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A question to the US people

Posted: Sat Jul 23, 2011 5:28 am
by Cole
It might be a stereotype, I am sorry if that's the case, but still, I want to see what's everyone opinion on the matter.
Why, in the US (well, I don't really know how it is in Canada, so maybe it's same, maybe not), nudity/erotism content (*not* talking about 'pornography') is considered more as a "negative" thing generally, such as being more importantly restricted/censored, than violence and anything surrounding it?

Re: A question to the US people

Posted: Sat Jul 23, 2011 5:34 am
by Dubby_CompGamerGeek2
a most people don't know how to talk to their kids about sex.

a lot of kids are having kids, especially kids that they can't take care of.

a lot of kids are feeling a lot of pressure to have sex, to be sexy, etc.

a lot of kids are getting STDs...
1 outta every 4 teenagers in my county of 950k total people has had an STD.

We learned how to hurt our siblings by watching Bugs Bunny and the rest of Looney Tunes
since we were 2...

to say nothing of The Simpsons...

so violence is kind of like... meh?

until you get to blood and gore... 8-[

Plus some religious folk like to harp on being anti-sexual & anti-nudity more than anti-violence...

everyone knows the wars God sent his chosen people on...

but they believe in immaculate (virgin) conception as well...

Personally, I care more about violence in the media than a lot of people do,

but given the important concerns from my intro,
I do understand why people are concerned about sex & nudity...

especially since we hope our kids will wait until they are 18+ and reasonably self-supporting before they have kids...

Re: A question to the US people

Posted: Sat Jul 23, 2011 5:51 am
by Juliette
Religion and the perversion of sexuality as something 'bad' is to blame.
"OMG Adam discovered he was naked. BAD BAD BAD ADAM." Boom, shame.
That's where it all went wrong. That "Naked = bad" is what is instilled in the minds of people.
Bad stuff.

Re: A question to the US people

Posted: Sat Jul 23, 2011 6:12 am
by Z E R O
I agree with you Jim..

Violence being accepted over nudity is quite common in Canada amongst the mindless sheep and religious people, though slightly less than America i'd assume.. not everyone here has a gun.

Should it be? Definitely not. What's wrong with a naked body? We were all born that way. Violence however isn't quite as natural, though as animals we do have some violent instincts built into us, but as an intelligent species we SHOULD be above that. Considering those animal instincts are survival based, and we no longer need to kill to survive.

I'd really like to hear the point of view of someone who finds violence to be more acceptable than nudity.. as I cannot possibly wrap my head around how that could work.

Re: A question to the US people

Posted: Sat Jul 23, 2011 6:29 am
by Kit-Fox

Re: A question to the US people

Posted: Sat Jul 23, 2011 6:32 am
by KnowLedge
this is a canadian standpoint..

I remember I went to a semi nude beach once in Canada (I had no idea it was a nude beach). There was noone actually in nude apart from the old couple. the rest of the people were wearing cloths. They were all the naturalists that were in the nude.. I believe naturalistic views come from a European society, and thus are endorsed by them..

Canada is an immigrant nation, and so is America. and most immigrants are against the naturalistic ideas. so if Canada or American societies (ie the eurpeans in america) were to allow this, theree would be total revolt against it from the immigrant society. and if the immigrant stop comming, then canada will stop growing and america will not get out of dept..

thus in conclusion, one of the reason why we dont allow it is to please the immigrant society. we need them and so we comply with thier rules.

note: this is just one of the reason, and its the only reason I can think of atm.. i suspect there we are more reasons such as nationalists ideas.. "americans do not want to be like europeans".

Re: A question to the US people

Posted: Sat Jul 23, 2011 6:36 am
by KnowLedge
crap I need to read better don't I..BUT same idea works to answer that question as well

I think porn is totally acceptable in canada and america.. idk where you get your idea

Re: A question to the US people

Posted: Sat Jul 23, 2011 6:47 am
by Cole
KnowLedge wrote:crap I need to read better don't I..BUT same idea works to answer that question as well

I think porn is totally acceptable in canada and america.. idk where you get your idea

My point was talking about nudity in general, whether it's in movies, papers, real life...and also excluding pornography from it, as I don't consider it same as nudity, or even same as erotica. My point being, I understand censorship/restriction around pornography. My point was what's the issue with nudity, not about pornography.

Re: A question to the US people

Posted: Sat Jul 23, 2011 7:22 am
by KnowLedge
Cole wrote:
KnowLedge wrote:crap I need to read better don't I..BUT same idea works to answer that question as well

I think porn is totally acceptable in canada and america.. idk where you get your idea

My point was talking about nudity in general, whether it's in movies, papers, real life...and also excluding pornography from it, as I don't consider it same as nudity, or even same as erotica. My point being, I understand censorship/restriction around pornography. My point was what's the issue with nudity, not about pornography.

oh ok, than my point in my first reply stands, just my point of view though :)

Re: A question to the US people

Posted: Sat Jul 23, 2011 7:58 am
by Zeratul
Religion is to blame.

Religion, by nature is rather violent. Especially the more fundamentalistic elements. For the most part, the older religions have grown beyond extreme violence, but they are quicker to condone it than detailed descriptions of reproductive acts. You saw it well in the middle ages. Priests, especially monks, were forbidden from having children, mostly because their "god(s)" should have first priority. Thus it was very easy for them to force on the followers that reproductive acts were "bad". Violence on the other hand, especially against those the priests consider unbelievers, was only good, since it would in theory create a boom in reasons to convert. Origin is a nice example of all this. A policy of "convert or die" will generally convince quite a few. It is actually rather silly to force celibacy on the most loyal... What better way to breed faith out of your population than to force those most faithful not to pass on genes?

Anyways, during the emigration era from Europe, there were two factions that were overrepresented among the emigrants. The overly religious that did not fit in church policy, and the faithless. The overly religious have a tendency to be considerably more loud-mouthed than the faithless. Thus they come across as more visible. It is such people that have forced a such view on Americans.
The faithless do not really care about what others believe, whereas the overly faithful wish to force everyone to their beliefs. (there are naturally exceptions, but these are general tendencies.)

nudity can also be controlled, violence is harder to control.

Re: A question to the US people

Posted: Sat Jul 23, 2011 8:30 am
by MajorLeeHurts
This subject has always troubled me , my American perspective...

Sex and sexuality has always been a taboo. I agree that it stems from the Puritan influence early on. I think that the lack of the acceptance and lack of openness of the subject of ones body and sexuality has direct implications for the state of STD's, kids having kids , poor self image and childhood obesity and sex crimes in the US. We just dont talk about it. Its "bad" and god forbid you should be caught being a sexual human being , you end up on CNN.

My impressions on the Canadian and Europeans on this issue is that there is a higher level of acceptance of sexuality , body, and health. I could be wrong but it seems this way. That there is deeper appreciation for ones being in general.

In regards to violence , I could say the same . There is no reverence for the human as a being. One could commedicaly suppose due to all this sexual repression...

Our constitution allows us to have firearms and we all do , even I. But make no mistake that does not deepen our respect for them, I believe it lessons it. Kids at 14 are allowed to own a fire arm , but that is to young to be a sexual being... go figure.

Our nation was forged on violence , from the Native Americans to Osama. Violence is apart of everyday life ( ever drive in NY ) you can get shot for not using a turn signal. I honestly dont understand it , even when I actively participate in it.

Violence is accepted , sexuality is not simple as that. Its so assbackwards and is holding back the evolution of man kind. Thats just my opinion.

Re: A question to the US people

Posted: Sat Jul 23, 2011 8:40 am
by papa~smurf
i blame the ruling secret lizard people

Re: A question to the US people

Posted: Sat Jul 23, 2011 12:35 pm
Stereotypes are funny things, sometimes based on history, usually fueled by a sensationalist media, and accepted subconsciously by our desire to categorise and label everyone so we can judge our place as better / better off or lesser / poorer. Usually our minds will find a way to judge ourselves superior in some way.

I doubt the US is any more or less puritanical than any other so called 'civilised' nation.

Religion has played it's part, mostly in the past but even now people who have been educated beyond religion still have their ingrained indoctrinated version of morality.

Age of consent for sex / encouragement to have sex is more a social thing. We again like to label and make a set age but biology usually wins out and teenagers have sex when their ready regardless of any laws. Age laws do protect the slower developers from the faster ones and predators but in practical terms it really it has more to do with longevity and healthcare. In the past boys & girls were married at 11 or 12 because lifespans were shorter so people had to bread younger in order the raise their children in time for their children to be self supporting before the parents went from carers to cared for, also high mortality rate meant they have to have more children to ensure some survived. Now lifespans are longer, we have unsustainable population growth and overcrowding we need people to have less children later in life.

Public nudity, well here in the UK and many other places you could put this down the weather lol But it's acceptance in societies I think is more down to the simple fact the vast majority of people dont want it. The body beautiful ideal created by media and advertising in consumer societies is out of reach for most people, self image is at all time low and the propagandist adverts tell us that we are all ugly so they can then go on to sell us products that they imply will make us more attractive.

Censorship / Nudity and Sex on TV & in films. Good in some ways as it makes more TV / Films appropriate for viewers to young to understand sexuality, bad in others as sex and nudity are parts of RL and removing them from fiction makes the fiction less realistic. Almost all countries have age ratings for films and official or self imposed by TV 'watershed' times at when suitable to children TV ends and suitable for adult TV begins so it really makes no sense to me why it is banned. Would certainly be better to have an element of education, realistic sex and people of all ages/looks/sizes nude in TV/Film than have curious teens thinking porn is real.

Porn, not acceptable in public but a multi-billion $$$ business in RL. The fact is porn is everywhere, skip the dirty books & mags which have probably declined, the historical references to Rome, Egypt, Greece and a dozen other ancient civilisations who used it. For this discussion go straight to the porn film, first projected in seedy cinema's, then to home projectors & videos, then DVDs & pay per view, now internet. People havent changed much, nor our public acceptance of pornography but the anonymity & availability of modern formats means it has spread like crazy. Often not realistic, raises expectations of the young, makes people objectify the opposite sex, reinforces the accepted media image of whats sexually attractive again beyond what most people will achieve themselves or find in a partner. It has it's uses and Im no puritan but it's availability to teenagers while they lack real sex education due to cultural taboo's has to be a bad thing.

Re: A question to the US people

Posted: Sat Jul 23, 2011 4:14 pm
by xDaku
Wait, sexual exposure is frowned upon in Canada?

By parents worried about their kids watching an Axe ad, maybe. But that's just parental nature - in most cases.

Otherwise, no it's not frowned upon, not here atleast. Not that I've noted atleast, and I've lived in Toronto and currently in Ottawa, plus I frequently visit Montreal (and nudity is DEFINITELY not frowned upon there).

Just a stereotype mate (for Canada atleast) :)

Re: A question to the US people

Posted: Fri Jul 29, 2011 5:40 am
by Jack
Z E R O wrote:Should it be? Definitely not. What's wrong with a naked body? We were all born that way. Violence however isn't quite as natural, though as animals we do have some violent instincts built into us, but as an intelligent species we SHOULD be above that. Considering those animal instincts are survival based, and we no longer need to kill to survive.

We don't have to kill to survive? What a load of bull **Filtered**.

But I guess you're a vegan.