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Suggestions for Actions: DM, DI, etc...

Posted: Wed Apr 06, 2011 10:47 am
by Colos

I think this matter is too inportant to post it in the general what-should-we-do thread... So, here it goes:

Overall Resource Attack: Simple farming hit. You can get more DMU if war is set. I think this action should be left unchanged.

Destroy: It is supposed to be an ultimate weapon of total destruction. Sadly, it isn't. There are far more cost effective tools to destroy the enemy, so I would suggest to remove Destruction as an Action.

Hunt Assassins: An action to kill enemy assassins. Useful one, though the killing rate should be higher. Now, it fluctuates around 2-2.5% of the overall assassin planet count of the enemy. That should be 3% if neutral, 5% if war is set.

Recon: A.K.A. spying. The problem with Recon is the failed Recon. You lose next to nothing if your recon mission fails. There should be some penalty for that (planet-loss).

God Quest: Gathering knowledge about godly skills and about the target's identity on main. There was an interesting suggestion a few days ago: if your GQ fails, you will get a false data for Main Realm Worshipper. It should be implemented, if possible.

Sabotage: A harmless action, as of now. I do not know the exact figures, but I do know that figure is too low considering the prices for weapons. I say the effectiveness must be raised dramatically, while the Action Turn consumption should be raised too, as we do not want to overpower one single Action. From 10 ATs to 20, at least.

Initiate Revolution: Most idiotic Action ever. Scrap it.

Destroy Intelligence: A powerful way to kill spies. Too powerful, in fact. The current kill ratio is 10%, while you lose only 4% of your assassins, even if the DI is unsuccesful. Kill ratio should be down to 6%. And about losses... well, if you fail, you must pay a great price: 50% of the assassins sent.

Destroy Military: A powerful way to wipe out military systems. The problems are the same as with above one: too powerful. At the cost of 9 ATs and 4% of the assassins sent, you can kill 10% of BOTH attack and defence supers of the target. And also, you lose only 4% even if your attempt fails. That should be up to 50%, too.
I think DM should be devided into 2 separate Actions:
-One takes on Strike Planets (15ATs per hit, 7% kill ratio, 4%-50% loss ratio)
-And another should target Defence Planets (10ATs per hit, 5% kill ratio, 4-50% loss ratio).

These would be my suggestions. All of them are to be subjucted to the Community's wise examination. I want to hear pros and cos. If we reach a concensus about most/all of them, we should present the 'Action Overhaul' to admin.

Thank you for your time.


Re: Actions

Posted: Wed Apr 06, 2011 10:52 am
by renegadze
God Quest: Gathering knowledge about godly skills and about the target's identity on main. There was an interesting suggestion a few days ago: if your GQ fails, you will get a false data for Main Realm Worshipper. It should be implemented, if possible.

I think I already pointed out the flaw here

Re: Actions

Posted: Wed Apr 06, 2011 11:15 am
by Iƒrit
Colos wrote:Hello!

I think this matter is too inportant to post it in the general what-should-we-do thread... So, here it goes:

Overall Resource Attack: Simple farming hit. You can get more DMU if war is set. I think this action should be left unchanged.

Destroy: It is supposed to be an ultimate weapon of total destruction. Sadly, it isn't. There are far more cost effective tools to destroy the enemy, so I would suggest to remove Destruction as an Action.

Hunt Assassins: An action to kill enemy assassins. Useful one, though the killing rate should be higher. Now, it fluctuates around 2-2.5% of the overall assassin planet count of the enemy. That should be 3% if neutral, 5% if war is set.
I don't see an issue with this suggestion, i like it in fact :)
Recon: A.K.A. spying. The problem with Recon is the failed Recon. You lose next to nothing if your recon mission fails. There should be some penalty for that (planet-loss).
I've never seen a failed recon so I can't really pass judgement
God Quest: Gathering knowledge about godly skills and about the target's identity on main. There was an interesting suggestion a few days ago: if your GQ fails, you will get a false data for Main Realm Worshipper. It should be implemented, if possible.
Absurdity, to be a Ascended being is to have all the knowledge of the universe.
Sabotage: A harmless action, as of now. I do not know the exact figures, but I do know that figure is too low considering the prices for weapons. I say the effectiveness must be raised dramatically, while the Action Turn consumption should be raised too, as we do not want to overpower one single Action. From 10 ATs to 20, at least.
Could become useful for farmers :P not sure about ATs cost as those are rather limited resource. But overall I like the idea
Initiate Revolution: Most idiotic Action ever. Scrap it.
Destroy Intelligence: A powerful way to kill spies. Too powerful, in fact. The current kill ratio is 10%, while you lose only 4% of your assassins, even if the DI is unsuccesful. Kill ratio should be down to 6%. And about losses... well, if you fail, you must pay a great price: 50% of the assassins sent.
thats a big reduction to the current effect, not sure i wanna agree to reducing it by that much
Destroy Military: A powerful way to wipe out military systems. The problems are the same as with above one: too powerful. At the cost of 9 ATs and 4% of the assassins sent, you can kill 10% of BOTH attack and defence supers of the target. And also, you lose only 4% even if your attempt fails. That should be up to 50%, too.
I think DM should be devided into 2 separate Actions:
-One takes on Strike Planets (15ATs per hit, 7% kill ratio, 4%-50% loss ratio)
-And another should target Defence Planets (10ATs per hit, 5% kill ratio, 4-50% loss ratio).
Not a shabby proposal, I like it for the most part except for the cost in turns. 9ATs currently does destruction to both attack and defense, you are sepperating the action already reducing its current effect by a lot. But to do both attack and defense planets would make cost almost tripple the turns. Seems it would be simpler to leave it killing both and raise the cost of turns.

These would be my suggestions. All of them are to be subjucted to the Community's wise examination. I want to hear pros and cos. If we reach a concensus about most/all of them, we should present the 'Action Overhaul' to admin.

Thank you for your time.
