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Manage Alliance Issue

Posted: Fri May 13, 2011 8:45 am
by Ozrix

I recently joined a new alliance(Ascd. Generations) and was marked the 2ic... When that happened I was given the Manage Your Alliance link, but when I click it I get this message.

You are attempting to access the alliance management page without being alliance leader.

I believe I know the cause...
My last alliance was the Knights of Briton and I was the 3ic. Before I left that alliance I forgot to set someone else as the 3ic. The 1ic is inactive and the 2ic is on vacation so im 99% sure a new 3ic has not been set yet.

So, I believe when I click on the Manage The Alliance link, it is finding the old 3ic record and finds that I am not in the alliance anymore and blocks me from managing...

I'm trying to get in contact with the 1ic and 2ic of the Knights of Briton to get them to change the 3ic but like I said they are both highly inactive currently.

Ozrix (1916018)

Re: Manage Alliance Issue

Posted: Fri May 13, 2011 9:44 am
by Ozrix
Ok, so I got the 2ic of old alliance to log in and set a new 3ic and it fixed it...

This is clearly a bug...

Solution: Either don't let a leader of an alliance leave the alliance stil they give away the leadership, or when someone leaves an alliance if they were a leader remove that setting.

Hope this information helps.

Re: Manage Alliance Issue

Posted: Fri May 13, 2011 9:50 am
by renegadze
or have some consideration for your old alliance and pass over the controls before leaving? #-o