

Our household made the switch long before regulations and media frenzy, when they were a relative rarity and for one main reason. It cut down on the electricity bill. It was hard to argue with the bill. Carbon footing, mercury danger and "quality of lightning" aside. Boiled down to the same satisfactory performance at a smaller price and higher reliability.

I mean to each his own but I think the whole "CFL conspiracy theory" is one of the more farfetched ones heh.

Are there better alternative out there? Sure, I`d gear up on LEDs in a heartbeat. If they werent so bloody expensive. We`re going step by step as a society I reckon. One day we will ditch these for more efficient ones. But its already a challenge to make this transition, nvm everyone hoppoing from classical lightbulbs to high tech end market stuff. People that can afford the "fancy" options are free to surge ahaed. In the meantime regulation pushes the crowd at the end forward by raising the minimum standard.

Re: CFLs - Good or Bad...?

Posted: Tue Feb 22, 2011 4:22 am
by Jack
Are you saying that the minuscule energy savings are worth the cost of mercury contamination?

Forcing CFL's down everyone's throat does not help the environment, it merely trades one problem for another, possibly larger problem.

Re: CFLs - Good or Bad...?

Posted: Sat Feb 26, 2011 6:17 pm
by Alpha13snake
[BoT] Jack wrote:Are you saying that the minuscule energy savings are worth the cost of mercury contamination?

Forcing CFL's down everyone's throat does not help the environment, it merely trades one problem for another, possibly larger problem.

Well said...

Oh, here something on the flicker rate of monitors:-

Nervous system manipulation by electromagnetic fields from monitors:

Re: CFLs - Good or Bad...?

Posted: Sat Feb 26, 2011 6:28 pm
by Juliette
My house has only LEDs. Fun times.
As for mind control by flicker rates.. there's sufficient mind control in regular media not to require additional methods of delivery. I'd say the environmental issue is the strongest one, of course second to the personal health hazard. ;) Then again, if you're too cheap to buy good lighting, maybe you deserve to be made into a lemming vegetable for life?