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Pay your CO2 taxes to Al Gore and the banksters or the...

Posted: Sat Aug 20, 2011 8:18 am
by [KMA]Avenger
green (green=environmental, not their skin colour) aliens will get you! :smt021 ... ilisations

This is no joke (at least, i don't think it is 8-[ ) though it should be classed as one. i nearly fell off my chair when i read that i can just imagine what Thriller would have posted if i had made up that headline :shock:

The desperation in that joke of an article is truly astounding. the joke/scam/sham that is "Anthropogenic (AKA-Man Made Global Warming) Climate Change" which collapsed in late 09 after Climate Gate and the leaked memo in Copenhagen which brought about the collapse of the Copenhagen Climate Summit, goes from bad joke to truly sickening if that is the best "they" can do to try and force breathing...sorry...CO2 taxes on the world!

Re: Pay your CO2 taxes to Al Gore and the banksters or the..

Posted: Sat Aug 20, 2011 11:49 am
lol I love it, kind of thing you expect around April 1st

Re: Pay your CO2 taxes to Al Gore and the banksters or the..

Posted: Sat Aug 20, 2011 11:57 am
by Nigatsu_Aka
"Eat your food or else God will be upset",

"Brush your teeth",

"Lets invade cos they be terrorists",

"Lets not pollute, or else the aliens invade us",


Its all about marketing. :smt120

Re: Pay your CO2 taxes to Al Gore and the banksters or the..

Posted: Sat Aug 20, 2011 12:13 pm
by [KMA]Avenger
MEZZANINE wrote:lol I love it, kind of thing you expect around April 1st

That was my sentiment exactly!

It's to late, they are here to rid the planet of all carbon :smt100


Re: Pay your CO2 taxes to Al Gore and the banksters or the..

Posted: Sat Aug 20, 2011 1:56 pm
by Kit-Fox

Re: Pay your CO2 taxes to Al Gore and the banksters or the..

Posted: Sat Aug 20, 2011 3:44 pm
@ Kit, yes we all saw Armageddon.

Personally I think aliens who were responsible for the industrial revolution, they gave us various carbon releasing technologies and encouraged us to use them more and more to change our atmosphere and climate to be suitable for them. They also helped with medicine and food production to increase our population and fatten us up so they can eat us when they invade :smt043

Re: Pay your CO2 taxes to Al Gore and the banksters or the..

Posted: Sat Aug 20, 2011 3:51 pm
by Kit-Fox

Re: Pay your CO2 taxes to Al Gore and the banksters or the..

Posted: Sat Aug 20, 2011 4:32 pm
Kit-Fox wrote:And the correct answer Mezz is actually Indepedance Day

President Thomas Whitmore: I don't understand, where does all this come from? How do you get funding for something like this?
Julius Levinson: You don't actually think they spend $20,000 on a hammer, $30,000 on a toilet seat, do you?

You know the film the covers alien contact :P like the topic does :P

lol K your right, tis late and those films all kinda blurr into one. I was thinking of the bit in Armageddon when Willis is throwing all the useless tool out of the buggy.

But what do you think of my theory ? Will the Guardian publish it if I fake a piece of faxed NASA headed paper and anonymously send it to them saying its a leaking confidential document lol

Re: Pay your CO2 taxes to Al Gore and the banksters or the..

Posted: Sat Aug 20, 2011 5:19 pm
by Lithium
alien wont attack earth at all , there is a plot of a fake alien invasion to unify world gov's under one gov and guess who want to be in charge. aliens can live in our environment with or without co2.
remember they shaped humanity by genetic manipulation and tough our civilization the science and astronomy. rising co2 lvl will only destroy us while they have always been out there watching.

as for the matter of humanity growing very fast theres a problem on the way it grows as it has proven by history be deadly especially after the discovery of atom energy.

soon earth will be alienated with the center of our galaxy (worm hole) which emits a mega wave energy that can be deadly to all live forms. by the end of 2012 and beginning of 2013 which marks the end of this cycle this planet will be crossing this super energy wave. earth it self has a protection field , how it ll resist it is unknown , i hope humanity hasn't lenses it. this align happens once ever 25800 years. theres is no history profs and official declaration of space agencies aint releasing enough information but just making some fun of it.

Re: Pay your CO2 taxes to Al Gore and the banksters or the..

Posted: Sat Aug 20, 2011 11:51 pm
by [KMA]Avenger
@KF, not in so many words, but that is the gist of the article. just don't forget to pay your taxes otherwise the greenies-both human and ET-will doom us all!

@Lith, whoa there my friend, i don't think the guys (guys=non generic, damn the PC brigade lol) who frequent this section of the forum are ready or willing to accept that info.

To correct you on 1 item, CO2 does not destroy, CO2 is a MAJOR building block of life on this planet. without CO2 there would be no flora and fauna, and without anything green, life on this planet would have no oxygen to breath, which is why this whole business of CO2 taxes is worse than a joke.

Re: Pay your CO2 taxes to Al Gore and the banksters or the..

Posted: Sun Aug 21, 2011 1:14 am
by xDaku
Lithium wrote:alien wont attack earth at all , there is a plot of a fake alien invasion to unify world gov's under one gov and guess who want to be in charge. aliens can live in our environment with or without co2.
remember they shaped humanity by genetic manipulation and tough our civilization the science and astronomy. rising co2 lvl will only destroy us while they have always been out there watching.

as for the matter of humanity growing very fast theres a problem on the way it grows as it has proven by history be deadly especially after the discovery of atom energy.

soon earth will be alienated with the center of our galaxy (worm hole) which emits a mega wave energy that can be deadly to all live forms. by the end of 2012 and beginning of 2013 which marks the end of this cycle this planet will be crossing this super energy wave. earth it self has a protection field , how it ll resist it is unknown , i hope humanity hasn't lenses it. this align happens once ever 25800 years. theres is no history profs and official declaration of space agencies aint releasing enough information but just making some fun of it.

:smt043 I'm starting to love your posts.

Re: Pay your CO2 taxes to Al Gore and the banksters or the..

Posted: Sun Aug 21, 2011 1:20 am
by Nigatsu_Aka
Like I said: it's marketing.

[KMA]Avenger wrote:@KF, not in so many words, but that is the gist of the article. just don't forget to pay your taxes otherwise the greenies-both human and ET-will doom us all!

@Lith, whoa there my friend, i don't think the guys (guys=non generic, damn the PC brigade lol) who frequent this section of the forum are ready or willing to accept that info.

To correct you on 1 item, CO2 does not destroy, CO2 is a MAJOR building block of life on this planet. without CO2 there would be no flora and fauna, and without anything green, life on this planet would have no oxygen to breath, which is why this whole business of CO2 taxes is worse than a joke.

Re: Pay your CO2 taxes to Al Gore and the banksters or the..

Posted: Sun Aug 21, 2011 1:22 am
[KMA]Avenger wrote:@KF, not in so many words, but that is the gist of the article. just don't forget to pay your taxes otherwise the greenies-both human and ET-will doom us all!

@Lith, whoa there my friend, i don't think the guys (guys=non generic, damn the PC brigade lol) who frequent this section of the forum are ready or willing to accept that info.

To correct you on 1 item, CO2 does not destroy, CO2 is a MAJOR building block of life on this planet. without CO2 there would be no flora and fauna, and without anything green, life on this planet would have no oxygen to breath, which is why this whole business of CO2 taxes is worse than a joke.

Hence why I said 'Carbon Releasing Tech'. All the Carbon is already there, over millions of years it has been trapped in plants & animals which have died, all we do is set it free.

I recon I might get some t-shirts made



Re: Pay your CO2 taxes to Al Gore and the banksters or the..

Posted: Sun Aug 21, 2011 1:39 am
by Lithium
co2 is as much important to life as h2o but some studies are saying its increasing at alarming level. it harms humans when it reach a certain lvl. the nature has a balance over everything but if we push with industry then it ll be auto fixed and many will perish.

for sure the new world order is being prepared and need a scenario to start the last phase.

Re: Pay your CO2 taxes to Al Gore and the banksters or the..

Posted: Sun Aug 21, 2011 2:00 am
Pfft new world order

Behind the scenes big business already rules the world


The facade of nations and politics will persist for decades if not centuries, thousands of years of ingrained national pride cant be removed over night and given the recent failures of the EU after there attempt to federalise just one small continent the idea of a centralised world government is laughable. Besides the fact that if it was a representative world government we'd basically be putting the Chinese in charge, and the fact the only time nations have been federalised in the past has been by force ( USSR, China, USA, British Empire, etc etc back into history ).