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Eco bulbs cause cancer.

Posted: Fri Apr 22, 2011 2:23 am
by [KMA]Avenger ... icals.html

That does it! I'm switching to halogens!

Re: Eco bulbs cause cancer.

Posted: Fri Apr 22, 2011 2:56 am
by Rocky
everything on this planet causes cancer Toon_PDT_07

Re: Eco bulbs cause cancer.

Posted: Fri Apr 22, 2011 3:06 am
by [KMA]Avenger
That's a bit of a sweeping statement, and not really relevant seeing how i never posted any such thing ;)

Re: Eco bulbs cause cancer.

Posted: Fri Apr 22, 2011 3:11 am
by minisaiyan
We would be warned against using them if they did cause cancer.

How about we all hold our breaths for as long as we can to prevent breathing oxygen, it causes cancer yanoo?

Im sick of media scaremongering, causing ridiculous conspiracys and everything else.

Re: Eco bulbs cause cancer.

Posted: Fri Apr 22, 2011 3:13 am
by Juliette
[KMA]Avenger wrote:

That does it! I'm switching to halogens!
Yeah.. because halogens don't contain cancer-causing chemicals.
Huge difference between 'causing cancer' and 'containing cancer-causing chemicals'. *grin*

Re: Eco bulbs cause cancer.

Posted: Fri Apr 22, 2011 3:15 am
by Rocky
[KMA]Avenger wrote:That's a bit of a sweeping statement, and not really relevant seeing how i never posted any such thing ;)

you will pretty much find an article about anything in life that can cause cancer at some point or another. Whether its true or not, or whether the risks are infinitely small or not. If you want to know the truth, don't read the newspapers...

Re: Eco bulbs cause cancer.

Posted: Fri Apr 22, 2011 3:19 am
by [KMA]Avenger
A mod may as well go ahead and close this thread ](*,) :smt015

Re: Eco bulbs cause cancer.

Posted: Fri Apr 22, 2011 3:44 am
by dark lord tacoma
[KMA]Avenger wrote:A mod may as well go ahead and close this thread ](*,) :smt015

closing threads causes cancer i feel sorry for the mod who closes it also not closing threads causes cancer i also feel sory for any mod who doesnt cloes it

Re: Eco bulbs cause cancer.

Posted: Fri Apr 22, 2011 4:16 am
by Reschef
"All substances are poisons; there is none which is not a poison. The right dose differentiates a poison and a remedy."

- Paracelsus

Re: Eco bulbs cause cancer.

Posted: Fri Apr 22, 2011 5:07 am
by Juliette
A wise man, he was.
Reschef wrote:"All substances are poisons; there is none which is not a poison. The right dose differentiates a poison and a remedy."

- Paracelsus

Re: Eco bulbs cause cancer.

Posted: Fri Apr 22, 2011 5:38 am
by [KMA]Avenger
Funny, i don't remember burnt toast emitting cancer causing effects when dangled from the ceiling...maybe i need to go back to school? :?
I also would not advice hanging the sun above your dinner table when you sit down to could say that about these light bulbs as well i spose [-X

Re: Eco bulbs cause cancer.

Posted: Fri Apr 22, 2011 5:46 am
by Juliette
Everything dies. Best get on with life, and enjoy the time we have. 8) Why be bothered by lights? When it's your time, you die. Not sooner, not later. So why fuss about now?

Re: Eco bulbs cause cancer.

Posted: Fri Apr 22, 2011 6:25 am
by [KMA]Avenger
Juliette wrote:Everything dies. Best get on with life, and enjoy the time we have. 8) Why be bothered by lights? When it's your time, you die. Not sooner, not later. So why fuss about now?

Why not take a trip to Chernobyl or F ukushima and have a healthy bite of some of them plutonium rods they have lying around the place? :smt115

I cant choose the time and place of my demise but i can use some common sense and take a few precautions so i can live as long as i can?! along the way why don't i do the descent thing and warn you all...maybe we can even get a healthy debate going as well :smt115 :smt115

Re: Eco bulbs cause cancer.

Posted: Fri Apr 22, 2011 7:16 am
by Juliette
[KMA]Avenger wrote:
Juliette wrote:Everything dies. Best get on with life, and enjoy the time we have. 8) Why be bothered by lights? When it's your time, you die. Not sooner, not later. So why fuss about now?

Why not take a trip to Chernobyl or F ukushima and have a healthy bite of some of them plutonium rods they have lying around the place? :smt115
If that would be fun for me, I would have. 'Unfortunately', I don't particularly feel the desire to go to boring dead places, so I'll just do something I think will be fun, challenging, or just something random. Visiting boring dead places isn't on my list. That's like saying "hey, let's go to Auschwitz", boredom and a lot of yawning ensues.

[KMA]Avenger wrote:I cant choose the time and place of my demise but i can use some common sense and take a few precautions so i can live as long as i can?! along the way why don't i do the descent thing and warn you all...maybe we can even get a healthy debate going as well :smt115 :smt115
What's decent about trying to keep people alive beyond their years? If I were degrading, get some disease that will leave me a slobbering vegetable, you can bet your money's worth that I'll have the complete forms requiring euthanasia.

So excuse me, but those lamps? Of very little interest. Like others have said, if we'd be making threads about every thing that could potentially cause cancer, or contains something cancer-related.. we'd have a full forum. So.. explain to me, what does 'the decent thing' have to do with posting about Killer Lamps from Japan? ;)

Re: Eco bulbs cause cancer.

Posted: Fri Apr 22, 2011 9:29 am
by [KMA]Avenger
Why don't you apply for a job in the NWO's eugenics field :-k ... ranny.html