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Few movies I watched in the last couple of week

Posted: Thu Sep 08, 2011 4:00 pm
The Tourist - RomCom meets Bourne, very good, well made/acted, clever, funny, action, all good stuff. Personally I guessed the 'big' plot twist about 30 mins into the movie but enjoyed watching it play out.

The Rite - Only gave it a go because Anthony Hopkins was in it, after 30-40 mins I gave up. Started off quite interesting, religion -v- science dealio but it just dragged on and on until I turned it off.

Takers - Pretty decent all action crime movie, usual stuff crew of baddies robbing, shooting etc. Well made for the genre, certainly not a classic but it was entertaining.

Faster - The Rock being badass lol Surprisingly good considering he cant act, obviously it's an action film, nice little twist that dont take much brains to see coming, worth watching if you're bored.

Ironclad - Medevil swordplay, castles and battles action stuff, half decent story with plenty of violence.

Source Code - Timeloop / groundhog day type of feel sci fi, very good, again has a nice twist in the end, left open to a sequel. A good way to kill 90mins.

Next 3 Days - Very slow long build up to a great finish. Feel good, low tech prison break thing going on.

Hereafter - What trash, cant believe I made it to the end. Great intro with a tsunami, promising 3 plots which you keep waiting to overlap but the whole thing just drags and fizzles out.

Friends with Benfits - RomCom, pretty gal, toned guy, both have great jobs and whine about how they cant find the perfect relationship only to fall for each other blah blah usually soppy stuff. There were a few good laughs and some sexy bits but for the most part a typical chickflick.

Limitless - Excelent, new designer drug that dont get you high but makes you reach you full potential. Everything that goes up must come down and it's a great ride with lots of twists & turns, action and fun. Really good movie.

Sucker Punch - WOW this is the most surreal freakydeaky what the hells going on movie I seen in a while. Good soundtrack, really dark harsh start, then a mad run of whats real, dream sequences within a dream in a Matrix&Monsters&War style fight scenes then back to reality for the end. I really dont have the words for this one, you have to watch it to understand. I was heavily stoned after smoking some strong bud when I watched it but I think it would equally weird without drugs lol

Re: Few movies I watched in the last couple of week

Posted: Thu Sep 08, 2011 4:10 pm
by Z E R O
Yes, sucker punch is weird, even without drugs. I can attest. I'll have to try getting stoned next time.

& friends with benefits, I haven't seen it but watched previews.. It looked like almost identical to another movie that came out a little before, No Strings Attached. I can't stand when things are so unoriginal, so I probably won't bother watching.

Of the ones you've listed I might look into.. Limitless and Source Code.. the rest sound kinda meh.

Re: Few movies I watched in the last couple of week

Posted: Thu Sep 08, 2011 8:58 pm
by Noobert
I've watched all but Friends with Benefits, and I can say most of them felt like B grade (if that) as opposed to some of the greater movies that have come out over the years.

Re: Few movies I watched in the last couple of week

Posted: Thu Sep 08, 2011 10:46 pm
Z E R O wrote:Yes, sucker punch is weird, even without drugs. I can attest. I'll have to try getting stoned next time.

& friends with benefits, I haven't seen it but watched previews.. It looked like almost identical to another movie that came out a little before, No Strings Attached. I can't stand when things are so unoriginal, so I probably won't bother watching.

Of the ones you've listed I might look into.. Limitless and Source Code.. the rest sound kinda meh.

Source Code was good in a typically Hollywood way

Limitless is excelent, I'd recommend this one and I dont do that for many movies

Noobert wrote:I've watched all but Friends with Benefits, and I can say most of them felt like B grade (if that) as opposed to some of the greater movies that have come out over the years.

What did you think of Sucker Punch mate ???

Friends with Benefits.... not terrible for a Chickflick, but still a chickflick if ya know what I mean. If you want a movie that will keep your misses happy watch this then ask her for a game of tennis.

Re: Few movies I watched in the last couple of week

Posted: Fri Sep 09, 2011 1:22 am
by RepliMagni
Watched Source Code last night - pretty decent but have some concerns/comments:

[spoiler]- It's pretty obvious on by his second trip that he is dead himself. But what I thought it was going to be was that he only had 8 minutes out in the RL (ie: he was an echo of himself, and that was why they were rushing him)
- It's also pretty obvious that the source code doesn't work like the Dr and co think it does (ie: memory recall - he can access the last 8 minutes of a person's memories) - because things play out differently each time, and he can interact with things the original Sean didn't (ie: get off the train). It means he was actually there for those 8 minutes. Also means he actually died each time, as did all those people.
- Which brings the next point: I always thought that he would be able to survive in the source code world, even though the theory was that he would die when the train exploded. The only reason he was kicked out of the source code each time he wasn't on the train was because he died at the same time (once getting run over, the other time bleeding out after being shot). If he survived past the impact point, then he could exist in the source code.
- And it was a bit of a cutesy was nice that there was a happy ending for him, and the idea of him existing in a parallel universe was okay, but it seemed a bit Hollywood cheese.

- Also one question: if he stopped the train from blowing up, then he stopped the original Sean from dying, so how could he take over the person's body?[/spoiler]

I thought it was a decent film, and worth watching, but not as clever as everyone seems to think it was....

Re: Few movies I watched in the last couple of week

Posted: Fri Sep 09, 2011 2:32 am
by Legendary Apophis
SuckerPunch out on DVD/Blu-ray, I was thinking about buying that one. Trailer seem crazy lol.

Re: Few movies I watched in the last couple of week

Posted: Fri Sep 09, 2011 4:41 am
RepliMagni wrote:Watched Source Code last night - pretty decent but have some concerns/comments:

[spoiler]- It's pretty obvious on by his second trip that he is dead himself. But what I thought it was going to be was that he only had 8 minutes out in the RL (ie: he was an echo of himself, and that was why they were rushing him)
- It's also pretty obvious that the source code doesn't work like the Dr and co think it does (ie: memory recall - he can access the last 8 minutes of a person's memories) - because things play out differently each time, and he can interact with things the original Sean didn't (ie: get off the train). It means he was actually there for those 8 minutes. Also means he actually died each time, as did all those people.
- Which brings the next point: I always thought that he would be able to survive in the source code world, even though the theory was that he would die when the train exploded. The only reason he was kicked out of the source code each time he wasn't on the train was because he died at the same time (once getting run over, the other time bleeding out after being shot). If he survived past the impact point, then he could exist in the source code.
- And it was a bit of a cutesy was nice that there was a happy ending for him, and the idea of him existing in a parallel universe was okay, but it seemed a bit Hollywood cheese.

- Also one question: if he stopped the train from blowing up, then he stopped the original Sean from dying, so how could he take over the person's body?[/spoiler]

I thought it was a decent film, and worth watching, but not as clever as everyone seems to think it was....

I totally agree the plot was full of holes,
[spoiler]If the Source Code was strictly limited to the memories of the guy who's body he was in then every time he interacted with anyone/anything it would simply have been his imagination filling in the reactions/events that followed and of no use finding the bomber in the real world.

Taking the dead guys place in the end was expected but as you said didnt make sense as the guy didnt die in that 'alternative reality'.

Also when he text the army scientist woman who saved him in the end he failed to mention that saving the 'other' him would cost her, she would be sacked/court marshaled for giving him life in another 'alternative reality'.

If it got out that it did work then old people would want to use the tech to live forever by 'downloading themselves into people about to die in accidents, avoiding the accidents and living on the alternative realities. New spin on the 'FreeJack' movie plot.[/spoiler]

End of the day it's hollywood light entertainment, decent movie if you got time to kill and dont think about it too much lol

Legendary Apophis wrote:SuckerPunch out on DVD/Blu-ray, I was thinking about buying that one. Trailer seem crazy lol.

I wouldnt buy it, rent or download instead. It's good and very different but still the kind of movie you will only watch once.

Re: Few movies I watched in the last couple of week

Posted: Fri Sep 09, 2011 1:17 pm
by Noobert
Noobert wrote:I've watched all but Friends with Benefits, and I can say most of them felt like B grade (if that) as opposed to some of the greater movies that have come out over the years.

What did you think of Sucker Punch mate ???

Friends with Benefits.... not terrible for a Chickflick, but still a chickflick if ya know what I mean. If you want a movie that will keep your misses happy watch this then ask her for a game of tennis.

Mmm..Sucker Punch eh? To sum it up, I never watched it all because it was trippy as **Filtered** and I was drunk so I couldn't really follow it's train of thought. I'm going to redownload it since I'm out of booze to see if I can't figure out what the hell is going on in that damn film. :smt042

Looked weird, but worth a watch. How good it still to be judged. It is +10 trippy though, definitely.

Hahahaha, I'll be sure to point a few women that way for chick flicks as well. :smt110

Re: Few movies I watched in the last couple of week

Posted: Fri Sep 09, 2011 2:11 pm
by RepliMagni
Aye, there was nothing wrong with Source was a bit of fun. Just thought it didn't pull off the cleverness it was aiming for...

Just watched Limitless. I liked it...something different and quirky - loved the swings between highs and lows.

[spoiler]Alternate ending on the dvd sucked. So glad they didn't use it.

My biggest problem with it was if he was hyper-intelligent, why did he keep doing stupid things? Going to a loan shark? Forgetting to pay the mean angry loan shark? Forgetting to eat?, etc.

Yes, I get that the drug made him out of control at times, but still he was doing some pretty stupid things when he wasn't massively overdosed.[/spoiler]

Anyways, I think those kinds of movies are always good....everyone likes the idea of being hyper-intelligent, of remembering everything, of being better than we are. Look at this film, or Good Will Hunting, or A Beautiful Mind, etc.

Hmm....tomorrow's film. Either Ironclad, F&F5 or Unknown....

Re: Few movies I watched in the last couple of week

Posted: Fri Sep 09, 2011 3:21 pm
RepliMagni wrote:Aye, there was nothing wrong with Source was a bit of fun. Just thought it didn't pull off the cleverness it was aiming for...

Just watched Limitless. I liked it...something different and quirky - loved the swings between highs and lows.

[spoiler]Alternate ending on the dvd sucked. So glad they didn't use it.

My biggest problem with it was if he was hyper-intelligent, why did he keep doing stupid things? Going to a loan shark? Forgetting to pay the mean angry loan shark? Forgetting to eat?, etc.

Yes, I get that the drug made him out of control at times, but still he was doing some pretty stupid things when he wasn't massively overdosed.[/spoiler]

Anyways, I think those kinds of movies are always good....everyone likes the idea of being hyper-intelligent, of remembering everything, of being better than we are. Look at this film, or Good Will Hunting, or A Beautiful Mind, etc.

Hmm....tomorrow's film. Either Ironclad, F&F5 or Unknown....

Unknown is defo the one to go for in that selection if same as me you liked Bourne + Taken. Really good story & acting with some nice plot twists & action.

Ironclad was alright, simple story of medevil sword & sieges, but in that genre it's nothing compared to films like Joan or Arc or Kingdom of Heaven.

F&F5 I havent seen, mostly because I didnt much like F&F3&4 lol

Re: Few movies I watched in the last couple of week

Posted: Fri Sep 09, 2011 10:29 pm
by Noobert
I enjoyed Fast Five, but only from the aspect of cars. There's not been any other movie that I can recall with a story line such as this. It's unique, and I love unique in all aspects of life.

The best part about Fast Five though was The Rock vs Vin Diesal. Just win. :smt047

PS: There's a Fast and Furious 6 coming too.