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It's official, F ukushima reactors fully melted down...

Posted: Wed May 18, 2011 10:20 pm
by [KMA]Avenger
as well as highly possible containment vessel breach/s.

TEPCO and the Japanese Govt have FINALLY admitted what many scientists already knew. ... r_embedded ... 8000c.html ... ctors.html

It's been sickening to watch some media outlets downplaying the seriousness of the situation based on TEPCO and Japanese Govt lies since this whole crises began. and as i said from the beginning...this **Filtered** is still far from over!

Re: It's official, F ukushima reactors fully melted down...

Posted: Thu May 19, 2011 12:19 am
by Juliette
Heha. Still not dead,though. ;) Bring on the mutants!

And shucks.. we've been lied to by ignorant omission.. like that never happened before. At least this is someing of minor importance. :-)

Re: It's official, F ukushima reactors fully melted down...

Posted: Thu May 19, 2011 12:31 am
by [KMA]Avenger

I provided links that prove the Japanese Govt has a history of covering up the severity of nuclear "accidents", and i was ignored, and now you come and say it's no big deal and is already known that Govt lies, well yeah we all know Govt-any Govt- is incapable of telling even a single truth. but specifically, i said from the start that a cover-up was in progress and now it comes out that i was right....

Oh why the hell do i even bother!?! #-o ](*,)

Re: It's official, F ukushima reactors fully melted down...

Posted: Thu May 19, 2011 12:36 am
by Ashu
No spamming there kids!

Re: It's official, F ukushima reactors fully melted down...

Posted: Thu May 19, 2011 12:42 am
by [KMA]Avenger
Malx wrote:No spamming there kids!

Spamming? Some of your warnings about spamming and hate are ridiculous :?

It would be greatly appreciated if you could please stop being so busy with the warnings.


Re: It's official, F ukushima reactors fully melted down...

Posted: Thu May 19, 2011 1:01 am
by Lithium
like JP there are other countries that cover their **Filtered** everyday, Earth is one step close a devastating catastrophe and other countries that holds the rest of reactors shall close them down and start that pure energy power plants that they keep in secret

Re: It's official, F ukushima reactors fully melted down...

Posted: Thu May 19, 2011 1:17 am
by Jack
[KMA]Avenger wrote:
Malx wrote:No spamming there kids!

Spamming? Some of your warnings about spamming and hate are ridiculous :?

It would be greatly appreciated if you could please stop being so busy with the warnings.


It is against the rules to respond to a mod action anywhere other than in PM or one of the forum sections dedicated to that purpose. Use those channels in the future.

Re: It's official, F ukushima reactors fully melted down...

Posted: Thu May 19, 2011 1:39 am
by [KMA]Avenger
I wasn't aware of that rule.

Re: It's official, F ukushima reactors fully melted down...

Posted: Thu May 19, 2011 1:57 am
by ~Dä Vinci~
you know they banned time travel on the t.v lmao..

Re: It's official, F ukushima reactors fully melted down...

Posted: Thu May 19, 2011 2:01 am
by RepliMagni
[KMA]Avenger wrote:I wasn't aware of that rule.

lmao. You did it again :smt050

~Da Vinci~ wrote:you know they banned time travel on the t.v lmao..

Wasn't that China? Close but no cigar ;)

[KMA]Avenger wrote:as well as highly possible containment vessel breach/s.

It's been sickening to watch some media outlets downplaying the seriousness of the situation based on TEPCO and Japanese Govt lies since this whole crises began. and as i said from the beginning...this **Filtered** is still far from over!

I can see both sides of the argument - one: you deliberately downplay something to stop a panic. On the other hand: you make people fully aware of the problem so they do what they can to evacuate. Now, what happens if there is nothing people can do about it? What happens if they've already been exposed to dangerous levels of radiation? Is it better to tell them, or let them live in blissful ignorance?

Re: It's official, F ukushima reactors fully melted down...

Posted: Thu May 19, 2011 2:09 am
by ~Dä Vinci~
i dunno i just heard someone say it made me laugh :D

Re: It's official, F ukushima reactors fully melted down...

Posted: Thu May 19, 2011 2:32 am
by [KMA]Avenger
RepliMagni wrote:
[KMA]Avenger wrote:I wasn't aware of that rule.

lmao. You did it again :smt050

It's a natural gift i have :-"

RepliMagni wrote:
[KMA]Avenger wrote:as well as highly possible containment vessel breach/s.

It's been sickening to watch some media outlets downplaying the seriousness of the situation based on TEPCO and Japanese Govt lies since this whole crises began. and as i said from the beginning...this **Filtered** is still far from over!

I can see both sides of the argument - one: you deliberately downplay something to stop a panic. On the other hand: you make people fully aware of the problem so they do what they can to evacuate. Now, what happens if there is nothing people can do about it? What happens if they've already been exposed to dangerous levels of radiation? Is it better to tell them, or let them live in blissful ignorance?

That's the dilemma of the whole sorry affair. the problem i have with all of this is this, ok, the Govt didn't let on to just how bad it was so as not to cause a panic, i can appreciate that, but there are steps that could have been taken and weren't, such as telling the people "it's not that bad but we will move everyone well out of the way because it may get worse and it may not, better to be safe than sorry". you avoid the panic, potentially save even more people from becoming radiated and even though the Govt lied to avoid a panic you can clearly see they did it with the best intentions. people can understand that, what they cant understand is being lied to, downplaying of the severity and the Govts of the world raising safe limits of radiation exposure just so they can say "look, no problem here!" and the media moving on to less important issues because they think everything is hunky-dory.

As to the question about what you do with those who have already been exposed, not much you can do there, but what you can do is determine who has and has not been exposed and quarantine and treat them as best as you can and filter them out according to severity of exposure.

As far as Da Vinci goes, well, best to just leave him to his ramblings

Re: It's official, F ukushima reactors fully melted down...

Posted: Thu May 19, 2011 4:40 am
The UKs worst ( known ) nuclear accident was Windscale, at the time it was covered up and we were lied to for decades, workers died trying to prevent a 'China Syndrome' meltdown and now over 50 years later the reactor is still encased in concrete as there is no safe way to dismantle it.

Every county that uses Nuclear power has had these accidents, some covered them up better than others and all continue to say Nuclear is safe.... BS

On the other hand we are running out of fossil fuels, whats left is getting increasingly expensive and supplied less reliable so the only options are Nuclear or Green ( wind, wave, solar etc ).

Naturally we all say green but whenever anyone tries they get opposed by ( ironically ) ENVIRONMENTALISTS, you cant put wind turbines up they spoil the view, you cant build a tidal barrage because some water rat or bird no one every heard of will lose its feeding grounds, you cant use underwater turbines because it will stop fishing in that area etc etc

Re: It's official, F ukushima reactors fully melted down...

Posted: Thu May 19, 2011 5:11 am
by Kit-Fox

Re: It's official, F ukushima reactors fully melted down...

Posted: Thu May 19, 2011 7:13 am
by [KMA]Avenger
I have a question for you, why do you keep insisting it's a "non-event" when the evidence is pointing towards an "event" FAR out weighing Chernobyl and every other nuclear "accident"?