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What's it all about!?!

Posted: Thu Nov 03, 2011 3:06 am
by [KMA]Avenger
We have in this section of the forum many subjects ranging from NWO related issues, banking issues, economic issues, fluoride (but i would rather say "poison") issues, the EU issues, TSA and body scanner issues, Govt issues and so on. but ultimately what are these topics all about, i would say "FREEDOM". without freedom nothing ABSOLUTELY SWEET FA really matters...does it?

Govt is encroaching into every aspect of our lives, this is self evident and not open for debate because we can see it and feel it every waking day in our current times.
Some will say "but without Govt protecting us those turban wearing evil bogey men are hiding under our beds just waiting to jump out and get us", well, the stats say you have a greater chance of dying from a bee sting...what should we do, declare war on the bees?!

Other's will say "but without Govt there will be anarchy", what a load of crap! people crave the status quo, and when that status quo is ripped out and a new status quo replaces the old one people again conform to the new status quo. this is heard mentality and i see it sickens me like nothing else!

Me personally, i want freedom, total freedom and nothing less than total freedom, if that means i hate the EU, then i hate the EU and nothing will change my mind. if that means i hate my Govt and all the cameras on every street corner and all the be it! if that means that Govt is now my enemy...i am as happy as Larry and couldn't give a flying one!

As we all know, Ron Paul is trying to get the Republican nomination, and Jesse Ventura may join him if he gets the nomination or if Paul does not get the Republican nomination, will go the independent route. Regardless, if RP becomes President next year i will be taking my family to the US and immigrating.

So, staying within the context i have outlined in the first 4 paragraphs...what's it all about?

Re: What's it all about!?!

Posted: Thu Nov 03, 2011 3:18 am
by Kikaz
It's all about the womenz an the Lulz, duh!

Re: What's it all about!?!

Posted: Thu Nov 03, 2011 3:23 am
by [KMA]Avenger
Oh how insightful of you :smt015

Re: What's it all about!?!

Posted: Thu Nov 03, 2011 3:25 am
by Kikaz

Re: What's it all about!?!

Posted: Thu Nov 03, 2011 3:29 am
by [KMA]Avenger
So you commented on something you didn't even wonder the world is **Filtered**!
You deserve everything you get.

People like you sicken me!

Re: What's it all about!?!

Posted: Thu Nov 03, 2011 3:38 am
by Kikaz
[KMA]Avenger wrote: People like you sicken me!

Whoah Kimosabe I don't know karate, I know Kra-azy.

Re: What's it all about!?!

Posted: Thu Nov 03, 2011 3:43 am
by [KMA]Avenger
Maybe this kind of subject matter is beyond your ability to comprehend :-k

Re: What's it all about!?!

Posted: Thu Nov 03, 2011 3:44 am
by RepliMagni
Kikaz wrote:
[KMA]Avenger wrote: People like you sicken me!

Whoah Kimosabe I don't know karate, I know Kra-azy.

Are you drunk?! :P

Freedom is an abstract concept? I currently have the freedom to do what I want, go where I want, eat what I want, sleep with who I want (well, within reason :P), and all within a fairly safe environment. Oh, and I've never paid income tax in my life - Wesley Snipes ftw :D

In your world KMA, you might have more of what you call "freedom" but how many other liberties that you take for granted everyday will you lose? Personally, I quite like the status quo....suits me just fine :smt050

Re: What's it all about!?!

Posted: Thu Nov 03, 2011 3:44 am
by Legendary Apophis
Kikaz wrote:TL;DR

Isn't it the
Board index ‹ Misc ‹ Debate Central ‹ General intelligent discussion topics
though? :-k (contrary to temple of spam)

Otherwise to answer your question Avenger, I GREATLY DESPISE anarchy and stick to Hobbes' theories regarding it. What a realistic man he was! You put way too much faith into humanity G to believe a world without governments will be "heaven"! Freedom for rules of jungles oh yeah! #-o

Re: What's it all about!?!

Posted: Thu Nov 03, 2011 3:46 am
by Ashu
Cut the spam. Now.

Re: What's it all about!?!

Posted: Thu Nov 03, 2011 4:05 am
by [KMA]Avenger
Legendary Apophis wrote:
Kikaz wrote:TL;DR

Isn't it the
Board index ‹ Misc ‹ Debate Central ‹ General intelligent discussion topics
though? :-k (contrary to temple of spam)

Otherwise to answer your question Avenger, I GREATLY DESPISE anarchy and stick to Hobbes' theories regarding it. What a realistic man he was! You put way too much faith into humanity G to believe a world without governments will be "heaven"! Freedom for rules of jungles oh yeah! #-o

Jim, for the last time...i am NOT in favour of the abolition of Govt and the rule of anarchy in any form whatsoever. you think i want to see a Mad Max or road warrior type civilisation for all of us? :?
It's obvious even to the blind that we are not ready for total self governance, but that will only change with education, and self empowerment through knowledge and the pursuit of truth and not war. Love is the ONLY truth, when we learn to love ourselves and each other we will then and only then be able to live without any form of Govt...till then, we are not ready, end of story, period!

Ps, sorry for earlier outburst, it's not people that sicken me, it's the attitude. the attitude of today's generation is that of an wonder Govt sits on top of us from cradle to grave.

Re: What's it all about!?!

Posted: Thu Nov 03, 2011 4:11 am
by Coulson
Heaven, Hell, Earth. It's all the same place.
Freedom doesn't change that.

Within the context of your first four paragraphs, it's all about Freedom.
But that's just the way you wrote it. Directional writing, doesn't that go against MY freedom?

Re: What's it all about!?!

Posted: Thu Nov 03, 2011 4:19 am
by [KMA]Avenger
That's not what i wrote, the last 2 paragraphs were my opinion. feel free to comment on them but ultimately that's not what the thread was about...

But hey, if you feel the need to comment on the whole of the OP, be my guest and i will protect your right to do so, even to disagree with any part of it :-)