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@KF, England declared Bankruptcy in 1931!

Posted: Wed Jun 29, 2011 5:16 am
by [KMA]Avenger
Hi mate, i've been all over web trying to find the info i had on my computer (obviously>)prior to it going BOOM on me some time ago (allot of this info has since been removed maybe because of the current global financial chaos we are in...but that's just my guess). if you remember.
if you also remember, i told you that the US declared bankruptcy in 1933 (<that cannot be debated, it's fact!) and that England had done the same sometime in the 70'-but i couldn't recall the exact date.
The date i quoted for England's bankruptcy was wrong (memory not what it used to be :( ), it was in fact 21st of September 1931 when the BoE defaulted on gold payments, which in turn-destroyed the only monetary system in the world for the purpose of financing world trade.
The £ was also devalued by 40%, Dole money was also cut and even some of the Navy mutinied.
That's historical fact my friend.

And if not mistaken, that's when the US dollar became the worlds reserve currency...but not for much longer since the US has already partially defaulted. but that's for another thread.

Anyways, the point being, we have-we being our entire economic and governmental systems-been operating under emergency bankruptcy laws (as i told you before). and i was right, the UK is bankrupt and has been since mid/late 1931.

The Govt knows this, and the BoE knows this better than anybody-after all they caused the problems both then and now. the whole system is a gigantic stinking fraud/lie/sham/ponzi scheme/ joke all rolled into 1-and probably much worse than that!

Re: @KF, England declared Bankruptcy in 1931!

Posted: Wed Jun 29, 2011 5:19 am
by Ashu
I'm not trying to be mean or condescending, i just don't see the point in this. We point the finger and do nothing. Its like saying that man's sick and then go about doing nothing to help him.

Re: @KF, England declared Bankruptcy in 1931!

Posted: Wed Jun 29, 2011 5:26 am
by [KMA]Avenger
The point is this, i have a LONG list of things i am researching because i lost the info and couldn't prove it at the time of making these statements.

I said that England declared Bankruptcy and KF said we hadn't, i said when i found the info i would post here i am :-)

Having said that, the point is to educate yourself and others. because just like the proverbial damn, when we reach the point when all this breaks loose people will know who did it and will know who to blame.

Re: @KF, England declared Bankruptcy in 1931!

Posted: Wed Jun 29, 2011 5:41 am
by Ashu
Ok, so we'll know where to point the finger. How will that help us?

Re: @KF, England declared Bankruptcy in 1931!

Posted: Wed Jun 29, 2011 6:03 am
by [KMA]Avenger
Well, that wasn't what this thread is about, it's originally posted because KF and i had a disagreement about something and this is just to clear that point up. i was correct about the UK being bankrupt and that we are essentially living in a state of martial law forced on us by the banks.
The only difference is that we don't see the troops on the streets...but who needs troops on the streets when you have a police force which has been militarised!?!

The same people-or should i say family's- that caused the great depression have engineered the mess we are in today. contrary to peoples belief, we in the UK are in just as bad a situation as is Greece...probably worse off than Greece.

The whole world is bankrupt and we are headed at break neck speed to global financial meltdown. let me ask you this malx, when it does all go tits-up, don't you want to know who is responsible for leaving you without a single penny of YOUR money?

All that aside, it's also interesting from a historical POV.

Re: @KF, England declared Bankruptcy in 1931!

Posted: Wed Jun 29, 2011 6:16 am
by Ashu
I have some ideas in my head, let me begin with:

Its irrelevant for me who's fault it was if i can't fix it. Blaming someone is good as long as you can stop them from doing it and right what was wrong. If blaming doesn't solve that then its a witch hunt.
They want my money? Sure, take it. More money has never done anyone anything good, those people that think more money means a better life got the whole world into the mess that is the financial system. Even if somehow they manage to get away with it and still hold one to a few millions they'll die with pieces of paper and stuff besides them. What have they really accomplished? their children will have nothing, their grandchildren even less.

A proper solution I think would be to be less and less dependent on modern system of purchase, living and prospering. I'm not saying run to the woods, i'm saying expect the government to steal from you and have a laugh at it after.

Re: @KF, England declared Bankruptcy in 1931!

Posted: Wed Jun 29, 2011 6:32 am
by [KMA]Avenger
You missed the point, big time!

We the people are holding the worthless bits of paper, those that have caused this mess did it in the past and they are doing it again. they stole our money-real money...the gold, and gave us paper!

When the currency's collapse (and they will), the only ones who will have money and who will be able to then take control of everything they are currently not in control of for pennies, will be those who stole all the gold.

People didn't listen in the past, that's why we are in this mess today both economically/financially and all these wars all over the world.

Did you study the history of the the 20's and 30's...what came next???

[spoiler]I believe the banking institutions are more dangerous to our liberties than standing armies. If the American people ever allow private banks to control the issue of their currency first by inflation then by deflation the banks and corporations that will grow up around the banks will deprive the people of all property until their children wake up homeless on the continent their fathers conquered. Thomas Jefferson 1802[/spoiler]

Re: @KF, England declared Bankruptcy in 1931!

Posted: Wed Jun 29, 2011 6:34 am
by Ashu
Ok, propose a solution.

Re: @KF, England declared Bankruptcy in 1931!

Posted: Wed Jun 29, 2011 6:50 am
by [KMA]Avenger
Talk to people, tell them what's going on, and what's going on is we are being robbed blind by Govt who say we have to pay these debts...what debts exactly are they talking about, the debts of the bankers...excuse my French but **Filtered** them, let them "to big to fails"-fail.

Talk to people about the wars, what's going on in Iraq, Afghanistan and now Libya are humanitarian disasters.
If NATO, UK and US forces try to invade Libya it will be an absolute slaughter...our slaughter!

But as i said, talking about solutions is beyond the scope of this thread.

I don't know what country you are in but what's going on in Greece right now is going to spread to all of the EU and the US.
When the EU collapses (and it's going to collapse, the ECB is as bankrupt as our banks and Govts) it will be a nightmare, old grudges will be dragged up again

Re: @KF, England declared Bankruptcy in 1931!

Posted: Wed Jun 29, 2011 8:23 am
by Ashu
I'm from Romania, the Government stealing from us is as common as air ( not clean air tho ).
I think people will call me crazy if i tell them all those things. People, as far as i can see are too busy being robbed to see who's robbing them.

Re: @KF, England declared Bankruptcy in 1931!

Posted: Wed Jun 29, 2011 10:39 am
by [KMA]Avenger
Malx wrote:I'm from Romania, the Government stealing from us is as common as air ( not clean air tho ).
I think people will call me crazy if i tell them all those things. People, as far as i can see are too busy being robbed to see who's robbing them.

That's very funny but it also happens to be very true...

On a Different note: Romanian ha?! Ce mai faci?

I visited Romania 3 times in 2 years about 7/8 years ago. i stayed in Târgovişte and visited Sinaia Mountains...BEAUTIFUL! the people and food WAS FANTASTIC!

The meat in your country melts in your mouth...unlike over in the UK where we have to chew for half an hour before we swallow :?
Vegetables as well have so much's a real shame Monsanto was allowed to open up the biggest seed factory in the world just so they can take control of the worlds food supply and poison us with their GMO food which even the rats wont eat :mad:

Anyways, LOVELY country!

Re: @KF, England declared Bankruptcy in 1931!

Posted: Thu Jun 30, 2011 3:30 pm
by Kit-Fox

Re: @KF, England declared Bankruptcy in 1931!

Posted: Thu Jun 30, 2011 3:45 pm
by Dubby_CompGamerGeek2
and no fair scaring us without even suggesting solutions...

you posted it, re-opened the can of worms...

your ball, mate.

Re: @KF, England declared Bankruptcy in 1931!

Posted: Fri Jul 01, 2011 12:55 am
by [KMA]Avenger
Kit-Fox wrote:Exactly what is 'real money' as you put it KMA?

That's the the 64,000 dollar question isn't it!? real money is something that has real value, such as precious metals. but if you have a paper currency partially backed with silver and gold but you also have a manufacturing base, then paper money can have value because people can trust the faith.
But when the paper in your pocket is backed by nothing but faith alone, and the BoE throws this crap out there like it's going out of fashion (hence the price rises of the past 1-2 years), then sooner or later everyone (including your trade partners) will dump this crap and invest in country's that have money backed by more than faith.

Paper money originally was simply a receipt for the gold people kept in trust by the money changers (the gold smiths). people realised it was easier to carry paper and traded these because they were as good as gold, until the banksters started printing more receipts than they had gold kept in trust.

I'm sure you know the history of paper money.

Anyways, what is money, it's simply a means to facilitate trade, nothing more.

Re: @KF, England declared Bankruptcy in 1931!

Posted: Fri Jul 01, 2011 3:33 am
by Kit-Fox