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Posted: Fri Mar 11, 2011 2:23 pm
by dastupy
First cluster:
I've been noticing that a few farms of mine seem to have a very alike ppt/off ppt schedule.
A few days ago all of them dropped ppt with 2 turns income of naq on them.
And today all of them reppt'd in the same turn.
Similar kind of game play, big army, big income, PPT's 4 days a week, suddenly worth a check.

Second cluster:
Being a market mod, I check on topics for mod duties; it was in this topic
That i saw Rudy post "Please be aware this guy is only 20 mil in size and is a possibly a scammer!!! " Then I checked the username and remembered that Joczu ( did a big ppt drop back in the days...) had that username on the forums back in the days.
So I checked his posts and found : (viewtopic.php?f=159&t=146608&p=1802388#p1802388)
and checked Joczu ingame and found:
Name: Joczu
Living God of the AJNA {Ostracized}.
And found this thread ofcourse

Tl;DR: I find it very suspicious that someone that used to have 20 mill army size was able to sell "530mln UU sold for $$$
5125T naq sold for $$$"
id: 1977294

Re: Multies?

Posted: Fri Aug 12, 2011 9:11 am
by Clarkey
As we know, the second cluster that you reported was banned recently, so that bit is resolved.

The first cluster has been forwarded to adminSue to review.

Re: Multies?

Posted: Mon Aug 15, 2011 8:30 pm
by Clarkey
3 IDs from the first cluster, 94208, 61158, 85517 have been banned by adminSue.

Re: Multies?

Posted: Mon Aug 15, 2011 8:44 pm
by ƒëmmë ƒatalë

couple of those ids were reported way back in 07... good to see they have finally been caught up with

Re: Multies?

Posted: Mon Aug 15, 2011 8:48 pm
by Dubby_CompGamerGeek2
good catch on the bunch of three, dastupy...

too bad on the loss of your farms. :(

Re: Multies?

Posted: Mon Aug 15, 2011 11:53 pm
by dastupy
You'll get over it broski ;)