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Chinas 1 child policy, is it wiping out the Chinese as...

Posted: Thu Oct 27, 2011 8:19 am
by [KMA]Avenger
a race?

Did any Brit see the short report on the BBC 2 or 3 nights ago? what it showed was because of the Chinese Govts 1 child policy, women are now going to backstreet abortion clinics and getting the sex of the baby, if it is not a boy they get the pregnancy terminated because of pressure heaped on Chinese women by family, friends and peers. if a woman has a girl they more or less become a laughing stock. i can't remember the figure quoted in the report but i believe they said that men now out number women by 5 to 1 (please correct me if am wrong). regardless of the figure quoted, men outnumber women.

That's obviously not good, and the next generation are going to have major problems. now i know what some will say, "but there are like 1 billion+ Chinese and so it's not a bad idea", or words to that affect. but if you think about it...the Chinese could become a dead race in just a few short generations.

What are your thoughts.

Re: Chinas 1 child policy, is it wiping out the Chinese as..

Posted: Thu Oct 27, 2011 9:03 am
by Kit-Fox

Re: Chinas 1 child policy, is it wiping out the Chinese as..

Posted: Thu Oct 27, 2011 9:35 am
by Juliette
There is no 'Chinese race'. The Han will survive.

Re: Chinas 1 child policy, is it wiping out the Chinese as..

Posted: Thu Oct 27, 2011 10:15 am
Very old story, I remember hearing of Chinese people drowning baby girls a decade ago when they couldnt find out the sex before birth.

Whole worlds population is out of control, they say Ethiopia's population is set to double in the next 10 years, people having 8 children in a country that has regular famines and can barely feed the population it already has. Lots of 'developing' countries have similar problems, the worlds population is about to hit 7 Billion, will be 8 billion my 2050 and over 10 billion by 2100, it's totally unsustainable and without a major war or plague of some sort we're screwed as a species.

In principal I agree with population control, limiting children per family, but obviously it has to be done in a civilised way ( ie NOT like the old China ).

Re: Chinas 1 child policy, is it wiping out the Chinese as..

Posted: Thu Oct 27, 2011 10:37 am
by Juliette
I suggest engineering a killer epidemic.

Re: Chinas 1 child policy, is it wiping out the Chinese as..

Posted: Thu Oct 27, 2011 10:47 am
Juliette wrote:I suggest engineering a killer epidemic.

Replicators maybe ? lol

ps Im sooooo glad you said epidemic, one of my pet hates is the use of the word... oh can barely bring myself to type it 'Pandemic'. Last few years the media has latched onto it and used in place of epidemic, everytime I hear 'Pandemic' on the news all I can think is those poor Epidemiologists all made redundant lol

Re: Chinas 1 child policy, is it wiping out the Chinese as..

Posted: Thu Oct 27, 2011 10:59 am
by Legendary Apophis
Juliette wrote:I suggest engineering a killer epidemic.

There are already such things in Africa...(malaria, AIDS,...)

Also this is very NWOish to suggest such thing. :-"


On topic, I think China population won't disappear, it's bit pessimistic to say so. Also, that ratio you talk about also happens in India. However, it might cause sort of slowing into population growth. I agree though it's worrying that they consider having a daughter as a negative thing/even a shame. :shock:

Re: Chinas 1 child policy, is it wiping out the Chinese as..

Posted: Thu Oct 27, 2011 11:09 am
Legendary Apophis wrote:
Juliette wrote:I suggest engineering a killer epidemic.

There are already such things in Africa...(malaria, AIDS,...)

Also this is very NWOish to suggest such thing. :-"

Said it before in various threads as it applies to most things 'All growth is unsustainable, stability is what people should work towards'.


People like to assume a higher power is controlling things, used to be religion, now it's politics & money, I think the sad truth is there is no grand plan, god or Mr Big at the top, there is only greed and competition.

Re: Chinas 1 child policy, is it wiping out the Chinese as..

Posted: Thu Oct 27, 2011 11:11 am
by Legendary Apophis
Legendary Apophis wrote:
Juliette wrote:I suggest engineering a killer epidemic.

There are already such things in Africa...(malaria, AIDS,...)

Also this is very NWOish to suggest such thing. :-"

Said it before in various threads as it applies to most things 'All growth is unsustainable, stability is what people should work towards'.


People like to assume a higher power is controlling things, used to be religion, now it's politics & money, I think the sad truth is there is no grand plan, god or Mr Big at the top, there is only greed and competition.

I just meant that "killer epidemy" is listed in the conspiracy theorists' list about what's NWO "masterplan". That does NOT mean I believe there is a NWO. I just stated this reminds me about what conspiracies suggest that NWO's plan includes such a thing.

Regulated birth control I would be in favour. However, any other thing (ie: Aschen's plan for Earth in Stargate SG1), no.

Re: Chinas 1 child policy, is it wiping out the Chinese as..

Posted: Thu Oct 27, 2011 11:20 am
by Jack
The population isn't unmanaged, the wastefulness of capitalism is. Every night, my store throws out enough food to feed multiple tamils for a week or more. I'm not saying all waste is avoidable. But a lot, probably most, is.

Re: Chinas 1 child policy, is it wiping out the Chinese as..

Posted: Thu Oct 27, 2011 12:20 pm
by [KMA]Avenger

He means these guys...


Re: Chinas 1 child policy, is it wiping out the Chinese as..

Posted: Thu Oct 27, 2011 12:24 pm
by Legendary Apophis
Hahaha nice one! Wrestlers to take over the world! :D

Re: Chinas 1 child policy, is it wiping out the Chinese as..

Posted: Thu Oct 27, 2011 12:34 pm
by [KMA]Avenger
Haven't you heard...they rule China :shock: now you know where the 1 child policy comes from :-$ :-D

Sorry to derail my own topic 8-[

Re: Chinas 1 child policy, is it wiping out the Chinese as..

Posted: Thu Oct 27, 2011 1:27 pm
by Jack
Stay on topic