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Scammer: Forced~Entry (id: 6295)

Posted: Mon Aug 22, 2011 5:34 am
by Kailip

My brother (ingame nick: Ganderion) needed a money, so we decided to sell all our UU (about 650 millions) for dollars.. About first 330 millions went smooth.. but then came the rest. So I've been scammed yesterday. I was selling 325 millions UU for 90$ to Forced~Entry (ingame id: 6295, forum id: Forced~Entry, msn:

I had my own thread on Market Place:
He had his own:

So I caught him on msn. Here is log of our conversation:

Short version of story (the longer one is log up here):

We agreed that price will be 90$. Because of quanity and limits of UU traded, he deciced, that I will send 150 millions directly to him (by broker), and the rest (175 millions) to the user PLAYER HELPER (id 71217, also by broker). As Forced~Entry had no Trade-feedback, I told him to send money first. He agreed, sent the money.. me and my brother brokered him for 150 and 175 millions as we agreed.

I was happy, that I have sold everything.. I logged out, watched movie, etc.. then I checked e-mail. And here it was, e-mail from paypal, telling me that Forced~Entry demanded return of his 90$, because item is inconsistent with its original description.. I get on msn, and asked him what's up? He accused me, that I sent UUs to that PLAYER HELPER, and then I raided him.. And here the story ends.. Now I have no UU, and my 90$ is suspended, till the dispute will be resolved.

Is there anything I can do, so my money won't be sent back to Forced~Entry?

Here are screenshots of my, and my brother's trade brokers:


PS: Sorry for my english.. :|

Re: Scammer: Forced~Entry (id: 6295)

Posted: Mon Aug 22, 2011 6:09 am
by Lithium
open a case to PP and justify yr trade has been completed

also email admins to check those id's , if forced entry raided him then pleas ehim to give u a confirmation.
if the 2 id is a feeder or a multi his owned might get banned.

Re: Scammer: Forced~Entry (id: 6295)

Posted: Mon Aug 22, 2011 6:14 am
by Juliette
Yup. Murky situation. Best to let PP handle it, as Lith said.

I'll quote admin: viewforum.php?f=130
NOTE: Kingdom Games, StarGateWars, the forum admin, the game admin, TAKE ABSOLUTELY NO RESPONSIBILITY FOR CURRENCY TRADES outside of the game itself. We simply cannot monitor/validate/track/prove/disprove/confirm or deny the details, or if they happened.
Many are scams - and just because they are here, or are by recognizable players/people, does not change this.
IF YOU TRADE FOR REAL CURRENCY, AND GET SCAMMED OR DONT GET WHAT YOU THOUGHT YOU SHOULD, WE CANNOT DO ANYTHING TO HELP YOU, so do not even ask...The answer is "Sorry. We cannot help you. You just lost your money."

Place the call to Paypal, tell them what happened, and await how the dice roll. ;) Good luck!

Re: Scammer: Forced~Entry (id: 6295)

Posted: Mon Aug 22, 2011 6:31 am
by Juliette
Reading that log, it seems like the buyer (Forced~Entry) is either using 2 accounts (multi!) or has no idea of how hawk-eyed some people raid.
Especially an account named "Player Helper" (come on, are you serious?!) is bound to be watched.

So yeah, fault lies with the buyer. He obviously had no idea what he was doing.

Let's just for the record say this.. all of the above is based on the assumption that you did not edit the log.. ;) (Which I'm guessing you didn't.)

Re: Scammer: Forced~Entry (id: 6295)

Posted: Mon Aug 22, 2011 6:46 am
by Clarkey
I don't know if PayPal really handle reports regarding virtual items. My betting is that you keep the $90 because the person that sent it to you cannot provide any kind of substantive evidence of any wrong doing on your behalf.

Re: Scammer: Forced~Entry (id: 6295)

Posted: Mon Aug 22, 2011 6:58 am
by Lithium
if the units has been brokered then they cant be raided by you or any other out of the blue. the broker must be accepted first and if not trained then it can be raided.

Re: Scammer: Forced~Entry (id: 6295)

Posted: Mon Aug 22, 2011 7:19 am
by Scar Face
Lithium wrote:if the units has been brokered then they cant be raided by you or any other out of the blue. the broker must be accepted first and if not trained then it can be raided.

~Image removed~

Kailip, even thou he retracted the money, think he has to prove just the same as u that he got "ripped" off, but as it stands if u both make a case(which I'm sure u'll put more efford in), u should get the money back. But be carefull, I lost money on ebay(well paypal) due to their slow responce(atleast in my case).

Re: Scammer: Forced~Entry (id: 6295)

Posted: Mon Aug 22, 2011 10:01 am
by Clarkey
I think Da Vinci may have raided both. Could just be down to really bad luck on Forced~Entry's behalf.

If it is bad luck then the dispute with PayPal from Forced~Entry is unfair on Kailip but would not make him a scammer.

Re: Scammer: Forced~Entry (id: 6295)

Posted: Mon Aug 22, 2011 10:07 am
by ~Dä Vinci~
i raided 100m uu of forced entry and massed 70m spies on player helper..

Re: Scammer: Forced~Entry (id: 6295)

Posted: Mon Aug 22, 2011 10:12 am
by Lithium
~Da Vinci~ wrote:i raided 100m uu of forced entry and massed 70m spies on player helper..

good job

Re: Scammer: Forced~Entry (id: 6295)

Posted: Mon Aug 22, 2011 1:25 pm
by Rabbid Thom
Its his problem not yours looking at the dates he should still have them in brokers so he had accepted them and is at fault here

Re: Scammer: Forced~Entry (id: 6295)

Posted: Mon Aug 22, 2011 1:27 pm
by Clarkey
Rabbid Thom wrote:Its his problem not yours looking at the dates he should still have them in brokers so he had accepted them and is at fault here
Exactly. Don't tell me someone sat their watching the accounts every minute from the time the broker was set until the broker was accepted, then immediately raided it? What was the person doing when they accepted it? Surely if it happened immediately you would have seen someone raiding your 100m uu and you would have done something to stop it.

You put $$ in to a game you risk losing what you bought. Filing a complaint with PayPal is low.

Re: Scammer: Forced~Entry (id: 6295)

Posted: Mon Aug 22, 2011 1:33 pm
by Rocky
i got like 7millUU as well, trust me tom didn't find the raid, someone in TL quickly gave an ID in DOC and said raid, lots of UU out, tom was first, and i got the left overs, i think tom then watched the account for a bit because UU was being untrained, trained... he was watching the account for a bit and got some more UU.

Its a shame the UU was bought and stolen straight away but there was always a risk due to Doc being in a war, we constantly check all DDE ranks for stats and naq.

Re: Scammer: Forced~Entry (id: 6295)

Posted: Mon Aug 22, 2011 1:35 pm
by Lithium
trying to retrive the $ from PP is an old tactic , i rem it being used some years ago

Re: Scammer: Forced~Entry (id: 6295)

Posted: Mon Aug 22, 2011 2:51 pm
by Kailip
Thank you for all your advices. I responded the paypal claim, we will see how this case will end.. :|

Rabbid Thom wrote:Its his problem not yours looking at the dates he should still have them in brokers so he had accepted them and is at fault here

Yes, it shouldn't be my problem. Bot now my money is suspended, so it kind of became my problem.