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balance gameplay team assault searchable public attack log

Posted: Thu Mar 10, 2011 7:17 pm
I was thinking about how the game is unrealistically imbalanced against small players. In reality smaller nations can conduct team assaults, guerilla warfare, etc. Here are some thoughts.

Let a number of players combine forces to attack a single player. To keep it from going too far maybe some of these rules might apply:

Team assault must be in retaliation and within xx hours of original attack.
Largest player on assaulting team must be of rank <= original assaulting player.
Largest player on assaulting team must be retaliating attacker.
Smaller players can pledge motherships or troops to the retaliating attacker until the attack(s) is over + delay, or resources can be recalled + delay, or resources can be made available "on demand."

Have a public attack log for each player. If I attack a player they can opt to put the attack in my public log and team up with other players that I have attacked.

Blockades: team action could consist of a smaller player blockading a planet and denying its resources/bonuses. This would be easier than stealing a planet, but might tie up resources. Perhaps a blockade would require leaving fighters equivalent to 1% of planetary defenses. A real blockade only requires out matching civilian ships and presenting a reasonable challenge to military escorts.

Sabotage / sacrifice / spying is too all-or-none. The US navy's red cell team conducted several successful missions against high profile US navy vessels with minimal resources. In reality a small team can ALWAYS chip away at a larger force. Perhaps not enough to be of effect, but they can do SOMETHING. As is, smaller players are almost completely helpless against a player who is only twice as "resourced." Which is not remotely real. A real military force, given focused well managed and motivated command, can defend against, disable, and sometimes (rarely) defeat an opposing military that is several times larger. Look at how well afghan rebels defended themselves against Russia and the US.

Re: balance gameplay team assault searchable public attack l

Posted: Thu Mar 10, 2011 7:20 pm
Maybe the retaliating player would be allowed to purchase multiple repairs/upgrades to pledged motherships to allow for multiple attacks.

Re: balance gameplay team assault searchable public attack l

Posted: Sun Mar 13, 2011 8:17 pm
I have seen other posts about making for easier ascension. Many senior player object to that because it negates the investment they have made. My suggestion would help get rid of the "fish in a barrel" effect that is boring to senior players and frustrating to new players, while still retaining the value of time invested in developing a powerful empire.