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Question and idea for us Brits to contemplate.

Posted: Fri Oct 28, 2011 5:00 am
by [KMA]Avenger
Many if not all British members of this forum oppose the EU. question, would a permanent general strike by the British people (not the trade unions as i believe that is illegal?), be the best and quickest way to remove all the corrupt politicians as well as the treasonous monarchy, especially the queen whom upon her coronation swore to protect the English constitution??

All 6 (or is it 7?) EU treaties are illegal under the British common law based constitution, so there is no need to repeal them, just dump them and tell the EU to go **Filtered** itself. we could then go after all the traitors who allowed EU rules and regs to supplant our constitution, and also issue international arrest warrants for the heads of the EU for crimes against the British people, corruption of our politicians and attempted overthrow of our system of Govt and constitution. as well as all the banksters for international crimes of financial terrorism.
Some will laugh thinking it's impossible, we've gone to the deepest depths of the ocean, we put men on the moon and we split the atom...nothing is impossible, especially for the British people when they unite and stand as 1 and say in a single voice, NO MORE!

@KF, before you start on about the constitution, it's agreed that we have a constitution but is defunct due to the treasonous German monarchy, justice system, the courts, barristers, the judges and especially the police...agreed?

Anyways, i personally believe and have done for many years (even BEFORE i understood just who runs the world and what they are doing), that the only way to get the Govt and our politicians to do what we want is to march en-mass on the houses of parliament (even if the police try to stop us), and camp outside and not move till such time as our politicians either acquiesce to public will, they step down or we remove them all from office, and if possible, bring the whole of London to a standstill.

What say ye Brits?

Sits back to await the obvious responses.

Edit, non-Brits are also invited to debate, but beware, i don't care what you think this would do to either your beloved EU or your country's economy, i only care about my country and what's been-and continues to be done to it!

Re: Question and idea for us Brits to contemplate.

Posted: Fri Oct 28, 2011 5:14 am
by Juliette
You realise the concept of a general strike is going to harm no one but your own country, right?
Having said that, good luck. Just saying, you'd still be living in caves if it weren't for guided advancement.
It's like firing a shotgun at a mosquito.

If you're going to do that strike thingy, I recommend 2012, when there's that pesky World Religion Festival in London, the Olympics.

Re: Question and idea for us Brits to contemplate.

Posted: Fri Oct 28, 2011 5:33 am
by [KMA]Avenger
LO@ the 2012 religious-end of the world nuts and the pathetic olympics!

As for the rest, you do realise that staying in the EU and trying to get out via non-existent referendum promises will result in the UK being dragged down with the rest of the EU when it collapses.

No one said it would be easy, hence the call by some for more drastic measures to kick out the EU and bring those responsible to justice.

Anyways, a general strike is not drastic, it's telling the Govt we no longer consent to them TELLING US what can and cannot be done...we tell them, they don't tell us. they can only get away with we are willing to let them get away with ;)

Re: Question and idea for us Brits to contemplate.

Posted: Fri Oct 28, 2011 8:54 am
by Kit-Fox

Re: Question and idea for us Brits to contemplate.

Posted: Fri Oct 28, 2011 9:31 am
by Amar
Educate me more upon the EU so that I may participate in this conversation. As a dumb, fat american I am sitting here holding my cheeseburger thinking the European Union was merely a financial thing and can't seem to connect how it is responsible for you're politicians being corrupt **Filtered**... i mean seriously.. America isn't in the EU and look! we've got a plethora of douchers in power.

But you know what... go for it! Weaken your own currency, but America sucks right now, so not like we're gonna bail you out...

Re: Question and idea for us Brits to contemplate.

Posted: Sat Oct 29, 2011 4:42 am
by [KMA]Avenger
Lets just agree to disagree. i know for a fact we have a written constitution, it is called Magna Carta AND the Bill of Rights. both of which have been upheld in the past by the ruling monarchs of long ago and by the courts.
Also, MANY people of note from history have also stated that the US constitution is based on the UK's constitution.
As for case law, all that does is set a legal president...for instance, we have a constitution, just because a court/judge over-rules the constitution and sets a legal president does not make it legal or a law of the land. the laws have to obey the constitution, and as i have shown, if a law is found to be unjust it can and should be struck down.
the Magna Carta and the Bill of Rights is the law of the land, anything else is not valid and illegal.

Regardless, we agree to disagree.

Amar wrote:Educate me more upon the EU so that I may participate in this conversation. As a dumb, fat american I am sitting here holding my cheeseburger thinking the European Union was merely a financial thing and can't seem to connect how it is responsible for you're politicians being corrupt **Filtered**... i mean seriously.. America isn't in the EU and look! we've got a plethora of douchers in power.

The EU was started as an economic common market which evolved into a bureaucratic monster and a nightmare for small businesses. the same thing is going on in the US which is why you have an open boarder with Mexico. go read about the NAU (North American Union) and the new currency for north America, the Amero.

Amar wrote:But you know what... go for it! Weaken your own currency, but America sucks right now, so not like we're gonna bail you out...

Actually, the federal reserve which is not federal and does not have any reserves is not part of the US Govt, it is a private bank. the US supreme court has ruled many times the Fed are a private bank...according to your constitution, this is unconstitutional because the US constitution grants the sole privilege of the creation of money to the congress. the congress CANNOT pass those rights to a private bank.
Anyways, the Fed are bailing out EVERYONE, the Fed just gave a few billion to some electric car manufacturer...the trouble is that these cars will be made in Finland, no US jobs.
The Fed are also bailing out whole nations as well as the IMF and plenty of foreign banks.

Re: Question and idea for us Brits to contemplate.

Posted: Sat Oct 29, 2011 5:00 am
by Dubby_CompGamerGeek2
KMA, I suggest you look at how the Occupy Wall Street movement is succeeding, which is good,

and being threatened by the government...

though with your police being different than ours... it might also work out differently...

but if the accusations which have made about OWS camps prove true,

(and I doubt the crimes will be attributed to OWS people),

eventually, violent crimes... likely by outsiders / passers-by,
and specific public sanitation issues in a camp-like setting
will start to trump the current positive opinion of OWS...

regardless of where the blame truly lies. :(

Re: Question and idea for us Brits to contemplate.

Posted: Sat Oct 29, 2011 7:41 am
by Kit-Fox