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Ascended Wars Help&Rules

Posted: Fri May 20, 2011 5:42 pm
by GameSquire
The Battle of the Ascended

There are two questions you may be asking about the Ascended Server. How do I Gain Access and How Do I play it?
Most of the TGW Servers, and many other free games like TGW is quite easy to register, just choose a username, race, e-mail address, and password, then your in the game. But the thing is, the Ascended Server is a little different, in order to gain access to this server you need to ascend once in the Main TGW server to get in. (For more details on ascending in the Main wars go check out my Ascension Guide, viewtopic.php?f=18&t=143979).

WARNING: I do not play the ascended server much, and have some idea of how to play, this guide is what I know about the ascended server. So keep in mind that I may be missing major points in this guide for the Ascended Wars, and may not be accerate in some points, if you spot any errors or something I missed, let me know through this thread.

PDF Guides

I have created this guide in a PDF format quite a while ago for the ascended server, but I consider it a "beta version" since it doesn't explain very much about the game. I am looking forward in making a newer version, not sure when though.

The Terms used in the Ascended Wars

The objective of the Ascended Wars is basicly the same as the Main Wars, just that you'll beable to upgrade a whole lot more, get more units, currency, unlimited use in the market place and different names on everything (except for ATs). Here is the list of differences:

[spoiler=Navigation Panel & Currency]Main Wars Terms --- Ascended Wars Terms
Units --- Planets
Naquadah (Naq) --- Dark Matter Unit (DMU)
Base --- Realm
Technology --- PowerUp
Train --- Cosmic Development
Armory --- Planetary Fleets
Attack --- The Cosmos
Attack Log --- Historic Battle
Intelligence --- Histories of Deceipt
Market --- Cosmic Trade
Mothership --- Command Star - also note that the mothership is found in the armory and the Command Star has it's own button[/spoiler]
[spoiler=Options when viewing another Ascended War Player]Communications:
Send Message --- pretty obvious feat, send message to the player your currently viewing

Military Operations:
Attack --- Generic attack, steals Dark Matter Units (DMU for short), also kills defense planets
Destroy --- Kills defense planets. Both attacking and defending sides loses large amount of units
Hunt Assassins --- Kills Assassins using your Attacking Units (Assassins are the counter-intelligence unit)

Intelligence Operations:
Recon --- see what the targeted player has, other words spying
God Quest --- Main Account name and personal stats, this knowledge is ideal for descending the targeted player
Sabotage --- sabotage weaponry
Initiate Revolution --- Untrain targeted players Mining planets/units (not good if you steal DMU from the targeted player often)

Assassin Operations:
Destroy Intelligence --- Kills off Intelligence type planet/unit
Destroy Military --- Kills off Attack/Defence type planet/unit

Ascended Being Action:
Assault 'Username' Directly --- An ability to descend another player[/spoiler]


Bonuses for the races

When you ascend for the first time, you will have a choice on going on an ascended path, Tolah, Indu, Ajna, and Ori. These are the choices of the races that are in the ascended server. Each race will be give you certain levels in certain abilities in the Power-Up page already when you just got in inside the Ascension server. However the differences between races in the Power-Up page will not really matter much since all races can upgrade every ability in their power-up page using their Ascended Life Force Cache. Down below is the what each race will get on power-up page when they first start:
[spoiler=Tolah (Warrior)]Energy Skills
(starting values)
Attack Power= 5
Attack Skill= 5
Defence Power= 5
Defence Skill= 5
Constitution= 5
Flow= 0
Channeling= 0
Repulsion= 0
Charisma= 0
Max Life Force= 0

Physical Skills
(starting bonuses)
Attack= 15
Defence= 15
Covert= 0
Assassin= 0[/spoiler]
[spoiler=Indu (Mystic)]Energy Skills
(starting values)
Attack Power= 0
Attack Skill= 0
Defence Power= 0
Defence Skill= 0
Constitution= 0
Flow= 10
Channeling= 10
Repulsion= 0
Charisma= 0
Max Life Force= 5

Physical Skills
(starting bonuses)
Attack= 0
Defence= 15
Covert= 15
Assassin= 0[/spoiler]
[spoiler=Ajna (Power)]Energy Skills
(starting values)
Attack Power= 0
Attack Skill= 0
Defence Power= 0
Defence Skill= 0
Constitution= 5
Flow= 5
Channeling= 5
Repulsion= 5
Charisma= 5
Max Life Force= 10

Physical Skills
(starting bonuses)
Attack= 5
Defence= 5
Covert= 5
Assassin= 5[/spoiler]
[spoiler=Ori (Evil)]Energy Skills
(starting values)
Attack Power= 5
Attack Skill= 5
Defence Power= 0
Defence Skill= 0
Constitution= 0
Flow= 0
Channeling= 0
Repulsion= 5
Charisma= 10
Max Life Force= 0

Physical Skills
(starting bonuses)
Attack= 10
Defence= 0
Covert= 0
Assassin= 20[/spoiler]

How to Change Your Ascended Account Race

Its quite simple to do this, its pretty much the same as if you were to change your Main Server Account Race. When your on the Realm page in your Ascended GateWars account, slide down the page, and then click on "Change Account Details/Preferences" under the "Preferences" list that is on the right. Here you have the options to change your Ascended Server account name, realm name, Personal Tag, etc, etc.. Slide down this page, and you'll will see a feature called "Change Race" that should be the 2nd feature from the bottom. Also take note of the warning before using this feature, you will be losing a lot of your planets and resources.

Power Up page

Since we are talking about the "Power Up" page page already, "Power Up" page is like the Technology Page of the Main Wars, but instead of using Naq to upgrade technology, you would use Ascended Life Force cache to grow a level of one of your abilities. In order to generate Ascended Life Force Cache, you will need to have your Ascended Life Force, and reserves full, before you can gain Ascended Life Force Cache. Generating Ascended Life Force, Reserves, and Cache is like Naquadah (Main Wars Currency) or Dark Matter Units (Ascended Wars Currency), they generate every turn that comes around every 30 Minuites. You also can immediately get Ascended Life Force Cache by converting Dark Matter Units (DMU), and Ascension Points in the market place.

Here is a list of each ability you can upgrade by spending Ascended Life Force Cache on:
[spoiler=Personal Abilities]Energy Attack Power Level
This is a measure of the pure strength of your personal attack capacity.

Energy Attack Skill
This is a measure of your skill at weilding your raw attack power.

Energy Absorbtion Power
This is a measure of your capacity to absorb attacks directed at you.

Energy Absorbtion Skill
This is a measure of your ability to use your energy absorbtion powers

Energy Repulsion Strength
By creating an oppositely charged energy field around yourself, you can effectively 'bounce' any direct energy attacks back to the attacker. This measures that capacity.

Personal Constitution
If you cannot absorb all or part of an attack against you, this measures your ability to suffer the consequences, and how much damage it will do.

Energy Flow Ability
Being able to control the flow of the energy of the universes is critical to self recovery, and energy loss recovery.

Energy Channeling Skill
While at full energy, you can very slowly assimilate more - effectively although temporarily increasing your maximum energy levels. This measures the speed of that capacity (it is much slower than using Energy Flow to recover). After energy is full, Reserves are filled with this stat (slower), then, with both energy and reserves full, cache is increaesed (slowest).

Maximum Natural Energy Capacity
While you are below your natural self energy capacity, you move quickly up to this level (energy flow). While you are above this level, you can accumulate more, but it is temporary, and slow (energy channeling). Maximum Natural Energy Capacity - your 'normal' maximum energy levels, are what is determined by this ability or trait. By concentrating on just your energy maximum, you can push that limit, increasing your natural maximum. This - in effect - is the gateway to getting more powerful as an ascended being.[/spoiler]

[spoiler=Physical Realm Abilities]Outward Charisma
How you are viewed within the mortal planes affects your ability to draw loyal followers. This measures your influence in the lower planes, and will affect your rate of cosmic growth. (Simplify: This helps to Increases the Production of Untrained Units)

Production Capacity
By concentrating your energy on the physical world, and willing the galaxy to advancements in resource output, you can drive an increase in the overall effectiveness of your realms ability to draw resources from thier labours. This increases your worldly income potentials. (Simplify: This helps to Increases the Production of Dark Matter Units)

Physical Realm Attack Power
By concentrating your energy on the physical world, and willing the galaxy to advancements in agression and power, you can drive an increase in the overall effectiveness of your realms ability to attack and wage war. That and you teach them to use methods and technologies of Ascended origin. Applies to Command Star offensive as well. (Simplify: This helps to Increases the power of Attack type Units/Weapons)

Physical Realm Defence Strength
By concentrating your energy on the physical world, and willing the galaxy to advancements in defence and self protection, you can drive an increase in the overall effectiveness of your realms ability to defend itself against the aggression of others. That and you teach them to use methods and technologies of Ascended origin. Applies to Command Star Defense as well. (Simplify: This helps to Increases the power of Defence type Units/Weapons)

Physical Realm Covert Capacity
By concentrating your energy on the physical world, and willing the galaxy to advancements in stealth, subterfuge and sabotage, you can drive an increase in the overall effectiveness of your realms ability to wage a secret war of undercover operations and black other black ops...That and you teach them to use methods and technologies of Ascended origin. (Simplify: This helps to Increases the power of Covert type Units)

Physical Realm Assassin Prowess
By concentrating your energy on the physical world, and willing the galaxy to advancements in targeted killing and counter-intelligence, you can drive an increase in the overall effectiveness of your realms ability to disrupt the underground and politics of any enemy. That and you teach them to use methods and technologies of Ascended origin.(Simplify: This helps to Increases the power of Anti-Covert type Units)[/spoiler]


The Realm Page shows your overview who you are from race, rank, how much Dark Matter Units your generating per turn, how many planets (units) your getting per day........... well basically it's the same as the Main Wars 'Base' page, just with different names.


It's a summory of your ascended account, it summories details from how powerful you are as an ascended being, how powerful your followers are (like attack/defense planets). It's a page that just gives you a basic, overall look of yourself of how well your doing.

Cosmic Development

This is your training page, very much like the Main Wars, train your untrain units, in this case 'Unvisited Planets', to a varity of different units. Now I do not know if each race in the ascended server has different names for their planet names. If there is a difference, I am an Indu. Here in this spoiler is a list of the units names and their function:
[spoiler=Ascended Server Units]Unvisited Planets
This is the 'Untrained Unit' of the ascended server

Guided Planets
labouring race, produce income (Dark Matter Units), this is your 'Miners' of the ascended server

Liberator Planets
These are your "Normal Type" Attack Units

Networked Liberator Systems
These are the "Super Type" Attack units, it is like the Main Wars, you can NOT untrain these units. Not like the main wars, you do not need the planets to become a 'Liberator Planet' first before turning them a 'Networked Liberator Systems'. Instead you need 5 'Unvisited Planets' to make 1 'Networked Liberator Systems'. Other than that it's you Super Attack Units.

Guardian Planets
These are your "Normal Type" Defense Units

Networked Guardian Systems
These are the "Super Type" Defense units, it is like the Main Wars, you can NOT untrain these units. Not like the main wars, you do not need the planets to become a 'Guardian Planet' first before turning them a 'Networked Guardian Systems'. Instead you need 5 'Unvisited Planets' to make 1 'Networked Guardian Systems'. Other than that it's you Super Attack Units.

Ghost Planets
These are your Covert type units, these are used for spying

UnSpoken Planets
These are your Anti-Covert Type units, these are used for killing spies. (I might be wrong about the discription for this unit.)[/spoiler]

Planetary Fleets

This is the Armory page for your Attack and Defense Units. Basicly the same as the Main Wars, the difference is that the Mothership of the ascended server (known as the Command Star) has it's own button the Navigation menu, as well as different titles for the Attack and Defense weopeans. Now I do not know if each race in the ascended server has different names for their planet names. If there is a difference, I am an Indu. Here in this spoiler is a list of the units names and their cost/strength

[spoiler=Attack Weapons]Offensive Fleet Type --- Power --- Cost
Conventional Rockets --- 15 --- 1,000 Dark Matter Units
Nuclear Rockets --- 30 --- 1,800 Dark Matter Units
Space Vessels --- 60 --- 3,200 Dark Matter Units
Fusion Powered Ships --- 120 --- 5,100 Dark Matter Units
Cold Fusion Powered Vessels --- 450 --- 16,400 Dark Matter Units
Dark Matter Enhanced Destroyers --- 1,080 --- 52,400 Dark Matter Units
Macro Quantum Multiverse WorldShips --- 2,560 --- 167,800 Dark Matter Units[/spoiler]

[spoiler=Defense Weapons]Orbital Defence Type --- Power --- Cost
Satellites --- 20 --- 1,800 Dark Matter Units
Networked Satellites --- 40 --- 3,200 Dark Matter Units
Nuclear Armed Satellites --- 80 --- 5,100 Dark Matter Units
Fission Powered Networked Satellites --- 320 --- 16,400 Dark Matter Units
Miniture Black Hole Mines --- 1,280 --- 52,400 Dark Matter Units
Multiversic Phase Networks --- 2,560 --- 167,800 Dark Matter Units[/spoiler]

The Cosmos

This is the Battle Feild of the Ascended Server.

Historic Battles

This is the Attack Log of the Ascended Server, like main server of TGW, it lists, whom you've attacked, and whom attacked you.

Histories of Deceipt

This is your Intelligence page, like the main server, it lists all the spying activities.

Cosmic Trade

This is the Marketplace of the ascended server, the major differences of this market place is that you trade as many of times you want per week (not like the main server that you only have 3 trades a week), you can NOT get PPT, as well as NOT having the ability to trade with other players in this server.

Command Star

This is like the MotherShip of the Main Server of TGW, it's just that it isn't in your Planetary Fleets page.

Re: Ascended Wars Help&Rules

Posted: Sun Jun 05, 2011 10:07 am
by GameSquire
UPDATE: Fixed some of the bad grammar and misspelling in this guide.

Re: Ascended Wars Help&Rules

Posted: Sat Oct 22, 2011 12:51 pm
by GameSquire
UPDATE: Voting poll added
Just curious what does everyone think of this guide? Is there anything that I could make it better?

Re: Ascended Wars Help&Rules

Posted: Mon Mar 12, 2012 6:59 pm
by GameSquire
UPDATED: There are some heavy duty updates to the ascended server, so this guide may be outdated on quite a few parts, however, I have added how to change your race, if any of this doesn't make sense, or got some useful tips to improve this guide let me know, I'll work on it asap. Thanks :)