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Obama spinns a good yarn.

Posted: Fri Mar 18, 2011 9:47 pm
by Ashu

But i'm not buying it. Yet another reason to pull some American and NATO forces into another country to "stabilize" the region. How many countries are they going to invade before people actually go against the intrusive and expansionist tendencies of the USA?

Re: Obama spinns a good yarn.

Posted: Fri Mar 18, 2011 9:51 pm
by Ra
You're right, a murderer like Gadhafi should just be allowed to butcher some more of his own people. :roll:

Re: Obama spinns a good yarn.

Posted: Fri Mar 18, 2011 9:53 pm
by ~[ Greased Gerbil ]~
Mittenz wrote: How many countries are they going to invade before people actually go against the intrusive and expansionist tendencies of the USA?


Re: Obama spinns a good yarn.

Posted: Fri Mar 18, 2011 9:54 pm
by Ashu
What Gadhafi is doing is nothing compared to what has happened in America's own back yard for years with Colombian drug lords and dictators. All of the sudden they're the liberators and bringers of freedom?

Re: Obama spinns a good yarn.

Posted: Fri Mar 18, 2011 9:56 pm
by ~[ Greased Gerbil ]~
Americans are natural-borne bullies. They won't attack something close enough to hit them back...

Re: Obama spinns a good yarn.

Posted: Fri Mar 18, 2011 10:01 pm
by Ra
What's America supposed to do? Declare war on China for kicks? Maybe bring back the Cold War for old times sakes? :smt105

Re: Obama spinns a good yarn.

Posted: Fri Mar 18, 2011 10:04 pm
by ~[ Greased Gerbil ]~
Ra wrote:What's America supposed to do? Declare war on China for kicks? Maybe bring back the Cold War for old times sakes? :smt105

A nice, even-matched cold war would do wonders to dent some over-inflated national egos....

Re: Obama spinns a good yarn.

Posted: Fri Mar 18, 2011 10:06 pm
by Ashu
What does China have to do with anything? I'm trying to highlight the fact that the US is very picky with the countries it wants to "liberate". Numerous times they have opted just to send advice to countries on the brink of war or worse, but now they wish to "help" ones on the other side of the world?

Re: Obama spinns a good yarn.

Posted: Fri Mar 18, 2011 10:12 pm
by Ra
Mittenz wrote:What does China have to do with anything? I'm trying to highlight the fact that the US is very picky with the countries it wants to "liberate". Numerous times they have opted just to send advice to countries on the brink of war or worse, but now they wish to "help" ones on the other side of the world?

~[ Greased Gerbil ]~ wrote:Americans are natural-borne bullies. They won't attack something close enough to hit them back...
Ra wrote:What's America supposed to do? Declare war on China for kicks? Maybe bring back the Cold War for old times sakes? :smt105


Libya has the largest oil reserve in Africa.. thats why USA is interested. Obviously!

Re: Obama spinns a good yarn.

Posted: Sat Mar 19, 2011 12:12 am
by EbilCC
oh please every country is like that choosing which country to help and which not to help if they have interests in that country britain does it france does it italy does it to to name a few every country does it so its not just america ](*,)

Re: Obama spinns a good yarn.

Posted: Sat Mar 19, 2011 3:02 am
by Cole
CC/EP wrote:oh please every country is like that choosing which country to help and which not to help if they have interests in that country britain does it france does it italy does it to to name a few every country does it so its not just america ](*,)

France and UK are the two countries who are the origin of this initiative. Probably republicans in the USA did push for a positive vote by the US in the UN. Because I'm sure most of republicans/US military head generals don't have Khadafi in their heart lol!

And's NOT like if it was same as Iraq war: in Iraq, the coalition came in 2003 without any reasons outside of Bush's antagonism with Hussein, and fact he wanted to finish dad's job (I don't deny Hussein was a bloody dictator with Kurdistan's blood on his hands, just pointing out no revolt was prior to the intervention). Oil-taking and falsified nuclear excuses were secondary motives.

There was a revolt however in Libya, not by the majority, granted, but nonetheless the monarchist supporters of the East, started a revolt to get their power back (we might point out that unlike Tunisia and Egypt, this country isn't "modern" state per say, it's tribes). If I'm not mistaken Libya was a monarchy before this foolish Khadafi took over. The intervention is to prevent a massacre against the insurgents, that if we were all to watch this going, afterwards we would have been blamed to indirectly support Khadafi's policy. I say this because countries were all like "good going by Arab countries to oust their dictators", but considering this, it would have meant that western countries were cowards, or hypocrits, or just full of words, if they just sit and watched Khadafi wiping out the insurgents. Sure, they could have just provided weapons and also satellite infos to the rebels...that might have been a better option, who knows...

BTW, I read Qatar and UAE would intervene as well (probably to test their planes, and also because I suppose they might prefer to see a monarchy back in Libya rather than whatever is Khadafi), and Liban was thinking about taking part of it. So it's not a strict vendetta like Bush's Iraq...

Re: Obama spinns a good yarn.

Posted: Sat Mar 19, 2011 6:13 am
by Empy
Mittenz wrote:

But i'm not buying it. Yet another reason to pull some American and NATO forces into another country to "stabilize" the region. How many countries are they going to invade before people actually go against the intrusive and expansionist tendencies of the USA? serious?

The UN Security Council voted to intervene in Libya after FRANCE AND UK pushed it super hard. The US was pretty indifferent to it I believe, until after the vote and now we're behind it. The US is leading the Military Force I'm sure, but only because we have the best Military in the world, and we always lead this stuff. As stated though we're not the only ones, other countries in the region are joining in, like UAE and Qatar, and also France and UK probably.

Also, it's not intrusive and expansionist tendencies because it's not like Libya is going to be a colony of the US. Also the Rebels WANT intervention and a no-fly zone and things like that, they WANT it. This isn't Operation Libyan Freedom, it's not like Iraq. We're just going in to blow up Gaddafi's artillery and tanks and make sure he doesn't send out more planes.

Re: Obama spinns a good yarn.

Posted: Sat Mar 19, 2011 6:30 am
by Juliette
**Filtered** rebels are destroying one of the most stable countries in the Middle East, and you applaud intervention on their behalf? Bloody murdering scum, is what these Libyan terrorists are. It is a tribal war, and outside influence is not required. Did we intervene when Hutus were murdering Tutsis in Rwanda? What changed? We had such good experiences with meddling with Arab nations before? :?
:roll: Anyway, 'tis true that this is not solely an American venture. It is, however, an attempt by current Arab leaders to get back in the good graces of the West, and an attempt by former colonial powers to express their degraded influence once again in Africa.

It is one big failure, doomed from the start. Why? Because for one, these terrorists are not democratic terrorists. They are monarchist terrorists. So democratisation? lol Not going to happen. All they want is a Qaddafi from one of THEIR tribes to take the throne. :)

Re: Obama spinns a good yarn.

Posted: Sat Mar 19, 2011 10:59 am
Mittenz wrote:How many countries are they going to invade

Count how many countries are non-democratic oil producers who persecute their own people and deduct 1 ( Saudi Arabia because we cant risk disrupting their oil supply for even a week regarless of what they do ), and thats how many.

But to be fair it's not just the US, its just the other countries involved cant do it without them so the US become the military leader and linchpin in these wars.

Re: Obama spinns a good yarn.

Posted: Sat Mar 19, 2011 12:44 pm
by Juliette
"Odyssey Dawn".. killing more civilians.. instead of aiming right and hitting the military targets, this is plain terrorism.