Affy's Sudden Absence from Q (Now Japan? Whaa?)

Should we ask the Forum Admin to limit Affys post lengths?

A. Yes, I am tired of his long winded tirades.
B. No, I enjoy using my entire gaming/break time up reading his posts.
C. Yes, but limit them to the amount of words that can be read during the average toilet break.
D. Who in the heck is Affy and why should we care?
E. Ban Affy, he is a Doodie-Head...
F. Ban only 'Bad Affy' it is all his fault.
G. Golden Rule, Smolden Rule, Affy should type only unto others as he would take the time to read himself... Hypocrite!
H. Cut Affy some slack, he is off to Japan on Humanitarian Aid Mission...
Total votes: 31
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Affy's Sudden Absence from Q (Now Japan? Whaa?)


Thought I would take a few long-winded moments to explain why I suddenly disappeared from this Era after a really great start, and why I suddenly got so sensitive & hissy-pissy in the Forums.

About 3 weeks ago or so, Mrs. Affy was assaulted outside of her new work place by the wife of her former boss of 15 years. I needed to take some time off from my late night insomnia and games to handle some issues in RL. Mrs. Affy is OK, (other than the fact she has had to be married to me for the last 27 years...) at the time of the assault she got some bruises on her chest, and lower neck from some serious poking and shoving, but mainly the attack was an emotionally draining event for my wife.

OK, yes, I know how that sounded above, I have gotten a few chuckles later about the "wife of her former boss" thing, yes, I smile at how that sounds. But no, Mrs. Affy was NOT sleeping with her former boss (as far as I know... HAHA) Essentially, my wife is a paralegal, or Certified Legal Assistant of many years, who worked for a local lawyer whom I grew up with and went to school with, and his wife was the office manager of the law office. After 15 years, and for all sorts of reasons we wont go into here from her boss and his wife losing their GD minds over money problems, and some racial and philosophical/political differences with them and us my wife left his employ to go work elsewhere in our little town. My wife went to work for the City of Williston (City Hall) and her former boss was the long-time Lawyer for the City of Williston. About 6 months after my wife went to work for the city, the City Council voted to fire her boss as the City Lawyer, mainly due to his erratic, harassing, and crazy behavior towards my wife, their new employee, and all other employees at City Hall, and some crazy over-billing practices, and, being a general smuck and know-it-all ding-a-ling.

Well, as I mentioned, he was in money problems and this loss of revenue equaled about 100K US Dollars per year (yes, that is correct, often times MORE than 100,000 $$ a year!), and they somehow fixated upon my wife and my family that this was OUR fault they were crazy, and harassing, and general malcontents of our quaint little town and got him fired as the City Attorney. So, a few days later after this incident, his wife decided to take it out on my wife and she is a fairly hefty, larger, foul mouthed kinda over-aggressive under educated heifer and her shoving and poking of my wife did some pretty good damage to the beautiful Mrs. Affy. One man intervened as my wife tried to retreat and when he placed his body in the way of my wife's former bosses wife she punched/slapped the man in the face! Well, he pressed charges and had her arrested, we filled out a police report to allow us to press charges later should we decide to.

As things go in small towns, I grew up with these people, they go to our church, and we have been friends for over 40 years, all that came to a crashing halt with this craziness. I was going to let it go (not press additional assault & battery charges), then the lawyer went after my son's business (you all know him as Cool Breeze in Q and Main) and kept pushing other things, trying to get my wife fired from her City job by making crazy lies and claims about her embezzling and stealing confidential files from his office when she left, etc. So, I had to act, and finally had to defend our family (yep, here comes 'Bad Affy'...). I am pressing charges for stalking, harassment/libel, assault and battery by his wife, and using the accumulated stuff from when he was her employer (emotional distress, verbal harassment), and all the erratic behavior to go after him civilly with a law suit, AND, an Ethics and Behavior case with the Florida BAR, which governs Lawyers in my state. He thinks he lost some revenue with losing his City of Williston Client. If this gets him Dis-Barred (unable to practice Law) he will lose ALL his revenue and clients.

Fun? Right? You can imagine how all this is going over in a small town. Suddenly long time friends are taking sides, saying mean and hateful/hurtful crap to me and my wife, blah, blah, blah so you can see old man Affy's sudden sensitivity to how people treat people....

Basically, life is too short, being mean and hateful, holding grudges and treating people in any fashion other than you would want them to treat you is suddenly a big topic for me. I left the US military because I did not believe the US military should be using our might to be the World's moral police back in the 90's (I was in Desert Storm, the Conflict in Iraq/Iran in the US Air Force). Did the US learn our lesson then? Heck no, we invaded Iraq in the new millennium, making the same mistakes, looking for pointless vengeance over the 9/11 thing in New York when we should be taking care of business at home. People in the US are struggling, our US economy is in the shizzer along with our World reputation (Karma anyone??) and with hard times comes financial distress, political unrest, AND...

People can't help themselves sometimes, when times get tough they lash out at others. Remember what old man Affy says today, tonight or whenever you read through this book/novel.
Every major religion of the world, every philosophy that has endured the test of time all have one common Tenant, or belief, and they all go something similar to this:

"Do unto others as you would have them do unto you."

In my religion we call this the "Golden Rule". It is rule numero uno, the prime directive, the one law/tenant that is there in case you don't get/follow any of the others moral laws/rules, then just try to do this one...

Imagine what a world that would be?? :-k

Love/Peace to all, even 'Bad Affy' as nasty tempered as he is at times, has to agree with this sentiment.
Have fun in the game, Have fun in your life!
Be aggressive, be strong/tough, but do it with respect. Aggressiveness without being hurtful or hateful is often the true measure of a person, no matter what the situation or competition. We all KNOW we have it in us, i.e. the Olympics, World Cup Soccer, etc. Why then must we kill our brother over a strip of land or some moral ideal, difference in customs/beliefs, color of our skin, different way we dress/speak, or whatever stupid thing causes a conflict? I do not know, but I know I fall far short of the very standard I try to explain here... I will do my best to work on that!

And, don't worry about Mrs. Affy or this crazy old man, we will be just fine.
I know we are OK - I have friends ALL OVER THE WORLD.

HAHA I feel a Poll coming on...
Last edited by Affirmation on Fri Mar 11, 2011 11:27 pm, edited 1 time in total.
What Happened to my Siggy????

Damn it Bernie!!

Affy? or 'Bad Affy'...:
What in the H E double LL happened to the Siggy's???
“You only live twice - Once when you're born, and once when you look death in the face.” James Bond 'You Only Live Twice' 1964 Ian Fleming (1908-1964)
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Re: Explanation of Affy's Sudden Absence from Q

That was a good read Affy. Your a good writer mate, newspaper writer much?

Good luck with the court case too by the way! Im also believe your wife can claim 'Criminal Compensation' due to injuries or something along those lines.. :razz:
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Re: Explanation of Affy's Sudden Absence from Q

Good luck Affy, Bad Affy, Mrs. Affy and kid. :)

Makes me angry to read about what happened, and I hope you guys will have better days ahead again. :D
*sends hit squad to Mrs. Affy's former boss and kidnaps him*
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Re: Explanation of Affy's Sudden Absence from Q

Juliette wrote:Good luck Affy, Bad Affy, Mrs. Affy and kid. :)

Makes me angry to read about what happened, and I hope you guys will have better days ahead again. :D
*sends hit squad to Mrs. Affy's former boss and kidnaps him*

HAHA Local Williston Sun newspaper has headline this week:
" Unknown assailants Attack local businessman" :-"

Everyone wish Affy well, NOT because of all this but because of the crazy, crazy, CRAZY events in Japan, Affy's company is sending a construction and engineering team over to assist in the rebuild of the cellular networks in northern Japan's farming communities. My company specializes in rural area monopole cellular tower repairs and cellular data backhaul using RF Wireless data links. We use brands of equipment, and similar mounting technologies as has been deployed in Japan's rural areas so we have been asked by the US government to assist (plus this will be good revenue fro the US to my company which has been seeing its profits dwindling as of late). I have volunteered due to my 20 plus years of experience in WAN/LAN/Fiber/Wireless site rebuilds from hurricane damage in Florida, USA and with Hurricane Katrina rebuilds in New Orleans, LA in the USA. Not sure how long I will be deployed into areas of limited communications (and water, food, and toilets for that matter!!). Won't be the first time Affy has been living out of a tent, truck, van, camping out for weeks, rebuilding communications after a natural disaster.

What devastation in Japan, wish me luck that I don't catch any Hep C or any other crazy bugs from contaminated water or sloshing around in nastiness like happened to me on my last excursion to New Orleans... Yuck. Having the creepin cruds for over a week is NOT the recommended way to lose weight for this fat old man! I have found a person can survive for weeks on (clean) bottled water, Honey Nut Cheerios, canned green beans, and Dinty Moore Stew.

Things are gonna be crazy for Japan in some areas for a while, and I suspect the body counts will rise in the coming days, thoughts and prayers go out to our Japanese brothers & sisters affected by this natural disaster. If I can, I will try to update you all on what is going on. With both new areas of personal stress and excitement in Affy's life.
Which, as you can all tell, is NEVER BORING!

Talk to you all when I can!
Gary, Florida USA

PS Keep the Poll going, it will be fun to read the replies when I am able!!
What Happened to my Siggy????

Damn it Bernie!!

Affy? or 'Bad Affy'...:
What in the H E double LL happened to the Siggy's???
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Re: Affy's Sudden Absence from Q (Now Japan? Whaa?)

don`t let them grind you down, affy

all the best to you and your family
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Re: Affy's Sudden Absence from Q (Now Japan? Whaa?)

I might just play Q after reading what Affy wrote.
Good man and player here.
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Re: Affy's Sudden Absence from Q (Now Japan? Whaa?)

Good luck

you should find that the situation isn't as bad as you think in Japan. They normally are very systematical, however having said that their values are not the same as our own. ( mine) So don't be surprised by what you fine, and try to stay out of the after quake. Oh and Mrs Affy's tells me to tell you your not suppose to glow when you return!
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Re: Affy's Sudden Absence from Q (Now Japan? Whaa?)

Guess I'm gonna start reading these Quantum Forums now... :smt047

Best wishes in all you do, mate, where ever in the world you might be.

I'm glad to see that your city is taking your side.

Please keep in touch.

Your friend,

P.S. > please read our forums and your ingame messages when you haz a chance:
Silent Bob said to bill him, and I offered what help I could.
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Re: Affy's Sudden Absence from Q (Now Japan? Whaa?)

Old man Affy back in town... Never can keep a fat man down...

Set up a poll to see what you think... Read all your posts now I'll have a drink.


I am back home in the loving arms of Mrs. Affy, Japan will have to fix its infrastructure w/o this old farts help due to extended threats of radiation.

My RL is still crazy due to my wife's situation with her job, she is still under attack from her former boss who has a small-town boner for revenge the likes of which I have never seen before. Now that I am back home I will have to concentrate my efforts on either getting him to calm his jets, or, my Bad-Affy side will come out and it will get small-town USA family feud ugly... [-X

He led a group of citizens to a near mob action at a recent City Council meeting, City of Williston Finance Director walked out and quit her job due to the verbal harassment in the meeting by the public attendees (all plants by former boss), and the City Manager (my wife's new boss) has also resigned and moved on, and two other city administrative employees have quit their jobs, ALL citing Hostile Workplace conditions and naming my wife's former boss, the former City Attorney for Williston, in their complaints. Soon he will have trouble and will have to answer to the State of Florida Bar Association for his unethical conduct towards these City employees.

If he doesn't back off Mrs. Affy I am gonna have to take legal action for his constant harassment and "stalking" which in Florida has new language that adds a LOT of teeth to the law about former employers who continue to harass former employees in their new jobs (similar to how a former boyfriend might 'stalk' a former girlfriend). I may test the new language in the Florida law to see how this new teeth and expansion of the Stalking laws will protect my wife from his stupidity and behavior.

Anyway, Affy is back and will try to get back involved in the Q Forums again! Since I am half a bazillion Army size behind in Q I can only dabble till the Eras ending, but, I hope we can breathe some new life back into the Forums?? HAHA

Luv to you all,
What Happened to my Siggy????

Damn it Bernie!!

Affy? or 'Bad Affy'...:
What in the H E double LL happened to the Siggy's???
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Re: Affy's Sudden Absence from Q (Now Japan? Whaa?)

Welcome back, Affy!! Sorry to hear about the continuing issues in Williston, hope you can get the law to sink its teeth deep into this man. ;)
I must say when I kept hearing about radiation dangers, I actually wondered about you and where exactly you'd be. Glad to hear you made a wise decision. :)
Here's hoping you can bring life back into the Q forums; admin knows they could use it. :-D
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Re: Affy's Sudden Absence from Q (Now Japan? Whaa?)

Just read all this and holy ... something .... can´t find the suiting word for it ..

I hope all them employees who left filed complaints which could back up your cases.
Hell I´d even ask for a restraining order demanding to have former boss´s loosy-hands-feline stay at least 100 meters away from your wife.
I hope your son's buisness is ok, always major crap when kids (kid - eventhough he's prolly a grownup) get involved in their parental's affairs.

Awesome job you got btw =) (Nerdy question, does the radiation interfere with the wireless networks ? , if so, details pls =D )

In light of High empty's respone, is Mrs affy now able to fnd you in the dark ?

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Re: Affy's Sudden Absence from Q (Now Japan? Whaa?)

NanoBite wrote:Just read all this and holy ... something .... can´t find the suiting word for it ..

I hope all them employees who left filed complaints which could back up your cases.
Hell I´d even ask for a restraining order demanding to have former boss´s loosy-hands-feline stay at least 100 meters away from your wife.
I hope your son's buisness is ok, always major crap when kids (kid - eventhough he's prolly a grownup) get involved in their parental's affairs.

Awesome job you got btw =) (Nerdy question, does the radiation interfere with the wireless networks ? , if so, details pls =D )

In light of High empty's respone, is Mrs affy now able to fnd you in the dark ?


+10 =D>
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Re: Affy's Sudden Absence from Q (Now Japan? Whaa?)

Interesting question... No, Radiation itself does not interfere with the actual transmitted RF/WiFi signals that being the data to the cell site nor interfere with the radiated and received Cell transmissions but depending on the proximity to the strongest radiation it can interfere with the physical plant equipment located on the ground at the monopole towers (rad can cause non-shielded equipment to run hotter like transmitters due to the effects of Rad on the metal heat sinks, and can cause batteries for the backup systems to overheat - i.e. lead plates, bulge, and eventually fail faster) so it can affect things in odd ways. :-k

HAHA No, Affy does not glow in the dark, but, he is getting Fat enough in his middle age that Mrs. Affy has no problem rolling him like a Beached Whale and harpooning him when needed! :smt025

Thanks for the well-wishes for the small town problems. What a bunch of irritating crap... Half these people I have known since age 7 when we moved here, and the other half are my inbred redneck relatives from so many years of unprotected co-mingling. You would think we could just "get along" ala Rodney King. I now completely understand the whole "Hatfields & McCoys" things that the Hillbillies (that many of us 'uppity' southern red-necks thumb our nose at like we are morally superior...) endure with the multi-generational feuds. In this case, if her former boss could just let it go it would die, but, he apparently needs a continual scapegoat for his now growing increasingly crappier & crappier existence.

I am doing my best to try and do the "what would Jesus do?" thing, but, every time I turn a cheek he seems to want to piss on my opposite shoulder. It is getting on my nerves, but I am starting to visit and talk one on one with all involved (starting with him at his office... interesting convo by the way...) and working down through mutual family, friends, and church congregation members. I am using the passive "win the hearts and minds" thing and my wife and I are going to kill everyone involved with kindness. I'll let you all know how that turns out!! HAHA
(Opposite of why we play SGW games, right?? You can't be successful at War games by killing with kindness, just gets you wiped out, but, in Real Life it continues to be a useful theory?)

What Happened to my Siggy????

Damn it Bernie!!

Affy? or 'Bad Affy'...:
What in the H E double LL happened to the Siggy's???
“You only live twice - Once when you're born, and once when you look death in the face.” James Bond 'You Only Live Twice' 1964 Ian Fleming (1908-1964)
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Re: Affy's Sudden Absence from Q (Now Japan? Whaa?)

:D that is very interesting, I would've expected a form of quicker degredation of the signal strength, or perhaps even have problems with data integrity at the receiving end. But the hardware failing of various lead involved material is somehwat unexpected, as I would think that with lead being a sort protection substance in various shelters and other radiation equitment, it could withstand it.

Growing some extra weight is a form of prosperity, just make sure it doesnt become unhealthy :-D

How you describe that fromer boss of you make him sound like a typical small minded man with not much else going for him then a demininshing career he despereatly tries to maintain but failing every step of the way, and now takes his anger out on people who were actually close to him. These folks have the tendancy to take themself out of the eqaution by their own ignorance and self believe of rightgiousness.
I think your current approach of 'passive warfare' :-D is your best option, no real anger involved, no aggression, mere words of dissappointment you'll use I think, your people after all, and formely named negative will only bring about more negatives.

Don't be mistaken about your approach, it's like politics ;)
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Re: Affy's Sudden Absence from Q (Now Japan? Whaa?)

Affirmation wrote:
I am doing my best to try and do the "what would Jesus do?"

just turn water into wine and get pissed affy
will pm you at some point mate to have a catch up
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