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Hmmm. Not right warning

Posted: Sun Sep 04, 2011 3:30 am
by caesar2
I recieved PM ingame with insults. It all was filtered with many ***

I copyed the PM and put in quote.

Later was warned for Masking.

Am not sure if its possible to mask what Jasons scriots filtered ingame... or?

Nvm, heres the link and the another copy of the PM.


the origilan posted included this msg:

Message text:

This sucks ....

A load of men gone and my weapons ...

And you like the ****ing coward you are even sabbed me first ...

CS you are a ****ing homofile ...

I hate your ass ...

You and your **Filtered** ass ways ... nice way to drive people away you ****ing retard ...

I\'m gonna nix my account and ****ing leave this game for good ...

Am not sure if the rule says there cant be copyed filtered PM from ingame. Its Jasons script, once already filtered... so where I used masking?

Re: Hmmm. Not right warning

Posted: Sun Sep 04, 2011 3:33 am
by noone
lol, I remember something about you being responsible for what you post ...

I'd say its a fair warning :smt047

Re: Hmmm. Not right warning

Posted: Sun Sep 04, 2011 3:35 am
by Jack
I agree, the masking does not constitute a violation of the rules.

Re: Hmmm. Not right warning

Posted: Sun Sep 04, 2011 3:38 am
by RepliMagni
To the letter of the law, yes its masking C2 because of the stars.

ie: if you use the f word on the forums it comes up as **Filtered** but ingame it only replaces the f word with stars and keeps the suffix....thus enabling someone to understand the actual word written rather than simply reading filtered.

That being said, you weren't insulting anyone with the language, so it seems rather ott to give a board warning for that....esp. as it was partially filtered from ingame....

Re: Hmmm. Not right warning

Posted: Sun Sep 04, 2011 3:47 am
by caesar2
Those insults were addressed to me. Filtered ingame, copyed and quoted. If admin or mod PMed me and edited post, but I think someone needed to give me warning :)

Section 5: Language
b. Profanity
The use of all profanity on the SGW forums is prohibited at all times. This means swearing, cursing, and vulgarity. This includes the use of masking. Profanity in images (such as in signatures), videos linked (such as YouTube), or in articles linked is also prohibited.

Masking is intentionally using characters, HTML tags, or anything else to express a word that would otherwise be filtered; in other words, it's bypassing the filter. Profanity not a part of the main focus of the page being linked (such as advertisements or comments) will not be policed as they can change quickly and easily.

When only minor profanity is used, only a Verbal Warning may be issused. In all other cases a Board Warning will be issued. In the case of Masking a Board Warning will always be issued.[/quote]

Re: Hmmm. Not right warning

Posted: Sun Sep 04, 2011 3:51 am
by Jack
Letter of law, maybe. But then most of what we say would be masking, including triggering the filter. The rule doesn't apply to his post.

Re: Hmmm. Not right warning

Posted: Sun Sep 04, 2011 3:52 am
by Clarkey
I count 4 instances of masking in that post.

Re: Hmmm. Not right warning

Posted: Sun Sep 04, 2011 3:54 am
by caesar2
I see 4 copyes of ingame filtered words.

Re: Hmmm. Not right warning

Posted: Sun Sep 04, 2011 3:55 am
by Jack
At the absolute most, the ings should have been removed, but in my opinion that would be zealous. Warning for it would certainly be overzealous.

Re: Hmmm. Not right warning

Posted: Sun Sep 04, 2011 3:56 am
by Clarkey
Overzealous maybe, but C2 has been round long enough to know what is right and what isn't.

You copy and paste, you post it, you deal with it. He wouldn't have hurt his fingers to change it to *******.

Re: Hmmm. Not right warning

Posted: Sun Sep 04, 2011 3:59 am
by RepliMagni
Clarkey wrote:I count 4 instances of masking in that post.

Congratulations. Want a cookie? :P

I see a fictional profanity in your avatar. Want a warning for that? ;)

He did not intentionally circumvent the filter. It was already once filtered ingame, he thought that was the same filter that works on the forum (A fair assumption to make). I can't believe I'm actually going to agree with Jack, but it seems a little over zealous to give a warning quite literally only for having -ing after the filter....

ps: Clarkey, that's a warning right there for you old boy ;)

Re: Hmmm. Not right warning

Posted: Sun Sep 04, 2011 4:02 am
by Clarkey
He thought it was the same filter that works on the forum? #-o

It's masking, therefore warnable. Don't want to risk getting done for vulgarity or masking, then don't swear. Simple.

Re: Hmmm. Not right warning

Posted: Sun Sep 04, 2011 4:06 am
by caesar2
Sorry, am not around long enough to understand such warnings. I didnt insult, I didnt use masking, I copyed. Mod could edit it, and send me PM. If I used Masking in real way, it should be warned.

Whatever, I posted here this issue, I dont want to discuss it with whole server, rules are clear, and there can be private warning in Pm or Board Warning. Admins and mods have two choices. I didnt use Masking, but it was Masking. I didnt insult, I was insulted.

Plus, it was filtered ingame. Jason should than change scripts and make filtering equal, so players can copy/paste filtered ingame PMs. How can players know what means ****ing? there are many ways of translating. And Masking in real word menas something like "Plaier" or Pla*er" so the wrod which should be otherwise filtered is not filtered. Well, its always up to judge how th rule is explained... but theres differece between continental law and british precedence.

Re: Hmmm. Not right warning

Posted: Sun Sep 04, 2011 4:09 am
by Jack
And leaving it won't harm anyone. Modding it is over the top and warning for it is just being anal.

The words are sufficiently hidden. You're not going to know what is behind the asterisks unless you are already familiar with those word anyway. And it's not like seeing a bunch of asterisks followed by ing is going to teach a bunch of little kids to talk like Jack.

Re: Hmmm. Not right warning

Posted: Sun Sep 04, 2011 4:10 am
by Clarkey
The rule isn't about "using" masking, it's about "posting" masking. Whether you type it yourself, or you copy paste from elsewhere, you are still clicking "submit" and therefore posting what you put in the text box.