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Account Taken off Vacation

Posted: Sat Oct 08, 2011 2:54 pm
by stratigize
So the day before the whole server issue i had set Vacation mode... I am currently in Afghanistan and things got really busy so i needed to go away.... I was just told today by Chacho... Thanks. That my account was not on Vacation Mode...

I have lost alot since the vacation didnt work. I lost a 300k UP planet. a 90k UP planet. I had Millions of Weapons SAB'd away.

Chacho said there was a 4 hour Rollback done... So he believes that may have been what reset my Vacation mode.

Can someone please figure out what the heck happened... Im pretty pissed that my account never got vacationed and ive been a farm to everyone for almost the last Month.

my ID is 1912374


Re: Account Taken off Vacation

Posted: Sat Oct 08, 2011 3:08 pm
by Juliette
There was an unforeseen rollback to the backup of September 11.
I presume you set vacation mode on the 12th?
Then that is what happened, you were reset to a time where you weren't on Vac mode.

Re: Account Taken off Vacation

Posted: Sat Oct 08, 2011 3:13 pm
by stratigize
Ya thats what Chacho said..... He told me they did a rollback that was about 4 hours so i had prolly set Vac on that time.

I understand Admin was having issues. Im just pissed that Ive been a farm the last month and lost Trillions worth of NAQ in planets and weapons.

For the fact that i had no way of knowing i wasnt on vacation because if i logged back in then it would take me off vacation anyway.

The other thing that irritated me was I had a really good reason to be on Vacation and nothing could change that.

Re: Account Taken off Vacation

Posted: Sat Oct 08, 2011 3:43 pm
by Juliette
I would be equally as pissed. That is quite a lot to lose, and especially painful if you are out serving your country and its allies.
Unfortunately, we cannot give advance notice of unforeseen situations. I hope you can recover from your losses by attacking your enemies with a vengeance.
A month of being farmed should give you a substantial list of new foes?

All we can do is try to prevent situations like this in the future, as much as lies within our competence. :)

Re: Account Taken off Vacation

Posted: Sat Oct 08, 2011 4:21 pm
by Lithium
ask admin to roll back yr acc again to the date u set vac.

Re: Account Taken off Vacation

Posted: Sat Oct 08, 2011 6:40 pm
by stratigize
If i do that wont that cause everyone that gained off me to lose? I dont need others to be mad at me?

Re: Account Taken off Vacation

Posted: Sat Oct 08, 2011 6:42 pm
by stratigize
Also to add on to this.. I havent done anything to my account in case something does happen.. I logged on to look at it and thats it. No banking was done, no spying, attacking, buying anything or training anything was done